Travel/POI: Thailand 2025.02 Chiang Mai -5. Chilled at Tea Plantation 泰北茶園耍廢

我的大學同學 (吳楚林) 在泰國是個很成功的水果出口商,他也有自己的果園,榴連、山竹、芒果、鳯梨、百香果⋯ 其實我也搞不太清楚他倒底種了多少種水果,因為這些水果種植都有可能會變的,聽到他試種這,試種那,不成功或經濟效益不好就重新換過,這種不怕失敗也承擔得起虧損的試驗精神,讓我瞠目结舌,無怪他是個成功的企業家,他當機立斷的勇氣及判斷能力令我佩服。今年他邀請大學同學去他開發不久的茶園渡假,那幾天在山林原野中享受著閒情逸致的生活,實在美好。

這片茶園是在泰國及緬甸邊境,放眼望去可看到兩國一邊各一個碉堡炮台,聽說以前還有炮彈打過來,留下一個個彈頭在這塊土地上。我們去逛茶園時,也看到以前挖留下來的壕溝。有一天下午,我們在陽台聊天時還聽到一聲槍響聲,真不知道發生了什麼事。在這兩不管的地方,連時間也很混亂,有些人的錶會自動跳出泰國時間,而也有一些人的錶則會出現緬甸時間,有趣的是,它們差半個小時,泰國時間比緬甸時間晚 30 分鐘。當我們要設定聚會集合的時間時,需要花一點功夫溝通清楚。

這塊地在盛產上百年古茶樹的地區,粗壯的樹幹顯示出它們的樹齡,有些樹有可能有六、七百年的樹齡。楚林在 20 年前就買下了這塊地。讓我留下深刻印象的是,他買地是源自於一個夢想。他年輕的時候,當他看到帝王,在山上、在海邊都會有渡假的行宮,他也夢想有朝一日也能在山上及海邊有他自己的土地來享用。他年輕時在海邊有置產養血蛤,所以在海邊有地的夢想很早就實現了。後來他看到山上這塊美地,雖然不知道要做什麼,便買了下來,閒置一邊。穿插一個好笑的事,由於有時他買了地會閒置一旁,久而久之便忘了它,有一天他又看到一塊地他想買,跟別人打聽地主是誰,結果竟然是他自己,真的很好笑。我不知道這塊地到底閒置了多久,總之後來他也雇了人來整理及管理。另一件令我有些不可思議的事是,他之前把這塊地上的一大片老茶樹都砍掉,改種芒果,直到最近才改變主意來做跟茶有關的生意,還聘請專人來傳授他的員工,烘焙茶的技術。他們自產的紅茶、綠茶、白茶、一心一葉的新茶都非常好喝。由此也可看到他投資做生意的機動性。再來看看這裏兩棟房子的來源。我不知道基於什麼原由,楚林在去年大約此時突然想到這裏蓋個自住的房子,他有這個想法後,又快速進行建屋計劃,他找到兩棟要拆掉廢棄的房子,他買下了房子的材料後,就找人在這塊地上重新拚湊組裝,又自己設計了另ㄧ棟有數間衛浴室的房子,有著一個大陽台,可賞月、可聚會。在其中一棟房子前還有室外燒火坑。讓這裡成為一個度假的好地方。至今也才十個月。生意人的腦袋好像永遠都在轉動,之前他把這裏當露營地出租,結果發現事後打掃整理及承擔物品受損的風險,實在不是門好生意,因而作罷。我對不同種人的生活及事業的故事都很好奇並感興趣,這些他人的人生經歷能開闊我的眼界,因此寫下留著紀念。

最後,真心感謝楚林及助教每次不辭辛勞的計劃、安排一切,讓我們吃喝玩樂、交通、住宿全不用操心。助教很低調的一路照料我們吃的、聯絡安排按摩的店家... 很暖心。感激!

