Travel/POI: Kaohsiung - Great Harbor Bridge, Echo Across the Harbor, Banana Pier, KW2 (大港橋, 大港迴聲, 香蕉碼頭, 棧貳庫), Taiwan

The Great Harbor Bridge, which crosses the third canal of Kaohsiung Harbor, is the first rotating cross-harbor bridge in Taiwan for pedestrians and bicycles. Designed with shells and dolphins in mind, the bridge not only has aesthetic value, but is also practical. It reduces the walking distance to Pier-2 Art Center, KW2, Kaohsiung Music Center, and Banana Pier from 30 minutes down to 5 minutes. It brings a lot of convenience to the public. In order to provide a third canal for boats and yachts to pass through, every day at 3:00 p.m., the Great Harbor Bridge will slowly rotate from connecting the two sides of the bridge to parallel to the two sides of the bridge by 90 degrees, and then back to the original 90-degree rotation. Each rotation time is about 5 minutes and it will also be accompanied by live music. On Fridays and Saturdays, additional rotation of the bridge will be held at 7:00 p.m.. Watching the bridge slowly rotate was a very special experience.


Echo Across the Harbor is located in the Penglai Harbor business area of Kaohsiung Harbor. This public art project was designed by Studio HOU x LIN to recreate the scene of Kaohsiung Harbor in the 1950's with the historical imagery of the crane at Banana Pier hoisting the bamboo baskets filled with bananas and the bustling soundscape of the harbor interpreted with one pendulum clock and 37 copper bells. The musical bells are made by Royal Eijsbouts, a century-old musical bell factory in Holland. The "Great Harbor Echoes" will feature a total of 72 familiar songs, such as Ode to Joy, für Elise, Pomp and circumstance, Doraemon no uta etc. The carillon plays a song hourly (Mon-Thurs 10:00-20:00, Fri-Sun 10:00-21:00) by rapping the bells to produce different scales.

大港迴聲音樂銅鐘廣場座落於高雄港蓬萊商港區,這個公共藝術計畫是由「侯林設計」操刀,重現高雄港50年代場景,以香蕉碼頭起重機吊起盛裝香蕉竹簍的歷史意象,將原來屬於港灣的熱鬧聲景以1座搖擺鐘及37顆銅鐘來詮釋,音樂銅鐘是由荷蘭 Royal Eijsbouts 百年音樂銅鐘製鐘廠製作。「大港迴聲」共收納72首耳熟能詳的樂曲,如快樂頌、給愛麗絲、威風凜凜進行曲、小叮噹主題曲等國際知名作品,透過自動化電子排程,於每日整點進行演奏及報時 (週一至週四 10:00-20:00, 週五至週日 10:00-21:00)。

Banana Pier, originally known as "Banana Shed", is located at Pier 3 of Kaohsiung Harbor. It was a specialized warehouse for banana export in the early days (1950s), and almost all the bananas shipped from all over Taiwan were handled by Kaohsiung Harbor. During this period of time, bananas earned Taiwan a large amount of foreign exchange, and Taiwan earned the name of Banana Kingdom. As the banana export declined, the first floor of the pier's interior space was planned to be used for Taiwan's specialty souvenirs, Banana House of Stories, theme stores, and international cruise port of entry and exit. The second floor was used for sea view banquets.


Located at Pier 2 of Kaohsiung Harbor, KW2 was built in 1914 as a small, brick-walled, tile-roofed, single-story warehouse for storing sugar and exporting it during the Japanese colonial period. After being bombed by the U.S. Army during World War II, it was rebuilt by the government of the Republic of China in 1962 with reinforced concrete columns, Rebar reinforced steel roof frames, and brick walls. There were no supports erected inside the warehouse. It was of significance in terms of architectural and technological history. It was declared by the Kaohsiung Municipal Government as a historical building in 2003. In 2018, KW2 combined the maintenance and reuse needs of cultural assets and carried out restoration work. In addition to preserving the historical architectural elements of the old warehouse, the warehouse was utilized to create a space dedicated to local cultural creativity, dining and exhibitions in Kaohsiung Harbor. The new "KW2" was also built to symbolize the 24-meter long fading figure of the original warehouse through the image of a truss structure. This is a good place for sightseeing and relaxation as well as for viewing the sunset and sea view.

棧貳庫位於高雄港2號碼頭,建於1914年,日治時期是存放砂糖、輸運出口的磚牆瓦頂單層小型倉庫。二次世界大戰期間遭受美軍轟炸,1962年國民政府以鋼筋混凝土柱、力霸鋼筋屋架及磚牆重建,倉庫內並未架設任何支座,有建築史及技術史上的意義,高雄市政府於2003年公告為歷史建築。2018年,棧貳庫結合文化資產風貌的維護與再利用需求,進行修復工作,除了保留老倉庫的歷史建築元素,利用倉庫空間打造專屬高雄港在地文創、餐飲、展覽的空間。並新建「棧前屋」透過桁架結構意象,來標示原始倉庫消逝 24 米長的昔日身影。這裏是個觀光休閒遊憩與觀賞夕陽海景的好地方。

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