Plant: Water lilies (Nymphaea) 睡蓮屬

Water lilies were growing beautifully in the Huntington Library, California, U.S. when we visited in June and July. The Nymphaeaceae family consists of around 70 different species of water lily. Nymphaea is one of the genus. It is a genus of aquatic plants and it has 35 different species in the Northern Hemisphere. Many species are cultivated as ornamental plants. Water lilies are not only decorative, but also provide useful shade which helps reduce the growth of algae in ponds and lakes. Water lilies have several edible parts. The young leaves and unopened flower buds can be boiled and served as a vegetable. The seeds, high in starch, protein, and oil, may be popped, parched, or ground into flour. The white water lily is the national flower of Bangladesh. The blue waterlily is the national flower of Sri Lanka. Water lilies (Nymphaea) and Lotus (Nelumbo) are jewels of the aquatic world. Many people can't tell them apart. You can see the notes below to learn their differences.
六、七月我們去美國加州亨廷頓圖書館參觀時,欣賞到很漂亮的睡蓮。睡蓮科有大約70種不同的睡蓮。睡蓮是水生植物。在北半球就有 35 個不同的種類,許多種被栽培為觀賞植物。睡蓮不僅供觀賞用,而且還有遮陰之用,有助於減少藻類在池塘和湖泊中的生長。睡蓮有幾個可食用的部分,嫩葉和未開的花蕾可以煮熟當作蔬菜,種子富含澱粉、蛋白質和油,可以爆炒、烘乾或磨成麵粉。白睡蓮是孟加拉國的國花。藍色的睡蓮是斯里蘭卡的國花。睡蓮和荷花(蓮花)是水生植物的瑰寶,許多人無法區分它們。您可以查看下面的筆記來了解它們的差異。

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Photo Date: 2023.09.07 Location: The Huntington Library, CA
Photo Date: 2020.08.06 Location: The Huntington Library, CA

Notes 筆記

  • The Nymphaeaceae family consists of around 70 different species of water lily. Nymphaea is one of the genus. It is a genus of aquatic plants and it has 35 different species in the Northern Hemisphere. Many species are cultivated as ornamental plants.
  • Water lilies are not only decorative, but also provide useful shade which helps reduce the growth of algae in ponds and lakes.
  • The white water lily is the national flower of Bangladesh. The blue waterlily is the national flower of Sri Lanka.
  • Water lilies have several edible parts. The young leaves and unopened flower buds can be boiled and served as a vegetable. The seeds, high in starch, protein, and oil, may be popped, parched, or ground into flour.
  • The water lily is an object used repeatedly in the oil paintings of French Impressionist Claude Monet (1840-1926). Monet is widely believed to be the father of the Impressionist movement.
  • Water lilies (Nymphaea) and Lotus (Nelumbo) are jewels of the aquatic world. Many people can't tell them apart. Here are some of the differences:
    • The biggest difference is that water lilies (Nymphaea species) leaves and flowers both float on the water’s surface while lotus (Nelumbo species) leaves and flowers are emergent, or rise above the water’s surface.
    • Water lily flowers and leaves are thick and waxy while the lotus' are thin and papery. A water lily also has a recognizable notch in each leaf.
    • The water lily petal is pointed and creates a star-like bloom; the lotus petal is more rounded, sometimes ruffly.
    • Water lily flowers last longer, up to two weeks, then wilt and fall beneath the water; the lotus has a significant seed pod that continues to grow above the water after the inflorescence has passed.
    • While both attract insects, the lotus fragrance is more subtle. A Water Lily has a strong scent at the time of bloom that later fades.
  • 睡蓮科有大約70種不同的睡蓮。睡蓮是水生植物。在北半球就有 35 個不同的種類,許多種被栽培為觀賞植物。
  • 睡蓮不僅供觀賞用,而且還有遮陰之用,有助於減少藻類在池塘和湖泊中的生長。
  • 白睡蓮是孟加拉國的國花。藍色的睡蓮是斯里蘭卡的國花。
  • 睡蓮有幾個可食用的部分。嫩葉和未開的花蕾可以煮熟當作蔬菜。種子富含澱粉、蛋白質和油,可以爆炒、烘乾或磨成麵粉。
  • 睡蓮是法國印象派克勞德·莫奈(1840-1926)油畫中經常畫的題材。 人們公認莫奈是印象派之父。
  • 睡蓮和荷花(蓮花)是水生植物的瑰寶,許多人無法區分它們。以下是一些區別:
    • 最大的區別是睡蓮的葉子和花朵都漂浮在水的表面上,而荷花(蓮花)的葉子和花朵則是浮出水面的。
    • 睡蓮的花朵和葉子厚而有蠟質,而荷花(蓮花)的則薄而有紙質。睡蓮的每片葉子上都有一個明顯的缺口。
    • 睡蓮的花瓣尖尖的,成星形綻放;荷花(蓮花)瓣比較圓,有時蓬蓬的。
    • 睡蓮花期較長,最長可達兩週,然後枯萎掉入水底;荷花(蓮花)則有一個相當大的種子莢,在花序過去後,它會繼續在水面上生長。
    • 雖然兩者都會吸引昆蟲,但荷花(蓮花)的香氣比較不顯明。睡蓮在盛開時具有強烈的氣味,後來會逐漸淡掉。

Plants Posts 植物的帖子