Bird: White-headed woodpecker (Dryobates albolarvatus) 白頭啄木鳥

I heard several knocking sounds in Sequoia National Park in California, USA. I followed the sound and found this white-headed woodpecker. The White-headed Woodpecker is an non-migratory woodpecker restricted to mountainous pine forests of the western states and British Columbia. They feed heavily on large pine seeds, and are most associated with old-growth ponderosa pine and sugar pine forests. They’re also often found in recently burned forests. They tend not to drill into wood to get insects, but rather flake away bark or probe into needle clusters. In spring, White-headed Woodpeckers begin drumming to mark nesting territories. The male selects the nest site, usually in a dead conifer or in a dead portion of a living conifer (pine or fir). Both male and female excavate the nest. White-headed Woodpeckers appear to be monogamous in their mating system. Both sexes incubate the eggs (the male usually at night), and both tend and defend the young.

Photo Date: 2023.10.08 Location: Sequoia National Park

Notes 筆記

  • The White-headed Woodpecker is an non-migratory woodpecker restricted to mountainous pine forests of the western states and British Columbia. They feed heavily on large pine seeds, and are most associated with old-growth ponderosa pine and sugar pine forests. They’re also often found in recently burned forests. They tend not to drill into wood to get insects, but rather flake away bark or probe into needle clusters.
  • The White-headed Woodpecker is a medium-sized woodpecker with a white face and crown. Males have a small red rear crown patch. Females lack red crown patch.
  • The male selects the nest site, usually in a dead conifer or in a dead portion of a living conifer (pine or fir). Both male and female excavate the nest.
  • In spring, White-headed Woodpeckers begin drumming to mark nesting territories. Pairs become much more vocal and active before egg laying, as they prepare the nest cavity. White-headed Woodpeckers appear to be monogamous in their mating system, and in some cases pairs remain and roost together year-round. Fights between White-headed Woodpeckers are uncommon. Males and females confront rivals by chasing them quickly up a trunk or perching close by, then “freezing” with extended necks, as the rivals eye each other in silence. Both sexes incubate the eggs (the male usually at night), and both tend and defend the young.
  • 白頭啄木鳥是一種非遷徙啄木鳥,僅限於西部各州和不列顛哥倫比亞省的山區松樹林。它們以大松樹的種子為食,與老黃松和糖松林最有關。它們也經常出現在最近被燒毀的森林中。它們往往不會鑽入木頭來食取昆蟲,而是剝落樹皮或探入針簇中。
  • 白頭啄木鳥是一種中等體型的啄木鳥,臉和冠呈白色。雄鳥後冠有一個小的紅色斑塊。雌鳥則沒有紅色冠斑。
  • 雄鳥選擇築巢地點,通常是在死針葉樹或活針葉樹(松樹或冷杉)死的部分。雄鳥和雌鳥都會挖巢。
  • 春天白頭啄木鳥開始咚咚地敲擊,在築巢區域作記號。當它們正在準備巢穴時,配對的啄木鳥在產卵前會變得更加出聲和活躍。白頭啄木鳥的交配系統似乎是一夫一妻制的,在某些情況下,它們整年都會成對棲息在一起。白頭啄木鳥之間的爭鬥並不常見。當雄鳥和雌鳥面對對手時,會迅速追上樹幹或棲息在附近,然後伸長脖子“僵住”,而對手則默默地互相注視。雌雄兩性都會孵卵(雄鳥通常在晚上),並照顧和保護幼鳥。

Birds Posts 鳥的帖子

References 參考資料