Travel/POI: Thailand 2025.02 Chiang Mai -1. Pha Dok Siew Nature Trail, Doi Inthanon National Park

2025 年 2 月 9 日一大早7點多,我們一羣人飛到泰國清邁,吃了午飯,入住旅館後,便去茵他儂國家公園,這公園也被稱為“泰國屋脊”,以瀑布、步道、村莊、觀景點、觀賞日出日落和觀鳥而聞名。公園位於清邁市中心西南方約 70 公里之處,它是喜馬拉雅山脈的一部分,海拔在 800 至 2,565 公尺之間。公園內最高峰為因他儂山,也是泰國最高的山。成人門票要 300 泰銖,兒童(3 至 14 歲)150 泰銖。泰國公民成人票價為 60 泰銖,兒童票價為 30 泰銖。四月到十一月是茵他儂國家公園的雨季,十二月到二月,天氣涼爽又是乾季,非常適合來此遊玩。

公園中有許多景點,聽說 Pha Dok Siew 自然步道很不錯,便來這裏瞧瞧。它是一條中難度的步道,長 2.6 公里,是公園內兩條自然步道之一。 Ban Mae Klang Luang 村的克倫族人負責管理這條步道並擔任嚮導。他們用竹子和木頭建造橋樑、樓梯和欄桿,以增加瀑布附近步道的安全性。遊客必須由當地嚮導陪同來走步道,每組收費 220 泰銖。值得一提的是,我們的嚮導是一個個子不高的中年婦女,雖然我們行走緩慢,她仍一直不離不棄的陪伴照護我們,非常盡責。這條 Pha Dok Siew 自然步道可帶我們到迷人的 Pha Dok Siew 瀑布,這瀑布是湄克生河的一部分。步道的終點是湄克朗鑾村,這裡是白克倫族居住的地方。根據當地歷史記載,克倫族自 1870 年起就居住在這一地區,並在這裡建立了四個村莊。村民以種植水稻、咖啡和草莓以及飼養水牛而聞名。抵達村莊後,遊客可以品嚐當地烘焙和研磨的咖啡。這是一條好玩但具有挑戰性的步道,其中有些路段非常陡峭。我們中有些人走這條路走得很辛苦。當我們到達村莊時,雖然我們看到幾家咖啡館,但是我們累得只想趕緊聯繫司機來接我們,連咖啡都不想嚐了。

At around 7 o'clock in the morning on February 9, 2025, a group of us flew to Chiang Mai, Thailand. After having lunch and checking into the hotel, we went to Doi Inthanon National Park, also known as "The Roof of Thailand," is famous for its waterfalls, trails, remote villages, viewpoints, sunrise and sunset watching, and birdwatching. The main entrance to the park is about 70 km (43 mi) southwest of Chiang Mai city center. The park is part of the Himalayan mountain range, with elevations ranging between 800 meters (2,624 ft) and 2,565 meters (8,415 ft) above sea level. The highest peak in the park is Doi Inthanon Mountain, which is also the highest mountain in Thailand. The entrance fees are 300 Baht (8.94 USD) for adults and 150 Baht (4.4 USD) for children aged 3-14 years old. Thai citizens pay 60 Baht (1.8 UDS) for adults and 30 Baht (0.8 UDS) for children. April to November is the rainy season in Doi Inthanon National Park, while December to February is the dry season with cool weather, making it a great time to visit.

There are many attractions in the park. We heard that Pha Dok Siew Nature Trail is very good, so we came here to take a look. The Pha Dok Siew Nature Trail, a moderately challenging route, is 2.6 km (1.6 mi) long and one of the two natural trails in the park. The Karen people of the village of Ban Mae Klang Luang manage the trail and serve as guides. They have used bamboo and wood to build bridges, stairs, and railings to improve the safety of the trail near the waterfall. Visitors must be accompanied by a local guide, who charges 220 Baht per group. It is worth mentioning that our tour guide was a short middle-aged woman. Although we walked slowly, she always stayed with us and took care of us. She was a dedicated guide. This trail leads to the stunning Pha Dok Siew Waterfall, which is part of the Mae Klang River and cascades down several waterfalls within the park. The trail ends in the Mae Klang Luang village, home to the White Karen people. According to local history, the Karen have lived in this area since 1870 and established four villages here. The villagers are known for growing rice, coffee, and strawberries, as well as raising water buffalo. Upon arriving in the village, visitors can enjoy locally roasted and ground coffee. This is a fun but challenging trail, with some very steep sections. Some of us had a hard time completing the route. When we arrived at the village, although we saw a few cafes, we were so tired that we just wanted to contact the driver to pick us up and didn’t even want to try the coffee.

Photo Date: 2025.02.09

To reach this waterfall you have to go through some uphill and downhill terrain.

Along the way, we saw small waterfalls formed by the rushing water, which was very refreshing and pleasant.

Seeing this beautiful and poetic waterfall, all my tiredness was washed away.

Afterwards, we passed a large rice field, and suddenly our vision broadened, and our hearts felt at ease.

最後我們終於到達 Ban Mae Klang Luang 村的文化館了。我在網路上搜尋時,看到當地婦女會在文化館中展示色彩艶麗、五顏六色的克倫族紡織品。附近也有幾家咖啡館,可讓人享用當地自產的咖啡。
Finally we arrived at Ban Mae Klang Luang Cultural Pavilion. When I searched online, I saw local women would demonstrate and display bold and colorful Karenic tribal textiles at the cultural pavilion. There are also several cafes nearby where you can enjoy locally produced coffee.

After a tiring walk today, we enjoyed a delicious meal at a restaurant with live music performance in the evening.

最後記錄一下我們這天住的旅館,Papa’s Home & Rabbit Cafe (住址:275 Khuang Pao, Chom Thong District, Chiang Mai 50160),房間寬敞明亮,價格便宜。
We stayed at Papa’s Home & Rabbit. (Address:275 Khuang Pao, Chom Thong District, Chiang Mai 50160) The hotel rooms are spacious and bright with very good price.

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2025.02 Chiang Mai, Thailand 泰國清邁

Travel/Point of Interest Posts 旅遊景點帖子