Bird: Black-collared starling (Gracupica nigricollis) 烏領椋鳥

The black-collared starling is in the family Sturnidae. Its plumage is black and white, with a black collar. It is found in southern China (from Fujian to Yunnan) and most of mainland Southeast Asia (Burma, Laos, Cambodia, Vietnam and Thailand), and has been introduced to Taiwan, Malaysia and Singapore. They live in grassland, dry forest, cultivated areas and human settlements. It feeds on insects, earthworms and seeds. Black-collared starlings are considered a pest because they eat crops. It is a very vocal bird.
烏領椋鳥是椋鳥屬的一種。又名黑領椋鳥,俗名黑脖八哥、白頭椋鳥。它有黑白相間的的羽毛,黑色的色圈。分佈於中國南部 (從福建到雲南) 及東南亞大陸大部分地區 (緬甸、寮國、柬埔寨、越南和泰國),並已引進台灣、馬來西亞和新加坡。它們生活在草原、旱生林、耕地和人類住區。它以昆蟲、蚯蚓和種子為食。烏領椋鳥會吃掉農作物,所以被認為是一種害鳥。這是一種很愛叫的鳥。

Photo Date: 2023.05.07 Location: Bangkok, Thailand

Photo Date: 2024.05.10 Location: Taipei, Taiwan 國父紀念館

Notes 筆記

  • The black-collared starling is 26–30 cm (10–12 in) long. The head is white, with a yellow patch of bare skin around the eye, and a black collar around the neck. The male and female are alike. The juvenile bird is browner and has a streaked neck and breast; it also has an eye-patch but not a collar.
  • This starling lives in grassland, dry forest, cultivated areas and human settlements, mostly occurring at low elevations, but also up to 2,000 m (6,600 ft).
  • This starling forages on the ground, sometimes around livestock. It feeds on insects, earthworms and seeds. Black-collared starlings are considered a pest because they eat crops.
  • It is a very vocal bird.
  • The breeding season has been recorded as February to May in Thailand, March to July in China, and April to August in Burma. The large, domed nest is constructed from twigs, grasses, feathers and flowers. It is built on a tree, and may be re-used. Nesting colonies have been observed. Three to five eggs are laid per clutch.
  • 烏領椋鳥身長 26-30 公分(10-12 英吋)。白色的頭,眼睛周圍有一塊黃色皮膚,脖子上有一個黑色的色圈。雌雄都長得很像。雛鳥是棕色的,頸部和胸部有條紋。它還有一個眼圈,但沒有項圈。
  • 這種椋鳥生活在草原、乾燥森林、耕地和人類住區,大多出現在低海拔地區,但也有高達 2,000 公尺(6,600 英尺)的地方。
  • 這種椋鳥在地面上覓食,有時會在家禽家畜周圍覓食。它以昆蟲、蚯蚓和種子為食。由於黑領椋鳥會吃掉農作物,所以被認為是一種害鳥。
  • 這是一種很愛叫的鳥。
  • 根據紀錄,泰國的繁殖季節為二月至五月,中國的繁殖季節為三月至七月,緬甸的繁殖季節為四月至八月。大的圓頂巢穴是用樹枝、草、羽毛和花朵建造的。它建在樹上,並且可以重複使用。已觀察到築巢群體。每窩產三到五顆蛋。

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References 參考資料