Travel/POI: Kaohsiung - Love River, Restaurants (愛河, 餐館), Taiwan

The Love River originates from Bagualiao, Renwu District, Kaohsiung City. It was probably called "Salt Creek" during the Dutch rule period, and "Sulphur Water" during the Ching Dynasty. In 1895, the river was dredged and turned into a canal during the Japanese rule period, and played an important role in transportation at that time. It was formerly called "Dagou Chuan" and then renamed as "Kaohsiung River”. The origin of the name "Love River" is that in 1948, there was a "Love River Cruise House" along the Kaohsiung River, and after a typhoon, the signboard was damaged, leaving only the word "Love River". Soon after, a couple jumped into the river to die for their love, and a reporter took a photo of the signboard with the word "Love River" on it, which was then spread by the newspaper, and the name of the river began to be popularized. It was later called the "Renai River". The name of “Love River” was officially restored in 1992. It is an important tourist attraction in Kaohsiung. At the end of April of 2023, clusters of orange-red Poinciana flowers decorate the river, which is known as "Love", making it even more romantic. We walked along the Love River and saw the cute dolls at the Kaohsiung Film Archive. We also saw a leaping dragon in front of 40-year-old but soon-to-be-demolished Kaohsiung Ambassador Hotel. We walked through the Avenue of Stars, looking at lithographs of celebrities' names and handprints, recognizing only a handful of them. On the way to the Love River, we also passed by the Holy Rosary Cathedral, the oldest Catholic church in Taiwan, founded in 1859.


Flashback 回顧

In August 2021, I had to go back to Taiwan. At that time, because of COVID, there was a 14-day quarantine policy in Taiwan. Luckily, I stayed in a quarantine hotel next to the Love River, and I was able to relieve my boredom by looking at the beautiful Love River every day. The night view is especially beautiful. When I wake up in the middle of the night, I can look out the window and see the night scene of the river.


Food 吃

Bread is the staff of life. Eating is a very important thing for people like us who love to eat. Sometimes we just eat and gobble and forget to take pictures. I would like to introduce you to a few places where we ate and took photos.

民以食為天, "吃"對我們這種愛吃的人來說,是一件很重要的事。有時我們只顧著吃,狼吞虎嚥後都忘了排照。在此介紹幾家有拍照留念的。

老新台菜十全店 (Old & New Taiwanese Cuisine Shiquan Branch), 高雄市三民區十全三路265號 (Tel: 07 311 8099) 。是非常知名的無菜單料理台菜餐廳,並榮獲美國新聞網CNN和米其林必比登推薦。(It is a very famous no-menu Taiwanese restaurant, and has been recommended by CNN and Michelin Bibendum.)

大溝頂虱目魚米粉湯, 高雄市鹽埕區新樂街198-38號 (Tel: 07 521 4919)。銅板美食,專賣幾款魚肚產品, 鹽埕人的古早味早餐。 (Specializing in several kinds of fish maw products. Traditional breakfast place.)

渡船頭海之冰, 高雄市鼓山區濱海一路76號 (Tel: 07 551 3773)。超大碗公冰品的創始地。(Origin of super big bowl shaved ice)

旗津海產店, 高雄市旗津區廟前路35號 (Tel: 07 571 3130)。(Fresh seafood)

鐘庵, 高雄市鹽埕區五福四路65號 (Tel: 07 521 5488)。是一家日本連鎖日本料理店,第1次進駐台灣,漂洋過海於南部的高雄增設海外分店。(Japanese Restaurant Chain)

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