Travel/POI: Kings Canyon National Park (國王峽谷國家公園), California - Grizzly Falls, Roaring River Falls, Road's End, General Grant Tree Trail

Kings Canyon National Park is adjacent to Sequoia National Park. It's known for its huge sequoia trees, notably the gigantic General Grant Tree in Grant Grove. Originally established in 1890 as General Grant National Park, the park was greatly expanded and renamed on March 4, 1940. The park's namesake, Kings Canyon, is a rugged glacier-carved valley more than a mile (1,600 m) deep. Kings Canyon National Park is the place that John Muir once called "a rival to Yosemite." As we drove through Kings Canyon, the majestic and steep walls were breathtaking. It's a shame that I don't have any photos to show its majesty. Besides sequoia trees, the park also features multiple 14,000-foot (4,300 m) peaks, high mountain meadows, and swift-flowing rivers. Since I have been here in 2017, 2019, 2023 and 2024, I will mix photos from these four years to introduce the attractions in Kings Canyon National Park. My family took a group photo at the entrance sign of Kings Canyon National Park in 2019 and 2024 so let me start from here.
國王峽谷國家公園毗鄰紅杉國家公園。它以巨大的紅杉樹聞名,尤其是龐大的格蘭特將軍樹 (General Grant Tree)。公園最初建於 1890 年,當時被命名為格蘭特將軍國家公園,後來經過大幅擴建後,於 1940 年 3 月 4 日更名為國王峽谷國家公園。公園的同名國王峽谷 (Kings Canyon) 是一個崎嶇被冰川切割成的山谷,深度超過一英里(1,600 公尺)。國王峽谷國家公園是約翰·繆爾 (John Muir) 曾經稱之為「優勝美地/約塞米蒂 (Yosemite) 的競爭對手」。當我們開車穿越國王峽谷時,巍峨又陡峭的山壁攝人心魄,可惜我沒有照片能展現它的雄偉壯麗。除了紅杉樹外,公園內還有多座 14,000 英尺(4,300 公尺)的山峰、高山草甸和湍急的河流。由於我在2017, 2019, 2023 及2024 都來過此地,我會混合這四年的照片來介紹國王峽谷國家公園的景點。2019 及 2024 年我和家人在國王峽谷國家公園入口標誌照了合照,讓我就從這裡開始吧。

Photo Date: 2019.06.08, 2024.09.11 Location: Kings Canyon National Park

When I visited the park on June 8, 2019, snow could still be seen on the distant mountain peaks. Rapid rivers rushed down through the deep valleys. The roadside was embellished with yellow Sierra blazingstar (Mentzelia crocea) and pink wildflowers. What a beautiful scene.
2019 年 6 月 8 日造訪公園時,遠處的山峰還殘留著一些積雪,湍急的河流穿梭在深邃的山谷中奔流直下,路旁點綴了些黃色的 Sierra blazingstar (Mentzelia crocea)和粉紅色的野花,這是多美的畫面呀!。

On Highway 180 in 2019, we first stopped near Boyden Cavern to watch the rushing river. The cavern features stalactites, stalagmites, flowstone, pendants and shields. The cavern is accessed via a short but steep trail. You can join a 45-minute tour if you would like to. We did not visit the cavern.
2019 年在 180 號高速公路上,我們先駐足在 Boyden Cavern 附近欣賞奔腾的河水。洞內有鐘乳石、石筍、流石、吊墜和盾牌。可經由一條短而陡的小路進入洞穴。您可以參加 45 分鐘的遊覽參觀洞穴。我們沒有參觀洞穴。

Photo Date: 2019.06.08 vs 2024.09.11 Location: Boyden Cavern

Afterwards we went to Grizzly Falls to see the waterfalls. Just taking a short 0.1-mile out-and-back trail from the parking lot, you could reach the waterfall. The waterfall is not tall, only 80 feet high, but the roaring water is powerful. In late summer 2024 there was a lot less water.
之後我們到灰熊瀑布 (Grizzly Falls) 看瀑布。從停車場只要走一條短短0.1英里來回的步道,就可以到達瀑布。瀑布不高,雖然僅 80 英尺高,但水流洶涌澎湃,氣勢磅礴。2024年夏末水少了很多。

