We visited several temples in Chiang Mai. I am a Christian and I don't know much about Buddhist teachings, offerings, etc. I appreciate the architecture of Thai temples as works of art and view them from a cultural and historical perspective.
Wat Phra That Si Chom Thong 是泰國北部最古老、最受尊敬的寺廟之一,因為這裡供奉著神聖的佛陀舍利。它是在 15 世紀中葉在佛陀舍利發現的地方建造的。最古老的建築是佛塔,建於 1450 年左右。Chom Thong Insight 冥想中心位於寺廟後面,有提供住宿給冥想的學生。冥想課程開放給泰國人和外國人,並以泰語和英語授課。
The Wat Phra That Si Chom Thong is one of the oldest and most highly revered temples in North Thailand, because of the sacred Buddha relic that is enshrined here. It was constructed halfway through the 15th century at the spot where the Buddha relic was found. The oldest structure is the chedi, which was built around 1450. The Chom Thong Insight meditation center is located behind the temple grounds, with accommodation available to students of meditation. Meditation classes are open to both Thai people and foreigners, and are conducted in Thai and English.
Wat Phra Singh Woramahawihan 建於 1345 年。帕尤國王 (King Phayu) 是蘭納王國孟萊王朝的第五任統治者。他於 1345 年開始建造這座寺廟,以安葬他的父親坎夫國王的骨灰。1367 年 Phra Buddha Singh 的雕像被抬進寺廟,寺廟因此而得現今之名。它是清邁古城最受歡迎和遊客最多的寺廟之一。
Wat Phra Singh Woramahawihan was Built in 1345. King Phayu was the fifth ruler of the Mengrai dynasty of the Lanna kingdom. He started the construction of the temple in 1345 to house the ashes of his father, King Khamfu. When, in 1367, the statue of Phra Buddha Singh was brought to the temple, the temple complex received its present name. It is one of the most popular and highly visited temples in the Old City of Chiang Mai.
Wat Chedi Luang Varavihara 始建於 14 世紀,當時國王 Saen Muang Ma 計劃將其父親的骨灰埋葬在此。這座宮殿花了 10 年的時間才建造完成,直到國王去世後才由他的遺孀繼續建造。它因其巨大的佛塔而聞名。在鼎盛時期,這座佛塔高達 82 公尺,贏得了「清邁大佛塔寺」的稱號。然而,1545 年一場大地震對佛塔造成了嚴重損壞,使其高度降至目前的 60 公尺。位於前方的授戒堂是美麗的蘭納建築的典範。寺廟的入口還有北部地區最令人印象深刻的納迦樓梯和木製的「Sao Inthakil」(城市支柱),它是在 1296 年孟萊王首次建立這座城市時立起來的,至今仍留在寺廟的小亭子裡。參觀此寺最獨特的體驗之一是可以參加下午舉行的僧侶聊天活動。這些非正式的活動讓遊客可以直接向僧侶提問,從而有機會更多地了解泰國佛教和僧侶的生活方式。
The construction of Wat Chedi Luang Varavihara started in the 14th century, when King Saen Muang Ma planned to bury the ashes of his father in the place. After 10 years of building time it was left unfinished, later to be continued after the death of the king by his widow. It is famous for its enormous chedi. At its peak, the chedi stood an impressive 82 meters (269 feet) high, earning it the title of the Temple of the Great Stupa in Chiang Mai. However, in 1545, a devastating earthquake caused significant damage to the chedi, reducing it to its current height of 60 meters (196 feet). The ordination hall located in the front is an example of beautiful Lanna architecture. The entrance to the temple also boasts the northern region's most impressive Naga staircase and the wooden "Sao Inthakil" or city pillar, which was erected when King Mengrai first established the city in 1296, remains in the temple's small pavilion to this day. One of the most unique aspects of visiting Wat Chedi Luang is the opportunity to participate in Monk Chats, held in the afternoon. These informal sessions allow visitors to ask questions directly to monks, offering a chance to learn more about Thai Buddhism and the monastic lifestyle.
Wat Sri Suphan 又被稱為“銀廟”,因為其授戒殿採用銀、鋁和鎳建造而成。它位於海雅區,這區是 200 多年來銀器和漆器手工業的中心。多年來,這寺廟已成為一個活躍的教育、文化遺產和古老手工藝保護中心。寺廟院內設有一所小學、一所銀器學習中心和工作室、一個「僧侶聊天」辦公室以及一個提供附近手工藝工匠資訊的中心。
Wat Sri Suphan is known as the "Silver Temple" because its ordination hall was constructed using silver, aluminium and nickel. The temple is situated in Haiya district, the center of the silver and lacquerware handicraft industry for more than 200 years. Over the years the temple became a lively center of education, heritage and preservation of old handicrafts. On the temple compound is a primary school, a silverware learning center and workshop, a “monk chat’ office, and a center with information on the handicraft artisans in the neighborhood.
This Canadian is learning to make silver art here. His teacher is the woman behind him.
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