Travel/POI: Thailand 2025.02 Chiang Mai -3. Doi Pha Hom Pok National Park

Doi Pha Hom Pok 國家公園以前稱為 Mae Fang 國家公園和 Doi Fa Hom Pok 國家公園,靠近緬甸邊境,是泰國最北端的國家公園。在 2000 年成為泰國國家公園之一。 它以美麗的瀑布和溫泉而聞名。Doi Pha Hom Pok 的名字譯為“被毯子覆蓋的山”,指的是覆蓋公園高處的茂密森林。最高峰為 Doi Pha Hom Pok,海拔 2,285 公尺,為泰國第二高峰。

芳縣溫泉 (Fang Hot Spring) 位於 Doi Pha Hom Pok 國家公園的中心地帶。距離清邁市約 150 公里。這些溫泉源自沸騰的花崗岩,溫度為攝氏 90-130 度。它由 50 多個熱水池組成,這些水池分散在這片巨大的區域周圍。你一直都可以看到水花四濺的景象。這些溫泉以其治療功效而聞名,它們提供了放鬆和恢復活力的完美環境。

2015年 2 月底(整整十年前),我們也曾來過這個國家公園,那時有一晚住在公園裏,晚上大家在小木屋後面的陽臺,攤開一堆零食,圍坐聊天,第二天白天在公園的溫泉中煮蛋,蠻好玩的。這次(2025年),我們則是專門到此泡溫泉。據說泡溫泉可以緩解肌肉緊張,改善血液循環,促進身體健康。我們 6 個女生租了一間房一起泡,一間房才 150 泰銖,實在便宜。若沒帶毛巾,也可花 10-15 泰銖租用罩衣及毛巾。溫泉池可自己掌控冷、熱水來調節水溫,泡得非常舒服。之後我們又去市區中按摩,1 小時才 200 泰銖,又便宜又享受,真爽。

Doi Pha Hom Pok National Park formerly known as Mae Fang National Park and Doi Fa Hom Pok National Park, near the Myanmar border is the northernmost national park in Thailand. It has been declared as one of Thailand's national parks since 2000. It is reputed for beautiful waterfalls and hot springs. The name Doi Pha Hom Pok translates to ‘mountain covered by a blanket’, a reference to the thick forest covering the higher elevations of the park. The tallest peak is Doi Pha Hom Pok at 2,285 metres (7,497 ft), the second highest in Thailand.

Fang Hot Spring is located in the heart of Doi Pha Hom Pok National Park. It is approximately 150 kilometers (93 miles) from Chiang Mai city. These hot springs originate from simmering granite with temperature from 90-130 degrees Celsius (194-266 Fahrenheit). It consists of more than 50 hot water ponds, which are all scattered around the enormous area. The water sprinkle is noticeable all the time. They are known for their therapeutic properties which provide the perfect setting for relaxation and rejuvenation.

We also visited this national park at the end of February 2015 (exactly ten years ago). One night we stayed in the park. At night we sat on the balcony behind the cabin, spread out a bunch of snacks, and chatted. The next day we boiled eggs in the park's hot pools. It was so much fun. This time (2025), we came here specifically to bath in the hot springs. Mineral-rich baths are believed to relieve muscle tension, improve circulation, and promote overall wellness. Six of us girls rented a room to enjoy hot springs together, and it was only 150 Baht (4.47 USD) for a room, which was really cheap. If you don't bring a towel, you can rent a coverall and towel for 10-15 baht (0.3-0.45 USD). In the hot spring pool, you can control the cold and hot water to adjust the water temperature, making the bath very comfortable. Afterwards we went to the city for a massage, which was only 200 baht (6 USD) for an hour. It was cheap and enjoyable. It was a great experience.

Photo Date: 2025.02.13
現在 (2025.02.13) 的我們
We are now
來回顧一下十年前 (2015.02.26) 的我們
Let's look back at where we were ten years ago

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2025.02 Chiang Mai, Thailand 泰國清邁

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