Travel/POI: Yosemite National Park (優勝美地/約塞米蒂國家公園), California - Mirror Lake, Pioneer Yosemite History Center, Washburn Point, Glacier Point, Yosemite Village, Olmsted Point, Tenaya Lake

Yosemite National Park Introduction Post 優勝美地/約塞米蒂國家公園簡介及景點帖子

Mirror Lake is a small, seasonal lake located on Tenaya Creek in Yosemite National Park. It is directly between North Dome and Half Dome and is famous for its reflections of Half Dome and Mount Watkins. Mirror Lake has little water much of the year and it is fullest in spring and early summer, when Tenaya Creek flows freely with fresh snow melt. Mirror Lake is often referred to as Mirror Meadow in late summer due to the lack of water and the influx of grasses and sandy areas. In both 2017 and 2023, we first parked at Curry Village (called Half Dome Village in 2017), and then walked about 2 miles of the Mirror Lake Trail from here. Curry Village is a resort. It features standard hotel rooms, wood cabins and canvas tent cabin accommodations. In 1899 David A. Curry and Jenny Etta Foster (later known as Mother Curry) opened a tented camp. It was developed in the early 20th century as a camp concession for tourists to the park. See website for more information about the rooms and what to do in the Curry Village area. In May 2017, Tenaya Creek had abundant water and the scenery of Mirror Lake was very beautiful. In 2024, we read the reviews written by some people and knew that the water in Mirror Lake was dry, so we decided not to go to Mirror Lake.
鏡湖 (Mirror Lake) 是一個小型的季節性湖泊,位於優勝美地/約塞米蒂國家公園的提納亞溪 (Tenaya Creek)。 它位於北穹頂 (North Dome) 和半穹頂 (Half Dome) 之間,以其半穹頂和沃特金斯山 (Mount Watkins) 的倒影而聞名。鏡湖一年中大部分時間水量很少,春季和初夏水量最大,此時提納亞溪隨著剛融化的雪水任意流動。由於缺水、草叢和沙地大量湧入,鏡湖在夏末常被稱為鏡草原。我們2017及2023年都先停車在克里村 (Curry Village) (2017年叫作 Half Dome Village),再從這裏走約2英里的鏡湖步道。克里村是一個度假村,它提供標準酒店客房、木屋和帆布帳篷小屋住宿。1899 年大衛·庫裡 (David A. Curry) 和珍妮·埃塔·福斯特 (Jenny Etta Foster)(後來被稱為庫裡媽媽)開設了一個帳篷營地。它在 20 世紀初開發成公園遊客的營地特許經營地。請到網站上了解更多有關客房以及克里村地區活動的資訊。2017年5月提納亞溪水豐沛,鏡湖的景色也特別美。2024年我們看了一些人寫的評論,知道鏡湖的水乾涸,所以決定不去鏡湖。

Mirror Lake, Mt. Watkins rises in the distance.
Curry Village
Merced River
California dogwood
Staircase Falls
Tenaya Creek
Tenaya Creek
Photo Date: 2017.05.23 Location: On the way to Mirror Lake
Photo Date: 2017.05.23 Location: Mirror Lake
Photo Date: 2023.10.09 Location: On the way to Mirror Lake
Photo Date: 2023.10.09 Location: Mirror Lake

Before we went to Glacier Point in 2017, we first stopped by the Pioneer Yosemite History Center. It is an assembled collection of historic buildings from Yosemite National Park that is located in Wawona. There are also special programs and carriage rides in the summer.
2017年在我們要去冰川頂 (Glacier Point) 之前,先去了優勝美地/約塞米蒂先驅歷史中心 (Pioneer Yosemite History Center)。它是位於瓦沃納,展示優勝美地/約塞米蒂國家公園具有歷史特色的拓荒時代房舍與馬車。夏季還有特別節目和坐馬車的行程。

