Prose 生活隨筆: Reflection on the 400th Post (my old blog) 第 400 篇貼文的感想(舊部落格)

(This post was published on my old blog on January 9, 2022.)
(這篇貼文在 2022 年 1 月 9 日發表於我的舊部落格。)

It seems that I should write something for the milestone of this 400th post. However I have many thoughts in my head but can’t utter any clear views. So I am going to just write a few things that I am grateful for.

My granddaughter turned one year old recently. It seemed impossible to celebrate her birthday in person under many challenging circumstances. But after all, I am happy that the whole family can gather together to celebrate her birthday in person. The innocent smile/laugh from a child can always dissolve the sorrow of an adult. I am very grateful for the joy this little toddler brings us.

Year 2021 seems to be an eventful year. Several weeks ago my younger daughter suddenly was admitted to the emergency room and then stayed in the intensive care unit for a few days. When I first heard the news, I was a little bit shocked but I felt at peace. I sensed and believed that God would bring her out of danger. Indeed, He did. She was discharged from the hospital without surgery. Although she has some health conditions that need to be adjusted and treated. I thank God for His care and protection and believe that she will get better gradually.

If you read my blog for a while, you might know that my dad had a stroke in July of 2021. On a couple of occasions, his condition was so severe that he seemed to be unable to sustain his life. Although he is still lying in the hospital, it is unbelievable when we greet him now and he will wave back in response. When we ask him questions, he will nod, shake his head; or finger gesturing 1 or 2 to answer multiple-choice questions. Thank God for letting us experience this Almighty God (El Shaddai). Moreover because of Taiwan’s health insurance regulations, my sister and brother have to move dad to different hospitals every few weeks. This matter seems to be fraught with difficulties. But thanks to our faithful God, He always provides whenever we seem to have nowhere to go. Thank Him for allowing us to experience this aspect of Yahweh Yireh.



2021 年似乎是多事之秋。前一陣子我的小女兒突然進了急診室,又住進加護病房數天。剛一聽到消息時有些驚愕,但心裡平安,相信神會帶她脫離險境,果真她能不需要開刀而出院。雖然她有一些身體健康的狀況需要慢慢調整及治療,但我感謝神的保守,也相信她會慢慢好轉。

如果你看我的部落格一陣子的話,你可能會知道我的爸爸在 2021 年 7 月腦中風,有幾次他的情況嚴重,好像快撐不下去了。雖然他現在仍躺在醫院裡,但難以置信的是,我們現在跟他打招呼,他會揮手回應。我們問他問題,他會點頭、搖頭或比 1 或 2 來回答選擇題。感謝神讓我們經歷這全能的神 (El Shaddai)。另外因為臺灣的健保規定,我的妹妹及弟弟也要每隔幾個禮拜去找不同的醫院及醫生。這件事似乎難關重重。但是感謝我們信實的神,每當我們好像走頭無路的時候,祂都有供應。感謝祂讓我們經歷神必預備 (Yahweh Yireh) 的這一面。

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