Travel/POI: Thailand 2023.05 -3 Chanthaburi 泰國莊他武里府

莊他武里府 (尖竹汶府, Chanthaburi, จันทบุรี) 在印度梵文當中「Chantha」的意思是「月亮」,而「Buri」的意思是「城市」,所以合起來就是「月亮的城市」或「月都」。它與相鄰的達叻府是泰國的主要寶石產地,紅寶石與藍寶石都聞名遐邇。農業則以出產各類熱帶水果和胡椒等經濟作物為主。府徽上展示一個月亮,因為它的名稱是「月城」的意思,月亮中有一個兔子的形狀,按照泰國傳說,玉兔子居住在月亮上,象徵著本地的安寧與平靜。府樹是黄柿 (Diospyros decandra),府花為蘭花。
Chanthaburi (จันทบุรี) in Indian Sanskrit, "Chantha" means "moon" and "Buri" means "city", so it is "city of the moon" or "Moon City". Chanthaburi and the adjacent Trat Province are Thailand's main gem producing areas, especially both rubies and sapphires. Agriculture is mainly focused on the production of various tropical fruits, pepper and other crops. The province seal shows a moon, because its name means "Moon City". There is a rabbit shape in the moon. According to Thai legend, the jade rabbit lives on the moon, symbolizing local peace and tranquility. The province tree is Diospyros decandra, and the province flower is the orchid.

My friends' durian factory is in Chanthaburi Province. Every time we came, my friend prepared durians one by one for us to eat until we were full. And he didn't hesitate to let us try various varieties, some of which might be sky-high prices. And what about us? Like locusts swarming the place, we ate the durians as if we would have no tomorrow. In fact, like most people, we initially felt faint when we heard the word "durian" and thought of "stinky". But after we plucked up the courage to try it, perhaps because in the place of producing, fresh durian has a special aroma and does not smell bad. Everyone eats it with gusto. It is said that durian is a warm-natured fruit, and eating too much can make people heaty. My friends also prepared mangosteen, which is cold-natured fruit, to clear away heaty and balance it. We could always taste a variety of fruits in season when we came here, which made us feel delighted.

我們今晚住在 Loft Hill Resort Chanthaburi。花園般的住處,後面有一條可玩水的小溪。晚上又是豐豐盛盛的一頓。吃完飯還唱卡拉OK自娛。隔天早晨的早餐也很不錯。借用朋友的影片看看吃早餐的環境。
We stayed at Loft Hill Resort Chanthaburi tonight. Garden-like accommodation with a stream at the back. It was another sumptuous meal in the evening. After dinner, we entertained ourselves by singing karaoke. The breakfast the next morning was also very good. Borrow a friend’s video to see what the breakfast environment looks like.

After breakfast we went to a cafe owned by my friend’s daughter for coffees, drinks and desserts. Who would have imagined that a cafe next to a highway and a gas station would have an outdoor garden, like a paradise.

泰國的按摩又便宜又好,莊他武里府離曼谷稍遠,2 小時才 500 泰銖。去讓人按摩一下,非常舒服,經濟實惠。不喜歡按摩的,就去參觀另一個榴槤廠,見識一下榴槤處理的流程,增長見聞。
Massages in Thailand are cheap and good. Chanthaburi is a little further away from Bangkok so massages cost only 500 baht ($25 US) for 2 hours. Go get a massage is very enjoyable and affordable. For those who didn’t like massage, they could visit another durian factory to see the durian processing process and gain more knowledge.

中午在靠著泰國灣的蘭新區 (Amphoe Laem Sing) 吃中飯、休息。這裏真的是喜歡吃海產的人的天堂。
At noon, have lunch and rest at Amphoe Laem Sing, which is by the Gulf of Thailand. Here is really a paradise for people who love to eat seafood.

What a wonderful day ended with singing and dancing by the bay and waiting for the sunset.

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