Taiwan Travel Journal 2024.05.23 台灣旅行日記 (大安森林公園, 台灣大學, 寶藏巖國際藝術村)

This photo was taken on July 26, 2022

My daughter and I embarked on a leisurely adventure this time. Both of us grapple with indecision, overthinking, and the weight of choices. If we had to plan all of today's itinerary before stepping out, we might never leave the house. So we just choose the first destination and then figure out what to do on the fly. We found this way worked beautifully. Our route may not be the most efficient and we may not cover all the places in the surrounding area, but there was no pressure at all. We moved at our own pace and discovered unexpected delights along the way. We found imperfect planning can lead to pretty memorable experiences.

Our first stop on this day was Daan Forest Park. Unexpectedly, we had already stayed at the MRT station for a while. There are rest areas where you can take a break inside the MRT station. And, there are pools, gardens, a water dance show plaza (water dance show every 15 minutes) and public art spaces outside. It is a very special MRT station on the Xinyi Tamsui Line.
這天我們的第一個點是大安森林公園,誰知道在捷運站就已經逗留了一陣子。捷運站內有寬敞的休憩空間,外面還有水池、庭園、水舞秀廣場 (每15分鐘一次水舞秀) 和公共藝術空間。是信義淡水線非常特別的捷運站。

Daan Forest Park is an ecological park with dense vegetation, known as the "lungs of the city" in Taipei City. It was officially opened to the public in 1994. The park contains several areas: bamboo forest, banyan tree, fragrant flower, aquatic plant, strip forest, pond, amphitheater and children's playground. The park is rich in ecology. According to research, 4 species of protected animals and 6 species endemic to Taiwan can be seen here, including crested goshawk, peregrine falcon, brown shrike, Taiwan blue magpie, Taiwan barbet, Taiwan scimitar babbler , Bufo bankorensis, Taiwan japalure and Takydromus stejnegeri. We saw a large group of people taking photos of a Taiwan barbet feeding its chicks in the park. I also joined them for the photo shoots for fun.
大安森林公園是一座草木濃密的生態公園,被譽為台北市的「都市之肺」,1994年正式對外開放。公園裏有竹林區、榕樹區、香花區、水生植物區、帶狀林區、水池假山區、露天音樂台及兒童遊戲區。園內生態豐富,據研究調查,在此可看到 4 種保育類動物及 6 種臺灣特有種,包括了鳳頭蒼鷹、游隼、紅尾伯勞、臺灣藍鵲五色鳥、小彎嘴、盤古蟾蜍、斯文豪氏攀蜥及蓬萊草蜥。我們在公園中看到一大群人在照五色鳥餵雛鳥的景觀,我也來湊一腳。

We wandered around Daan Forest Park until almost noon, and decided to walk to National Taiwan University. On the one hand, it is easier to find food near the university, and on the other hand, this is the school of several of my daughter’s aunts and uncles. I want her to visit Taiwan's first higher education institution, founded in 1928, which is also the number one ranking university in Taiwan.
我們在大安森林公園逛到將近中午,決定走到國立台灣大學,一方面大學附近比較容易找到吃的,另一方面這是我女兒幾個姑媽、姑爹及伯母的學校,帶她來見識一下這個 1928 年創立的臺灣第一所高等教育機構,也是全台灣排名第一的一所大學。

On the flag you can see the school motto "Integrity, Diligence, Fidelity, Compassion" 旗上可看到「敦品勵學,愛國愛人」的校訓
Royal Palm Blvd. 椰林大道
Fu Bell 傅鐘

