Prose 生活隨筆: Reflection on the 500th Post (my old blog) 第 500 篇貼文的感想(舊部落格)

(This post was published on my old blog on April 18, 2022.)
(這篇貼文在 2022 年 4 月 18 日發表於我的舊部落格。)

This 500th post is also my 200-day streak of posting on this blog. It’s really not easy. I often think about quitting and can’t sustain writing any longer. Somehow I am still writing. Here I want to encourage myself not to fall into the trap of chasing trends and chasing the number of “likes” and forgetting my own value and the purpose of having this blog. Be brave and be free. Throw away the baggage of pleasing others and striving for perfection.

Next, I probably should try a different way to create and to rediscover the excitement of making a creation. Or, simply record the animals, plants or travel information that I researched. Believe it or not, I noticed that I have learned a lot through this writing process. It’s all good.

In addition, I also have to let go of the pressure of chasing the number of streak days. The funny thing is that this is the pressure I put on myself. Is this a competition habit cultivated since I was a child? I really can’t understand why. I suddenly had this realization this early morning, and I hope this is the first step towards “being free”. I suddenly felt relieved.

這第 500 篇帖文也是我在這個部落格連續 200 天登出的帖文。真的很不容易。常常撐不下去,想放棄,但是不知道怎麼也就撐過來了。在這裡我想鼓勵自己,不要落入追逐潮流,追求「按讚」次數的網羅中,而忘了自己的價值以及有這個部落格的目的。要勇敢! 要自由自在的! 丟下取悦他人及追求完美的包袱。



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