Photo Date: 2019.06.08 Location: Grizzly Falls
Photo Date: 2024.09.11 Location: Grizzly Falls

The Cedar Grove area offers easy trails along the Kings River, and steeper trails that climb into wilderness. The road that leads into Cedar Grove, Highway 180, is generally open from the fourth Friday of April to the second Monday of November. Some Cedar Grove facilities open later and close earlier. Compared to other visitor centers, Cedar Grove visitor center is small but you still can get maps here.
錫達格羅夫 (Cedar Grove) 地區有沿著國王河 (Kings River) 的輕鬆步道,也有去荒野的陡峭步道。往 錫達格羅夫的 180 號高速公路通常從 4 月的第四個星期五到 11 月的第二個星期一開放。錫達格羅夫 有些設施開放較晚也關得較早。與其他遊客中心相比,錫達格羅夫遊客中心很小,但你仍然可以在這裡拿地圖。

Photo Date: 2024.09.11 Location: Cedar Grove visitor center

When we visited Kings Canyon National Park in 2019, we seemed to explore the waterfalls along Highway 180. We revisit these attractions again in 2024. The next attraction was Roaring River Falls. This popular route features a short 0.3 miles shady walk to a powerful waterfall. The rushing Roaring River drops 40 feet through a granite chute here on its way into the South Fork of the King's River.
2019年的國王峽谷國家公園之旅,我們似乎是沿著180號高速公路探訪瀑布。2024年又重訪這些景點。下一個景點是咆哮河瀑布 (Roaring River Falls)。這條熱門路線的特色是 0.3 英里陰涼而且短短的步道到雄偉的瀑布。湍急的咆哮河 (Roaring River) 從此處的花崗岩瀑布上向下落 40 英尺,流入國王河 (King's River) 的南叉。

Photo Date: 2019.06.08 Location: Roaring River Falls
Photo Date: 2024.09.11 Location: Roaring River Falls

“Road’s End” really is what it sounds like to reach the end of Highway 180 in Kings Canyon. However, Road's End is also the jumping off point for many of the hiking trails. From the easy trail like Zumwalt Meadows Loop or the River Trail to various trails lead to Bubbs Creek, Mist Falls, Paradise Valley, and Copper Creek as well as high Sierra trails like the Rae Loop trail. I came here for the first time in 2024. We walked to the riverside, which was like a fairyland on earth. It was unforgettable.
「路的盡頭」(Road's End)顧名思義確實是到達國王峽谷 180 號高速公路盡頭的感覺。然而「路的盡頭」也是許多健行步道的起點。 從朱姆沃爾特草甸環路(Zumwalt Meadows Loop) 或河流步道(River Trail) 等輕鬆步道到通往巴布斯溪(Bubbs Creek)、霧瀑布(Mist Falls)、天堂谷(Paradise Valley) 和庫珀溪(Copper Creek) 的各種步道,以及雷伊環路(Rae Loop) 等高山步道。2024年我第一次來這裏,我們走到有如人間仙境的河邊,令人留連忘返。

Photo Date: 2024.09.11 Location: Road's End

In 2023 we went to Sequoia National Park first and then Kings Canyon National Park. On the way to Kings Canyon National Park, I saw many woods that had been burned by fires and felt sorry for the nature landscape.

Photo Date: 2023.10.08 Location: Driving Toward Kings Canyon NP from Sequoia NP

Kings Canyon National Park is composed of two distinct areas - Grant Grove (home to the General Grant tree, proclaimed as "the Nation's Christmas Tree" by President Coolidge in 1926) and Cedar Grove. When I was looking for information, I read about the history of native groups and white settlers in the General Grant Grove. I felt that immigration stories happened in different parts of the world year after year. The characters and eras involved may be different, but many stories are more or less the same. General Grant Tree Trail is a 0.7-mile loop trail and generally considered an easy route. We have been here in 2017, 2023 and 2024, and the photos are a mixture of these three years.
國王峽谷國家公園由兩個不同的區域組成 - 格蘭特林場 (Grant Grove)(格蘭特將軍樹的所在地,1926 年被柯立芝 (Coolidge) 總統稱為“國家的聖誕樹”)和雪松林 (Cedar Grove)。在找資料的時候,我讀到在格蘭特林場原住民群與白人入植移民的歷史,覺得移民的故事總是年復一年在世界不同的地區發生,牽涉的人物及時代或許不同,但許多故事都大同小異。格蘭特將軍步道是一條 0.7 英里長的環形步道,是一條輕鬆的路線。我們在 2017, 2023 及 2024 都來過這裏,照片是這三年的混合。

