Prose 生活隨筆: 2021 Go Home (Taiwan) 5

(This post (under Go Home 6 title) was published on my old blog on October 4, 2021.)
(這篇貼文在 2021 年 10 月 4 日發表於我的舊部落格。)

In the past two or three months, due to the National Health Insurance regulations, my father had to change hospitals and find a new hospital bed every 28 days. This process really brought stress and pressure to us. Although I can understand why the Bureau has such a provision in order to prevent people from abusing the health organization resources (the governmental health insurance benefits are really good in Taiwan), it is really a hard process to go through. We need to find a doctor who is willing to treat my father; arrange a hospital transfer (applying for medical summary record, getting x-rays films, getting a PCR test, calling an ambulance, etc.); find and contact a hospital and wait for an empty bed to become available within the timeframe. However, we experienced God’s rich supply for the first three times of hospital transfer. God also found us a very good caregiver (when we were searching, this caregiver just ended her previous job). Although seeing my father suffering from illness, my heart couldn’t bear it. But at the same time we also know that God is with us and we experience His grace. I have not yet understood God’s will but I believe that God has His purpose in it. I can only learn to rely on God in every step and in every day.

I don’t go to the hospital often so I can’t compare the system I saw in the Taipei Medical University Hospital with other hospitals. This hospital uses a kiosk system to manage hospital admission and discharge business as well as blood drawing services. After drawing a number, you can see on the screen knowing the progress and estimate how long you need to wait before being served. I am impressed by the system and feel It is quite simple. When you need to see a doctor, at each visit you will insert a national health insurance card and use the machine to measure blood pressure. You can also see your registered number and the progress of the visit outside the doctor office. To me this is a time-saving and convenient design. In addition, some hospitals and clinics in Taiwan also take into account the difficulty for an elderly person to see a doctor. They give priority to a person over 85 years old. The smart outpatient registration system will move up elderly people to see a doctor first once the elderly person reports on site. I think these processes and designs are worth mentioning.

在過去兩、三個月裏,因為國民健保的規定,爸爸每28天就需要換醫院,重新找病房,這過程真的給病人家屬帶來緊張及壓力。雖然我能理解健保局為了防犯人民濫用資源(醫院的健保補給福利真的非常好)而有此規定,但是經歷找願意收爸爸的醫生、安排轉院的手續(申請病摘、x 光片、安排做PCR、叫救護車等),接洽及等待空病房能在期限內有,實在不是一件容易的事。前三次我們都經歷到神豐富的恩典,神也給我們找了一個非常好的看護(當我們在尋找時,這位看護剛好結束上一個案子),雖然看到爸爸受病痛,心有不忍,但是同時我們也知道神與我們同在,雖然我尚未明白神的旨意,但我相信神有祂的美意在其中。我只能每一天一步步學習依靠仰望神。

我不常進醫院,所以無法把我看到臺北醫學院附屬醫院的系統與別的醫院來比較,對我來說,這間醫院在辦理進出院的手續流程及抽血服務上,先拿取號碼再用看板來看進度是非常簡單明瞭的。每次看病前,插入健保卡然後用機器測量血壓,在看診外也能看到自己掛的號及看診的進度,對我來說這也是很省時及方便的設計。另外,臺灣有些醫院及診所也相當顧及老人看病的辛勞,有敬老號(85 歲以上高齡)的制度,智慧門診報到系統會在老人報到後,讓老人能有優先權看病,我覺得這些貼心的設計是值得一提的。

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