Prose 生活隨筆: 2021 Go Home (Taiwan) 2

(This post was published on my old blog on August 5, 2021.)
(這篇貼文在 2021 年 8 月 5 日發表於我的舊部落格。)

When I was looking for a quarantine hotel, my considerations were having a window (preferably can be open), desk, three meals included, room size at least 177 sq. ft., and affordable price. I didn’t think I’d come to Kaohsiung. Although it is far away from home, it takes about 2-4 hours by car, but the price is half cheaper than Taipei. I decided to stay in a hotel in Kaohsiung. I am so happy that I get a window room, and I can overlook the famous Love River. The night view is especially beautiful. When I wake up in the middle of the night, I can look out the window and see the night scene of the river.

The Love River (Ai River) is a river (canal) in southern Taiwan. Love River is the spine of Kaohsiung, playing a similar role to the River Thames of London.

當初我在迅速的找防疫旅館時,我的條件是有窗(最好能打開)、有書桌、 包三餐、房間大小至少 5 坪並且價格實惠。沒想到找到高雄來,雖然與家相隔遙遠,約 2-4 小時的車程,但是價錢比台北便宜了一半,最後還是決定來高雄住。我好高興有個窗,而且可眺望有名的愛河,晚上的夜景尤其美麗。半夜醒來的時候,可以望向窗外,看到河邊的夜景。


Recording my bento dishes, the second week is an exact repeat of the first week.

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