We then walked towards Gongguan. We searched online and found that an art village was nearby, so we decided to go to Treasure Hill Artist Village. Treasure Hill Village is located at the end of Alley 230, Section 3, Tingzhou Road, Zhongzheng District, Taipei City. It is named after the nearby temple "Treasure Hill". During the Qing Dynasty at the end of the 17th century, immigrants from southern Fujian settled here. During the Japanese occupation, underground bunkers and garrison buildings were built. Post-Japan’s defeat, the Nationalist Government established its headquarters here. In the 1950s, apart from the venerable Guanyin Temple and the government offices, only three to five illicit private structures in Treasure Hill. The 1960s saw veterans, civilians, and their families gradually populate the area. By the 1980s, nearly four hectares hosted around 200 families. The Taipei City Government, in the name of urban renewal and water management, planned to raze Treasure Hill in the 1980s. Protests erupted among local residents. In 1997, the Institute of Architecture and Urban-Rural Development at National Taiwan University successfully lobbied for Treasure Hill’s classification as a “historic settlement,” sparing it from demolition. In 2004, it officially gained the status of a “historic building.” At this time, artists from all over the country began to enter the abandoned houses and open spaces to carry out various artistic activities. In early 2006, the New York Times listed Treasure Hill as one of the most enchanting landscapes in Taipei. Most of the exhibitions were closed on the day we went, so we walked around outside. Seeing the living environment here reminded me of the scenery of the houses when I was a child fifty or sixty years ago.
我們接著往公館的方向走,網上搜尋到藝術村在附近,就決定去寶藏巖國際藝術村看看。寶藏巖聚落位於台北市中正區汀州路三段 230 巷底,它得名於鄰近的廟宇「寶藏巖」(又稱為觀音巖仔)。17世紀末清朝時代便有一些閩南人移居至此。日治時期這裏設有地下碉堡與駐軍兵舍。日本戰敗後,國民政府在此設司令部,在1950年代,寶藏巖除了觀音廟與該司令部外,民間違建只有三至五戶。1960年代駐軍或榮民老兵或其家屬逐漸搬入,至1980年代止,聚落規模已接近四公頃,居住約兩百多戶人家。1980年代開始,台北市政府以整頓市容與水利維持等理由,開始計劃全面拆除寶藏巖社區,不過拆除過程遭到當地居民陳情與抗議。1997年台灣大學建築與城鄉研究所遊說行政部門,希望將寶藏巖指定為可免為拆除的「歷史聚落」。2004年正式認定為「歷史建築」。此時各地藝術家開使進入在其荒廢空屋及開放空間展開各項藝術活動。2006年初《紐約時報》還將寶藏巖列為台北市最特殊的景觀之一。我們去的那天大多數的展覽都未開門,我們就在外面逛逛,看到這裏居住的環境,讓我想到五、六十年前,小時候房舍的景置。

We ended the day with 15,732 steps and 6.6 miles (10.6 kilometers). Finally, I want to record an interesting and heart-warming experience. When we were looking for the way to Treasure Hill, I stopped by the roadside to admire the vegetables and eggplants grown in the yard. I said to my daughter, look at these eggplants growing really well. Unexpectedly, an old man came over and said that these eggplants were fake. He tied them up because he thought they looked good. I thought it was funny so I chatted with him for a while. He knew that we were traveling and told us about some nearby attractions. Since the weather was hot, he even gave us two bottles of water to quench our thirst. It enables us to experience the enthusiasm and warmth of Taiwanese people.
我們結束了今天的行程,走了 15,732 步,6.6 英里 (10.6 公里)。我最後想記錄一個有趣又溫馨的事。當我們在找去寶藏巖的路時,我停在路邊欣賞這個院子裏種的蔬菜、茄子,我對我女兒說,你看這些茄子長得真好,不料旁邊一位老先生說,這些茄子是假的,因為覺得好看,他就把它們綁上去,我覺得很好笑,就與他閒聊了一陣子,他知道我們出來旅遊,告訴我們附近一些景點,由於天氣熱,他還送我們兩罐水,讓我們解渴。使我們能夠體驗到台灣人的熱情及溫馨。

When we got home in the evening, Lulu cooked her homemade braised beef noodles for us. What a great day to end with a delicious meal.

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