Travel/POI: Thailand 2023.05 -2 Nakhon Nayok 泰國那空那育府

那空那育府 (坤西育府) (Nakhon Nayok, นครนายก) 是泰國中部省份之一,它距曼谷約為107 公里。它的北部為山林,有許多瀑布及溪澗的源流。中部及南部有數條大河流經過。水產豐富,盛產稻米及大象。省印章上有一頭大象,用鼻子叼著稻穗,象徵著肥沃的稻田,以及有許多大象的森林。背景中的兩堆稻草、樹木和雲彩象徵著這省的自然美景。省樹、省花是彎子木 (金鳳花樹,黃絲棉樹,毛茛樹)(Cochlospermum relgiosum)。
Nakhon Nayok (นครนายก) is one of the central provinces (changwat) of Thailand, which is approximately 107 kilometers away from Bangkok. Its northern part is surrounded by mountains and forests, with many waterfalls and the source of streams. Several large rivers pass through the central and southern parts. It is rich in aquatic products, rice and elephants. The provincial seal shows an elephant holding an ear of rice with its trunk. This symbolizes fertile rice fields, as well as the forests with numerous elephants. In the background two piles of straw, trees, and clouds symbolizing the natural beauty of the province. The provincial tree and flower is the silk cotton tree (Cochlospermum religiosum).

On the way from Historic City of Ayutthaya to Nakhon Nayok, we took a break for lunch at Wat Chulabhorn Wanaram. There is a beautiful bamboo forest tunnel next to it. Walking in it is particularly cool and comfortable in the hot summer.

我們住的那空那育普蒙特拉度假村(Phumontra Resort Nakhon Nayok),後面有一條小河,附近還有一個受歡迎的河濱景點 (Kang Sam Chan)。童心未泯地玩水、喝飲料、聊天、大快朵颐,再來打個"小"牌,充份享受度假情趣。
We stayed at Phumontra Resort Nakhon Nayok, and there was a small river behind it. A popular riverfront spot (Kang Sam Chan) is nearby. Play in the water like a child, drink, chat, feast, and then play a "little" Mahjong to fully enjoy the vacation fun.

Early the next morning, the "early bird team" went out together again. We walked along the artificial river channel in the morning, and the water flowed downward through the terrain, irrigating the crops and fruits on both sides. I also picked up a mango that just fell from the tree, which made me very excited.

吃完早餐後,我們就去昆丹普拉坎川大壩 (Khun Dan Prakan Chon Dam, เขื่อนขุนด่านปราการชล)。這個大壩於2005年完工,高 93 公尺,長 2720 公尺。蓄水量2.24億立方公尺。它是泰國最大的水壩,也是世界上最大、最長的碾壓混凝土(RCC)大壩。泰王普密蓬啟動了大壩工程,以解決那空那育府長期遭受洪水和乾旱的問題。 大壩給那空那育府帶來了以下好處:減少洪水造成的損害、為農業灌溉提供持續供水、為當地社區供水、提供水庫中的魚類資源以及旅遊業和自然景觀。
After breakfast, we went to Khun Dan Prakan Chon Dam (เขื่อนขุนด่านปราการชล), originally named as the Khlong Tha Dan Dam. This Dam was completed in 2005. It is 93m high and 2720m long. It has a storage capacity of 224 million cubic meters of water. It is the biggest dam in Thailand. It is also the largest and longest roller compacted concrete (RCC) dam in the world. His Majesty King Bhumipol initiated the dam project to deal with Nakhon Nayok’s long suffering of a cycle of floods and drought. The dam brings the following benefits to Nakhon Nayok: reducing damage from flooding, constant water supply for agricultural irrigation, water supply for the local community, fish stocks in the reservoir, as well as tourism and natural scenery.

昆丹普拉坎川大壩之後,我們向下一站 - 莊他武里府出發。
After Khun Dan Prakan Chon Dam, we set off to the next stop, Chanthaburi.

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