Dad's Note - Waiting Upon God 2

連結 (link): 中文版 爸爸的筆記 - 【等候神】2

2.1 Only one thing is indispensable

Luke 10:41-42 “Martha, Martha,” the Lord answered, “you are worried and upset about many things, but few things are needed—or indeed only one. Mary has chosen what is better, and it will not be taken away from her.”

※Lord Jesus, the only thing that you say is indispensable is to take time to sit at your feet and listen to what you want to share with me. Lord, I am willing to respond to your loving call. Please help me and pull me out so I do not get lost in busyness or worry. Jesus, I am your work. Please pull out the thorns and weeds in me. Remove all the obstructions between you and me even though they might be spiritual activities. I am willing to let them go. Jesus, I will continue coming to you, being close to you and loving you.

※Lord Jesus, thank you. Whenever I get close to you, you will get closer to me. I believe that you have done the precious work inside of me. They are far more than I can ask for or think of. Thank you, Jesus.

2.2 The Service that Touches God’s Heart

Matthew 26:12-13 When she poured this perfume on my body, she did it to prepare me for burial. Truly I tell you, wherever this gospel is preached throughout the world, what she has done will also be told, in memory of her.

※Lord Jesus, thank you for enlightening me: It is often that my pursuit and my ministry are not you but _____ (gaining spiritual knowledge, seeking solutions to the problems, and serving more effectively). I am asking for your forgiveness!

※Lord Jesus, please help me to get out of my self-centered life so that I can listen with my heart, understand, and care about what you really care about. Jesus, I will pour all my love on you and to love you. I am willing to take time to understand your heart’s desire.

※Lord Jesus, I love you. Thank you for your love. Thank you for your sweet presence. Help me not to miss any chance to get close to you. Please continue opening me, teaching me, helping me to grow up and mature, learning how to serve you with love so you will be satisfied.

※ (1) Quietly looking unto God so He can tell you what you have done whether touches His heart. Then think about God’s answer to you whether it is out of your expectation. (2) Choose a family member, then look unto the Lord to see what this person needs and do something that touches his/her heart this week.

2.3 Satisfying God’s Desire for Love

Song of Songs 8:4 Daughters of Jerusalem, I charge you: Do not arouse or awaken love until it so desires.

※ May you draw me to you and I will run to follow you. Waiting upon God is to get close to Jesus’ heart, talk to Him and satisfy God’s desire for love.

※ Lord Jesus, I love you… Lord Jesus, I love you: Dear Lord, In the past I didn’t know that you also had a desire to be loved, to gain our love and to hope we will get close to you. Now I understand. Lord, thank you for your enlightenment. I want to seek your face and remember your calling of love.

※ Lord Jesus, I am gazing upon you; I come close to you; I adore you; I give my whole heart and love to you. May your heart be satisfied. Please fill my heart with your love and passions. Satisfy the hunger and thirst in me. Lord! Attract me more deeply, gain my heart, and I will run to follow you.

※ Recall what did you hear that touched your heart the most? Feel it with your heart. Jesus also wants to hear you say something to Him. So while waiting upon the Lord, you might want to say something to Him from your heart.

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