Prose 生活隨筆: Reflection on the 200th Post (my old blog) 第 200 篇貼文的感想(舊部落格)

(This post was published on my old blog on April 22 5, 2021.)
(這篇貼文在 2021 年 4 月 22 日發表於我的舊部落格。)

I can’t imagine that this is my 200th post in less than a year after I started blogging. I am more surprised that I have a 70-day streak going into this 200th post. Whenever I publish a post, the system will notify me how many days of streak that I am at. I don’t remember when I started noticing the streak. Once I notice the streak, I’ll by all means try to maintain the streak. But it is not easy. Sometimes I feel that I am inexplicable. I don’t know why I give myself so much pressure. I just want to call it a day sometimes but at the same time I feel it is a pity to give it up so easily. Then I prayed and left it to God. If God gives me the inspiration to write then I continue my streak. But if I don’t have anything in my tank, too many distractions or on the road traveling, then so be it. Once I entrust the pressure of maintaining the streak to God, I feel relieved. Now with the mentality of counting blessings, I feel much better counting one day at a time.

Whether in Chinese or English, I have never been a person who can communicate eloquently, let alone writing. It is not easy for me to write. But I decided not to wait for one day… One day I will be good at writing. I just simply started writing. I use this tool to write my notes as I learn the flowers, birds or any things that I encounter. I also write inspirational thoughts or words that come to my mind. There are many things that I need to improve but they do not hold me back. I can improve one post at a time. I hope I can inspire you to step out and not be afraid of failure. Just do it. To write, sing, dance, paint…


不論是中文還是英文,我從來不是個伶牙俐齒善用言辭溝通的人,更不用提寫作了。但我決定不要等將來有一天⋯ 不等有一天文筆好了才動手,我豁出去了,不管顏面,就開始寫。我把這部落格當成我的筆記本,不管是花草樹木,還是飛禽走獸,記下我學到的知識或觀察的現象。當我內心有觸動時,也寫下勵志靈感。雖然仍有許多需要改進的地方,但我報著改進一篇算一篇的心態,慢慢往前邁進。我希望藉此文章能鼓勵你踏出第一步,不因害怕失敗而裹足不前,寫作、唱歌、跳舞、畫畫⋯都可。就去做了。

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