Bird: Taiwan barbet (Psilopogon nuchalis) 五色鳥

The Taiwan barbet (Psilopogon nuchalis) is a bird endemic to Taiwan. Walking on the Erziping Trail in Yangmingshan National Park in Taiwan, I heard the sound of “ke, ke, ke” from time to time. My friend said it was the sound of a “five-colored bird” (Taiwan barbet). But I can’t find it anywhere. When I stopped to take a break in the recreation area, I searched harder and finally saw it. It turns out that it is emerald green all over. It has a good protective color to blend in with the green leaves. But the head and neck have five colors, so it is called a “five-colored bird”. And, its call resembles the sound of a percussion instrument known as a wooden fish (also called Chinese temple block which is used by monks for Buddhist ceremonies or rituals) so the species is also referred to as the “colorful monk”. Five-colored birds are very common in Taiwan. The first photo below was taken in the Morrisaka Forestry Cultural Park in Hualien.

Photo Date: 2022.06 Location: Taiwan

Notes 筆記

  • The Taiwan barbet (Psilopogon nuchalis) is a species of bird endemic to Taiwan. It was formerly considered a subspecies of the black-browed barbet (Psilopogon oorti) and placed in the genus Megalaima.
  • In Taiwan, the bird is known as the “five-colored bird” 五色鳥, referring to the five colors on its plumage because in addition to the green body, there are yellow, blue, red, black and green colors between the head and neck.
  • Because of its colorful plumage and that its call resembles the sound of a percussion instrument known as a wooden fish (also called Chinese temple block which is used by monks for Buddhist ceremonies or rituals) , the species is also referred to as the “colorful monk” 花和尚. Taiwan barbet will make up about four kinds of different rhythm and high-low changes of monophonic sounds such as “ke, ke, ke”. The first chirping in the morning varies with the time of sunrise. In addition, there will be a continuous cooing sound when startled or alert.
  • It is commonly found in the flat to medium-high altitude broad-leaved forest or in the park where the trees and branches are thicker. It is a resident bird in its range.
  • It is herbivorous and its main food source is fruit and a small amount of insects.
  • The breeding season is from March to August. Peak in June and July. It nests in tree cavities. A clutch consists of three to four eggs.
  • 五色鳥 (Psilopogon nuchalis) 是台灣特有種鳥類。又名台灣擬啄木鳥,花仔和尚。它以前被認為是黑眉擬啄木 (Psilopogon oorti) 的一個亞種,屬於為鬚鴷科擬啄木屬的鳥類。
  • 在台灣,這種鳥被稱為“五色鳥”,指的是其羽毛上的五種顏色。因為除了綠色身體外,頭頸間有黃、藍、紅、黑、綠等色彩。
  • 由於牠的羽毛色彩鮮豔,而且牠的叫聲有如敲打木魚聲,所以也被稱為“花和尚”。五色鳥會將「咯、咯、咯」等單音組成約四種不同節奏與高低變化的鳴叫聲。清晨第一聲鳴叫會隨日出時間的早晚而改變。另外在驚嚇或警戒時會發出連續不停的咕咕聲。
  • 喜歡在平地至中高海拔闊葉林或公園中樹木枝葉較濃密處活動。在其分布區內為留鳥。
  • 食性為草食性,主要食物來源是水果及少量的昆蟲。
  • 繁殖季節為三月至八月。以六、七月為高峰。它在樹洞裡築巢。每巢約產卵3至4枚。

References 參考資料

Birds Posts 鳥的帖子