Photo Date: 2017.04.27, 2023.10.08, 2024.09.10 Location: General Grant Tree Trail

On the General Grant Tree Trail, shortly you will reach the upturned roots of the Fallen Monarch. The tree was hallowed by wildfires so that when it fell, it became a tunnel that you can walk through. It was used for temporary housing by the Gamlin brothers, early settlers whose homestead cabin stands near Centennial Stump. Later the U. S. Cavalry used it as a stable while patrolling the parks during the period 1890-1914. There were not many visitors in the park in 2017 so we could take good pictures in the tree tunnel but 2013 was a different story. We had to wait for a crowd to pass by us and to let them in first.
格蘭特將軍樹步道上,很快就會看到墮落君主 (Fallen Monarch) 的倒立根部。這棵樹被野火燒得中空了,所以當它倒下時,它就變成了一條可以穿過的隧道。它是早期入植移民甘姆林 (Gamlin) 兄弟的臨時住所,他們的家園小屋位於百年紀念樹樁 (Centennial Stump) 附近。 後來在1890 年至 1914 年間,美國騎兵在公園巡邏時將它用作馬厩。2017年園區的遊客不多,所以我們可以在樹隧道裡拍出好照片,但2013年就不一樣了,我們不得不讓一批人先進去才跟進。

Photo Date: 2017.04.27, 2023.10.08 Location: Fallen Monarch

In 2023, after the Fallen Monarch, we first passed the Centennial Stump. The diameter of the tree was 24 feet. This tree was cut in 1875, and a 16 ft. section sent to the Philadelphia Centennial Exhibition of 1876. Only the outer shell was exhibited, the parts being reassembled after shipment. Eastern people refused to accept the exhibit as part of a single tree and called it the “California Hoax.” It took 2 men 9 days to chop down the tree. Its upper trunk is the scarred log down slope from the Grant Tree. Ladies from a nearby logging camp used to conduct Sunday school services for their children upon the stump.
2023年在墮落君主之後我們先經過百年紀念樹樁。這棵樹的直徑原本為 24 英尺。這棵樹於 1875 年被砍,其中 16 英尺長的一段被送往 1876 年費城百年紀念展覽。僅展出了外殼,其它部份在裝運後重新組裝。而東部人拒絕接受這個展覽是一棵樹的一部分,並稱其為“加州騙局”。這棵樹是經由兩個人花了9天的時間才把它砍倒。它的上部樹幹就是格蘭特樹斜坡下那根傷痕累累的原木。附近伐木場的女士們常在樹樁上為孩子們上主日學。

Photo Date: 2023.10.08, 2024.09.11 Location: Centenary Stump

Gamlin's Cabin is a historic cabin. It is the first building constructed in the grove and the oldest surviving one in the national park. The building was added to the National Register of Historic Places on March 8, 1977. This cabin was built in 1872 by Israel Gamlin, who with his brother Thomas filed a timber claim to 160 acres within Grant Grove. They quartered here until 1878 while grazing cattle in the mountains. After General Grant National Park was established in 1890, the cabin was used as a storehouse by the U.S. Cavalry who patrolled the park until 1913. Later it became the quarters of the first park ranger stationed here. As you can see from the photos, people were allowed to visit the inside in 2017. For some reason, it was sealed up in 2023.
甘姆林小木屋 (Gamlin's Cabin) 是一棟歷史悠久的小木屋。它是樹林中建造的第一座建築,也是國家公園中現存最古老的建築。它於 1977 年 3 月 8 日被列入國家歷史名勝名錄。這間小木屋由 Israel Gamlin 於 1872 年建造,他與兄弟 Thomas 申請了格蘭特林場內 160 英畝的木材所有權。1878 年,他們在山上放牛時一直在此駐紮。1890 年格蘭特將軍國家公園建立後,這小木屋在 1913 年被在公園巡邏的美國騎兵用作倉庫。後來它成為駐紮在這裡的第一批公園護林員的宿舍。從照片可看到,2017年還讓人參觀裏面,不知道為什麼,2023年是封起來了。