Photo Date: 2017.05.22 Location: Pioneer Yosemite History Center

Washburn Point is located along the Glacier Point Road, near Glacier Point. This overlook provides views of Half Dome and the eastern crest of the Sierra Nevada. From this vantage point, visitors can also take in the "giant staircase" waterfalls - Nevada and Vernal - and also Illilouette Fall. Vernal Fall is a 317-foot waterfall on the Merced River just downstream of Nevada Fall (594-foot). Illilouette Fall is a 381-foot waterfall on the Illilouette Creek tributary of the Merced River. Washburn Point is named for the Washburn brothers, who built the first road from Wawona to Yosemite Valley.
沃什伯恩頂 (Washburn Point) 位於冰川頂路,靠近冰川頂。從這個觀景台可以欣賞到半穹頂和內華達山脈東峰的景色。 在這個有利位置,遊客還可以欣賞“巨型階梯”瀑布 - 內華達瀑布 (Nevada Fall) 和春天瀑布 ((Vernal Fall)) - 以及伊利路特瀑布 (Illilouette Fall)。春天瀑布是莫塞得河 (Merced River) 上的一座 317 英尺瀑布,位於內華達瀑布 (594 英尺) 下游。伊利路特瀑布是默塞德河伊利路特溪支流上的一座 381 英尺高的瀑布。沃什伯恩頂是以沃什伯恩兄弟的名字來命名,他們修建了第一條從瓦沃納到優勝美地/約塞米蒂山谷的道路。

L-R: Half Dome, Vernal Fall, Nevada Fall
L: Vernal Fall, R: Nevada Fall
The top of Illilouette Falls and the Clark Range. Panorama Trail can be seen zig-zagging up the forest slope on the far side of Illilouette Falls.
Photo Date: 2023.10.09 Location: Washburn Point
Photo Date: 2017.05.22 Location: Washburn Point
Vernal Fall
Nevada Fall
Photo Date: 2024.09.12 Location: Washburn Point

Glacier Point, at an elevation of 7,214 feet, is a viewpoint overlooking Yosemite Valley, Half Dome, Yosemite Falls, and Yosemite high country. It can be reached from the Valley via Glacier Point Road approximately late May through October or November. In winter, Glacier Point Road closed due to snow, and access to Glacier Point from the Badger Pass Ski Area is only by ski or snowshoe for 10.5 miles.
冰川頂海拔 7,214 英尺,是俯瞰優勝美地/約塞米蒂山谷、半穹頂、優勝美地瀑布和優勝美地高地的觀景點。大約五月下旬至十月或十一月可以從山谷經冰川頂路到達。冬季冰川頂路會因下雪而封閉,從 Badger Pass 滑雪場前往冰川頂只能滑雪或穿雪鞋滑行或走 10.5 英里。

L-R: Yosemite Falls, Yosemite Village (in the valley), Royal Arches, North Dome, Mount Hoffmann (far back), Basket Dome, Mirror Lake (in the valley), Half Dome
Half Dome, Liberty Cap, Vernal Fall, Nevada Fall
Yosemite Falls
Liberty Cap, Vernal Fall, Nevada Fall
Royal Arches, Washington Column, North Dome, Mount Hoffmann (far back), Basket Dome
Royal Arches, Washington Column
Mirror Lake, Half Dome
Ahwahnee Hotel
Photo Date: 2017.05.22, 2023.10.09, 2024.09.12 Location: Glacier Point

Sentinel Dome and Taft Point share the same trailhead along the Glacier Point Road. They can be hiked separately or done as a loop trail. Taft Point hike by itself is 2.2 mile round trip with 350 ft elevation gain. Sentinel Dome hike by itself is 2.2 mile round trip with 450 ft elevation gain. I only hike halfway on Sentinel Dome trail.
哨兵圓頂 (Sentinel Dome) 和 塔夫點 (Taft Point) 沿著冰川頂路有同一個步道起點。它們可以各自單獨健行,也可以兩段一起作為環路步道。塔夫點健行步道本身是 2.2 英里的往返行程,海拔增益350 英尺。 哨兵圓頂步道本身是 2.2 英里的往返行程,海拔增益450 英尺。我只在哨兵圓頂健行步道走了一半。

One of California's original mountain resort hotels, the Victorian-era Wawona Hotel was originally established in 1856. Accommodations consist of 50 standard hotel rooms with private bath and 54 standard hotel rooms with shared restrooms. The hotel dining room serves breakfast, lunch and dinner.
維多利亞時代的瓦沃納酒店 (Wawona Hotel) 是加州最早的山區度假酒店之一,成立於 1856 年。住宿包括 50 間帶私人浴室的標準酒店客房和 54 間帶共用衛生間的標準酒店客房。飯店餐廳供應早餐、午餐和晚餐。

On the way to Wawona Hotel, enjoying nice views.
Photo Date: 2023.10.09 Location: Wawona Hotel