Photo Date: 2025.02.11 - 2025.02.14
Before going to the tea garden, we visited Sanchai’s newly developed passion fruit orchard. Because it is so delicious, I have to record it. I wish his passion fruit business prospers.
Mornings and evenings in the tea plantation.
今年 2 月 12 日(泰曆三月十五日, 相當於農曆的正月十五日)是泰國重要的佛教節日「萬佛節」。相傳在釋迦摩尼佛祖悟道後的月圓日,共有將近 1,250 來自不同地區的僧侶,不約而同的前往摩揭陀國王舍城竹林園精舍聆聽佛祖闡述佛法。除泰國外,柬埔寨、寮國、緬甸等地,亦將【萬佛節】定為國定假日,佛教徒通常到寺廟祈福並奉獻,以淨化心靈。我們朋友中有虔誠的佛教徒要到寺廟參與慶典,我們也跟著去看看。
February 12 this year (March 15 in the Thai calendar, equivalent to the 15th day of the first lunar month) is the "Makha Bucha day", an important Buddhist holidays in Thailand. According to legend, on the full moon day after Sakyamuni Buddha attained enlightenment, nearly 1,250 monks from different regions went to the Veḷuvana bamboo grove in Rajgir, Magadha to listen to the Buddha expound the Dharma. In addition to Thailand, Cambodia, Laos, Myanmar and other places also designate the Ten Thousand Buddhas Festival as a national holiday. Buddhists usually go to temples to pray and make offerings to purify their minds. Some of our friends who are devout Buddhists were going to the temple to participate in the celebration, so we went along to take a look.
Visiting a tea plantation is supposed to be a common thing, but who would have thought it would be so surprising and exciting.
Another surprising and interesting visit.
For our last dinner in the tea plantation, we went for hotpot. We didn’t expect that there would be a restaurant within walking distance in the wilderness. Their hotpot was delicious, whether it was beef or pork.
Of course you have to visit the tea factory when you are in the tea plantation. I looked up some information online and pieced together what part of the manufacturing process those machines might be. In short, I have a better understanding of tea making.
English translation of the main article is shown below:

My college classmate, Sanchai, is a very successful fruit exporter in Thailand. He also owns his own orchards, growing durian, mangosteen, mango, pineapple, passion fruit, and more. Actually, I'm not sure how many types of fruit he grows, as the crops might change over time. I've heard him talk about trying to plant various fruits. If something didn't work or the economic returns weren't good, he would switch them out. This experimental spirit, which isn't afraid of failure and can handle losses, truly amazes me. No wonder he’s a successful entrepreneur. I admire his courage and his ability to make quick decisions. This year, he invited our college classmates to vacation at a tea plantation he had recently developed. It was a wonderful experience to enjoy a leisurely time in the mountains and wilderness during those days.

This tea plantation is on the border between Thailand and Myanmar. Looking around, you can see a bunker and a turret on each side of the two countries. I heard that there were artillery shells fired in the past, leaving bullets on this ground. When we walked around the tea garden, we also saw the trenches that were dug in the past. One afternoon, we were chatting on the balcony when we heard a gunshot and we had no idea what happened. In this place where neither of countries governs, even time is confusing. Some people's watches are automatically set to Thailand time, while others' watches will show Myanmar time. Interestingly, they are half an hour apart, with Thailand time being 30 minutes behind Myanmar time. When we set a time to meet, we need to take some time to communicate clearly.

This land is located in an area rich with ancient tea trees, some of which are hundreds of years old. The thick trunks reveal their age, with some trees potentially being six or seven hundred years old. Sanchai bought this land 20 years ago, and what impressed me most was that he purchased it because of a dream. When he was young, he saw that emperors had vacation palaces in the mountains and by the sea. He dreamed that one day, he would have his own land in the mountains and by the sea to enjoy. As a young man, he bought property by the sea and raised clams, fulfilling his dream of owning land by the sea very early on. Later, he came across this beautiful piece of land in the mountains. Although he didn’t know what to do with it, he bought it and left it unused.

Here’s a funny story: sometimes he would buy land and leave it unused. Over time, he would forget about it. One day, he saw a piece of land he wanted to purchase and asked others who the owner was. It turned out that the owner was himself. It was really funny! I’m not sure how long this land had been unused, but eventually, he hired someone to tidy it up and manage it.

Interestingly, Sanchai had previously cut down a large area of old tea trees on this land and replaced them with mango trees. However, he changed his mind and decided to start a tea-related business. He even hired an expert to teach his employees how to roast tea. The black tea, green tea, white tea, and new tea they produce are all very delicious. This shows his flexibility in both investing and doing business.

Now, let’s look at the origins of the two houses on this land. I’m not sure why Sanchai suddenly decided to build his own house here, but this time last year, he had the idea. Once he decided, he quickly began the construction plan. He bought two abandoned houses that were about to be demolished, purchased materials, and hired workers to reassemble the houses on this land. He also designed another house with several bathrooms and a large balcony for moon watching and gatherings. In front of one of the houses, there is an outdoor fire pit. All these additions make it a great spot for a vacation. It's only been ten months.

Business people’s minds are always active. Sanchai had previously rented out the place as a camping site but found it wasn’t a good business model. He had to clean and maintain the site afterward and bear the risk of damage to the items, so he gave up on the idea. I am curious and fascinated by the life and career stories of different people. These experiences broaden my horizons, which is why I write them down to remember.

Finally, I would like to express my sincere gratitude to Sanchai and Sue for their hard work in planning and arranging everything, so that we don’t have to worry about food, entertainment, transportation, and accommodation. Sue was very low-key and took care of our food along the way and contacted the store to arrange massage... It was very heartwarming. Big thanks to them!

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2025.02 Chiang Mai, Thailand 泰國清邁

Travel/Point of Interest Posts 旅遊景點帖子