Dad's Note - Waiting Upon God 6

連結 (link): 中文版 爸爸的筆記 - 【等候神】6

6.1 Where the Spirit of the Lord Is, There is Freedom

2 Corinthians 3:17 Now the Lord is the Spirit, and where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is freedom.

※ Dear Lord, I confess to you that I am an unfree person because I have lost my temper, judged others, went online, etc.

※Lord Jesus, I also know that if I want to get rid of these evil feelings and desires, it is useless to use self-control. Jesus, please take over me and help me to get out of all these earthly bondages, entanglements, and emotionally ungodly attachments. I would like to open myself up and welcome your rich spirit to fill my emotion, mind and body. Attract me to come to you all the time; eat you more; drink you and get close to you.

※ The Holy Spirit fills me. I open my mouth wide to you and please fill me and fill me again. Change my spiritual appetite, continue to increase my thirst for Jesus, and bring me into the exaltedness and freedom of the Son of God. Thank you Holy Spirit.

Continue to patiently practice waiting upon God until you can wait upon God regularly three times a day, morning, afternoon and evening; and then take out this list to see if you can get true freedom without doing those things.
I have no freedom: ________

6.2 People Who Revere My Name

Malachi 4:2 But for you who revere my name, the sun of righteousness will rise with healing in its rays. And you will go out and frolic like well-fed calves.

※Dear Lord, thank you for enlightening me. I often can’t wait upon you quietly because I don’t truly revere you. Lord! Forgive me, please help me to fear you.

※Lord! I also repent to you. I often rely on my own vigor and my own smartness to act so that I am often chased by tension and busyness and even my health is affected. Lord Jesus, I am willing to reverently return what I have (work, ministry, plan and relationship) back to you. I will humble myself and bow down completely before you. May the light of the Lord’s righteousness shine on me and heal me . The ignorant mind and tired body made me deeply awakened that I can’t achieve anything if it weren’t for your hand to push me. Dear Lord, help me truly become a person who reveres your name.

6.3 Trample on the Wicked

Malachi 4:3 Then you will trample on the wicked; they will be ashes under the soles of your feet on the day when I act,” says the Lord Almighty.

※ Dear Lord, I open my heart to get close to you and wait upon you. I believe that you are the God who heals me; you are my redeemer; and benefits for me can’t be found outside of you.

※Lord, I am asking your light of righteousness coming into me and trampling all the wickedness ___ (resentment, control, rejection, fear, suspicion) in me and heal the diseases ______ of my body.

※Lord, many things are really impossible with people, but everything is possible with you. Help me not to give up, continue waiting upon you, remove my impatience. I believe that on the day that you set, all my weaknesses and diseases will be like dust under the soles of my feet. Thank you Lord.

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