Travel/POI: Thailand 2025.02 Chiang Mai -2. Op Luang National Park

Op Luang 宏偉峽谷國家公園,有時也拼寫為 Ob Luang,位於清邁以南約 105 公里處。它是他暖通猜 (Thanon Thong Chai) 山脈的一部分,一直延伸至其最高峰茵他儂山 (Doi Inthanon)。這個國家公園有風景優美的河流峽谷、瀑布和洞穴。「Ob Luang」是泰北方言,意為「大海峽」/「宏偉的峽谷」。園區的主要景點是 Op Luang 峽谷,由湄佔河 (Mae Chaem River) 雕鑿而成,溪水強勁,足以在整個峽谷發出巨大的聲響。峽谷最窄處上方有一座木製人行天橋,是最佳拍照的地方。這地區也是一個重要的考古遺址,有史前洞穴壁畫和青銅時代墓葬等有趣的物品,在史前自然步道 (Prehistoric Nature Trail) 上可看到,步道長 1.5 公里。公園門票成人 200 泰銖,兒童 100 泰銖。或許是這一天天氣有一點熱,也或許是前一天走得大腿酸痛,我走到木橋的另一邊就未再繼續探索其它景點。有些人繼續奮鬥,看到了青銅器時期的墳墓。
Op Luang, also sometimes spelled as Ob Luang, National Park is about 105 kilometres (70 mi) south of Chiang Mai. It is part of the Thanon Thong Chai mountain range which extends to Doi Inthanon, its highest peak. It is home to a scenic river canyon, waterfalls, and caves. "Ob Luang" is a Thai phrase that translates to "big strait". The park's main attraction is Op Luang Canyon, carved out by the Mae Chaem River, the stream is strong enough to make a loud noise throughout the canyon. A footbridge over the narrowest section of the gorge provides good photo opportunities. The area is also an important archeological site, with prehistoric cave paintings, and bronze age burial sites among other items of interest, viewable along the Prehistoric Nature Trail. It's 1.5 km (0.93 mi) long. Admission is 200 baht for adults, 100 baht for children. Maybe it was because the weather was a little hot that day, or maybe it was because my thighs were sore from walking the day before, I walked to the other side of the wooden bridge and did not continue to explore other attractions. Some continued to hike and saw the Bronze Age tombs.

Photo Date: 2025.02.10
On a wooden bridge overlooking the steep canyon
The grave from the metal period (Bronze)

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2025.02 Chiang Mai, Thailand 泰國清邁

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