World Through My Eyes: Ximending 西門町

(This post was published on my old blog on October 6, 2021. My father was hospitalized in 2021. My sister came back from the United States to see my father. She was quarantined in a hotel near Ximending. When I dropped off some fruits to her, this is the Ximending that I saw.)
(這篇貼文在 2021 年 10 月 6 日發表於我的舊部落格。2021 年爸爸住院,妹妹從美國回來看爸爸,在西門町附近的旅館隔離,我送水果給她時,看到的西門町。)

Ximending (西門町) has been called the “Harajuku of Taipei” and the “Shibuya of Taipei”. It is the source of Taiwan’s fashion, subculture, and Japanese culture. Its formation originated from a special entertainment zone planned by colonists in the shape of a tic-tac-toe during the Japanese occupation. The so-called “town” means industrial and commercial district. Ximending has a host of clubs and pubs in the surrounding area. This area is in the Wanhua District in Taipei and it is also the most important consumer district in the Western District of Taipei. The well-known Ximending Pedestrian Area was the first pedestrian area built in Taipei and is the largest in Taiwan. My sister was quarantined at a nearby hotel for 14 days. One day I dropped off some fruits to her early in the morning so I had the opportunity to see the empty streets of Ximending. Then the other day I went in the evening and saw the familiar lively scene of Ximending where lots of people were coming and going.
西門町被稱為“台北的原宿”和“台北的澀谷”。 它是台灣時尚、亞文化和日本文化的源頭。 它的形成源自於日據時代就被殖民者規劃成井字形的娛樂特區。所謂的「町」,就是工商區的意思。西門町周邊地區有許多俱樂部和酒吧。 該區域位於台北市萬華區,也是台北市西區最重要的消費區。 著名的西門町徒步區是台北第一個徒步區,也是台灣最大的徒步區。我妹妹因為在這附近的防疫旅館隔離14天,有一天我一大早送了一些水果給她,因而有機會見到沒有人煙的西門町,另一天是傍晚去,才看到人來人往熟悉的熱鬧西門町。

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