Photo Date: 2017.04.27, 2023.10.08 Location: Gamlin's Cabin

The General Grant tree is the second largest giant sequoia tree in the world after the General Sherman tree. The General Grant Tree is a significant tree for all of America. In addition be being “The Nation’s Christmas Tree,” The General Grant Tree is a national shrine in memory of the men and women of the Armed Forces who have served and fought and died to keep America free. The General Grant Tree is America’s only living shrine. The tree is of course named after Ulysses S. Grant, the victorious Civil War General and America’s 18th president.
格蘭特將軍樹(General Grant tree)是繼謝爾曼將軍樹(General Sherman tree)之後的世界第二大巨杉。格蘭特將軍樹對整個美國來說都是一棵重要的樹。格蘭特將軍樹除了是「國家的聖誕樹」之外,也是一座國家聖地,紀念為維護美國自由而服役、戰鬥和犧牲的武裝部隊男女軍人。格蘭特將軍樹是美國唯一現存的聖地。這棵樹是以南北戰爭勝利將軍、美國第 18 任總統尤利西斯·S·格蘭特 (Ulysses S. Grant) 的名字命名的。

Photo Date: 2017.04.27, 2023.10.08, 2024.09.11 Location: General Grant tree

In early October 2023, you will occasionally see trees changing color. A little red bleeding through green trees is very beautiful.
2023 年 10 月初偶爾會看到變顏色的樹,綠色叢中一點紅,很漂亮。

Photo Date: 2023.10.08 Location: General Grant Tree Trail

When we took a different turn on General Grant Tree Trail in 2024, we saw this Michigan Tree trunk. To me, it looked like a dragon head from a different angle. Michigan Tree was once known as the Spring Tree because of the spring at its base. The same spring undermined the tree, causing it to fall in 1931.
2024年當我們在格蘭特將軍樹步道上轉到不同的叉路時,我們看到了密西根樹幹。對我來說,從不同的角度看它就像一個龍的頭。密西根樹因其根部有泉水原被稱為“泉樹”。但同一個泉水也破壞了這棵樹,導致它於 1931 年倒塌下來。

Photo Date: 2024.09.11 Location: General Grant Tree Trail

Panoramic Point is located a short driving distance from the Kings Canyon Visitor Center at Grant Grove. This 0.5-mile paved loop trail leads uphill to Panoramic Point, making this a fairly accessible hike. Hume Lake could be seen in the valley below.
全景點 (Panoramic Point) 距離格蘭特林場的國王峽谷遊客中心僅有很短的車程。這條 0.5 英里長通往山上的全景點步道,是無障礙鋪好的環形步道。在此可以看到在下面山谷中的休姆湖。

Photo Date: 2024.09.11 Location: Panoramic Point

The scenery I saw on my way back in 2017.

In 2017, we made one more stop on the way back - at Hume Lake in Sequoia National Park. Hume Lake is an 87-acre lake formed by a unique multiple arch dam, constructed in 1908. Built to support a large, commercial logging operation, the lake supplied water to the longest lumber flume transporting logs to the Central Valley. Today the lake area is a destination where visitors can enjoy fishing, non-motorized boating, hiking, mountain biking, and camping during the summer months, and snow play during the winter. An interpretive trail follows the shoreline of the lake. Reservations are strongly recommended for Hume Lake Campground.
2017年在回途中我們又多停了一個點 - 在紅杉國家公園的休姆湖 (Hume Lake)。休姆湖是一個佔地 87 英畝的湖泊,由一座獨特的多拱壩形成,建於1908 年。它是為支持大型商業伐木作業而建造的,為最長的木材引水槽供水,將原木運輸到中央山谷。如今湖區已成為遊客夏季釣魚、非機動划船、健行、山地自行車和露營、冬季玩雪的地方。沿著湖岸還有一條有說明的步道。強烈建議提早預訂休姆湖露營地。

Photo Date: 2017.04.27 Location: Hume Lake. Sequoia NP

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