Travel/POI: Thailand 2023.05 -5 Bangkok 泰國曼谷

曼谷(บางกอก,Bangkok)官方名字是恭貼瑪哈納空 (กรุงเทพมหานคร,Krung Thep Maha Nakhon),泰國口語簡稱恭貼 (กรุงเทพ,Krung Thep),是泰國的首都和最大的城市,當地的華人又稱泰京、暹京、盤谷。曼谷為泰國的政治、經濟、貿易、交通、文化、科技、教育和各方面的中心。曼谷的歷史可以追溯到15世紀阿瑜陀耶王國時期,它曾是一個小型貿易站,最終發展成為 1768 年的吞武里王國和 1782 年的拉達那哥欣王國,兩個首都的城市所在地。曼谷於19世紀後期開始進行都市發展。在整個20世紀成為泰國政治鬥爭的中心,並經歷了泰國廢除絕對君主制採用憲政、多次政變和幾次起義等歷史事件。第二次世界大戰期間,暹羅 (泰國) 同日本結盟,因而曾遭盟軍轟炸。戰後的泰國成為美國盟友,曼谷得到美國援助及政府投資,從而快速成長,特別是由於成為越戰美軍的療養地,旅遊業獲得發展。大量農村人口向城區遷移,曼谷的人口在20 世紀 60 年代激增。1972年,曼谷被納入特別行政區。1980年代和1990年代,許多跨國公司將其地區總部設在曼谷,因而它成為金融和商業的區域重鎮、交通和醫療保健的國際樞紐,並也成為藝術、時尚和娛樂中心。由於曼谷的快速增長但缺乏城市規劃,導致曼谷城市景觀雜亂無章,並有嚴重的交通擁堵及空氣污染問題。儘管如此,曼谷仍是世界頂級旅遊目的地之一,多姿多彩的風光、名勝和城市生活吸引著不同的遊客群體。這座城市的印章畫著印度教神因陀羅騎著一頭神聖的白象在雲端。因陀羅手中握著他的武器-金剛杵。這印章是根據納里斯王子的一幅畫設計的。曼谷的象徵樹是垂葉榕/垂榕/白榕。
Bangkok, officially known in Thai as Krung Thep Maha Nakhon and colloquially as Krung Thep, is the capital and most populous city of Thailand. It is Thailand's political, economic, trade, transportation, culture, science and technology, education and other aspects of the center. Bangkok traces its roots to a small trading post during the Ayutthaya Kingdom in the 15th century, which eventually grew and became the site of two capital cities, Thonburi in 1768 and Rattanakosin in 1782. Bangkok was at the heart of the modernization of Siam (Thailand) during the late-19th century. The city was at the center of Thailand's political struggles throughout the 20th century, as the country abolished absolute monarchy, adopted constitutional rule, and underwent numerous coups and several uprisings. As Thailand allied with Japan in World War II, Bangkok was subjected to Allied bombing, but rapidly grew in the post-war period as a result of US aid and government-sponsored investment. Bangkok's role as a US military R&R destination boosted its tourism industry. Disproportionate urban development led to increasing income inequalities and migration from rural areas into Bangkok; its population surged in the 1960s. The city, incorporated as a special administrative area under the Bangkok Metropolitan Administration in 1972. In the 1980s and 1990s many multinational corporations located their regional headquarters in Bangkok. The city is now a regional force in finance, business and pop culture as well as an international hub for transport and health care, and has emerged as a center for the arts, fashion, and entertainment. Bangkok's rapid growth coupled with little urban planning has resulted in a haphazard cityscape, chronic and crippling traffic congestion and severe air pollution. Nevertheless, Bangkok is one of the world's top tourist destinations. Bangkok's multi-faceted sights, attractions and city life appeal to diverse groups of tourists. The seal of the city shows Hindu god Indra riding in the clouds on a divine white elephant. In his hand Indra holds his weapon, the vajra. The seal is based on a painting done by Prince Naris. The tree symbol of Bangkok is Ficus benjamina.

Before returning to Bangkok, we stopped at the durian factory in Chanthaburi Province to enjoy durian again. Who knows when we will come back next time.

從莊他武里府回曼谷,大概要 3 個多鐘頭。我們中途停在一個休息站,每家店面都是光鮮亮麗的色彩,最讓我印象深刻的是廁所,進廁所是得拖鞋子的,可想見廁所多乾淨,女生廁所裏還有沙發供人休息。
It takes about 3 hours to return to Bangkok from Chanthaburi. We stopped at a rest stop on the way. Every store was decorated with bright colors. What impressed me the most was the toilet. You have to slip off your shoes when entering the toilet. You can imagine how clean the toilet is. There is also a sofa in the girls' toilet for people to rest.

我們在曼谷住 SCENE Bangkok Noi Hotel.
We stayed at SCENE Bangkoknoi Hotel in Bankok.

Because of the hot weather, most of the time in Bangkok everyone just wanted to hide at our friend's house, eat, drink, play mahjong, and sing karaoke. No one wanted to go anywhere.

要回臺灣的前一天,我們去 Copper Buffet 包肥,逛賓格老中央廣場購物中心,並且再去享受按摩。
The day before we were going back to Taiwan, we went to Copper Buffet, visited Central Pinklao Shopping mall, and got a massage.

大學畢業 40 年後,我們還能聚在一起旅遊、吃喝玩樂,實在難得。希望以後有機會能再一起出遊,也有更多的同學參加,一起同樂。
Forty years after graduating from college, it is really precious that we can still get together to travel, eat, drink and have fun. I hope that we will have the opportunity to travel together again in the future, and that more classmates/friends will participate and have fun together.

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