The Yosemite Village Historic District includes visitor services areas, park personnel residences and administrative facilities. It is located to the north of the Merced River. It was placed on the National Register of Historic Places in 1978. The most significant building in the historic district is the Rangers' Club in 1924 to house rangers. Early residences used wood shingles and natural materials, and were rustic in character. The Park Superintendent's Residence was built in 1912 by the Army and was extensively remodeled in the 1920s to National Park Service rustic standards. Non-residential buildings include the Administration Building (1924), the Post Office (1925), and the Museum Building or Valley District Building (1926). All are rustic in character. Other buildings in the area include the Pohono Indian Studio (1925), which is used as a gift shop, and the Ansel Adams Gallery, a complex of five buildings incorporating what was first known as Best's Studio.
優勝美地村歷史區包括遊客服務區、公園工作人員住宅和行政設施。它位於默塞德河以北。於 1978 年被列入國家史跡名錄。歷史區最重要的建築是建於 1924 年的國家公園管理員俱樂部,供國家公園管理員居住。早期的住宅使用木瓦和天然材料,具有質樸鄉村的特徵。公園管理員官邸由陸軍於 1912 年建造,並在 1920 年代按照國家公園管理局的質樸鄉村標準進行了大規模改建。而非住宅建築包括行政建築(1924 年)、郵局(1925 年)和博物館建築或山谷區建築(1926 年)。一切都具有質樸鄉村的特色。該地區的其他建築包括波霍諾印第安人工作室 (Pohono Indian Studio)(1925 年)(用作禮品店)和 安塞爾·亞當斯藝術博物館 (Ansel Adams Gallery),由五座建築組成,其中包括最初被稱為 Best 的工作室)。

On the way to Yosemite Village, Three Brothers
On the way to Yosemite Village, Yosemite Falls
Yosemite Valley Welcome Center
Degnan's Kitchen
Post Office
Yosemite Village
Yosemite Wilderness Center
Ansel Adams Gallery
Ansel Adams Gallery
Ansel Adams Gallery
Yosemite Museum
Yosemite Museum
Yosemite Museum
Yosemite Museum
Mule Deer
Red-breasted Sapsucker
Photo Date: 2024.09.13 Location: Yosemite Village

Olmsted Point is a viewing area off Tioga Pass Road which offers a view south into Tenaya Canyon. This vista is famous for a view of the northern side of Half Dome, Clouds Rest, and a view of Tenaya Lake to the east. Olmsted Point was named after famed landscape architects, Frederick Law Olmsted (who was best known for his design of New York's Central Park) and his son, Frederick, Jr.
奧姆斯德點 (Olmsted Point) 是第奥嘉隘口公路 (Tioga Pass Road) 旁的一個觀景點,從這裡可以看到特納亞峽谷 (Tenaya Canyon) 以南的景色。此地以半穹頂北側、雲歇以及東邊特納亞湖的景觀而聞名。奧姆斯德點以著名景觀設計師弗雷德里克·勞·奧姆斯德 (Frederick Law Olmsted)(以設計紐約中央公園而聞名)和他兒子的名字命名。

L-R: Clouds Rest, Tenaya Canyon (partially visible), Half Dome (in the distance)
North side of Half Dome
Bronze relief map of Tenaya Canyon
Tenaya Lake in the distance
Photo Date: 2024.09.13 Location: Olmsted Point

Tenaya Lake is an alpine lake, located between Yosemite Valley and Tuolumne Meadows. The surface of Tenaya Lake has an elevation of 8,150 feet (2,484 meter). It is the largest lake in Yosemite's frontcountry. HIking, fishing and water activities such as kayaking, canoeing, or sailing are popular here. Tenaya Lake is named after Chief Tenaya, who was the chief of the native people who lived in Yosemite Valley before being driven out by the Mariposa Battalion. Tenaya protested that the lake already had a name: Pie-we-ack, or "Lake of the Shining Rocks." This original name is now attached to Pywiack Dome, a granite dome to the east of the lake.
特納亞湖是一個高山湖泊,位於優勝美地山谷和圖奧勒米草原之間。特納亞湖的水面海拔為 8,150 英尺(2,484 公尺)。它是優勝美地一級營地最大的湖泊。健行、釣魚和劃橡皮艇、獨木舟或帆船等水上活動在這裡都很受歡迎。特納亞湖以特納亞酋長的名字命名,他是優勝美地山谷原住民的酋長,後來被馬里波薩營驅逐。特納亞抗議說,這個湖已經有了一個名字:Pie-we-ack,即「閃亮岩石湖」。這個最初的名字現在附屬於Pywiack Dome,一個位於湖東的花崗岩圓頂。

Photo Date: 2024.09.13 Location: Tenaya Lake

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