Bird: Nuttall's woodpecker (Dryobates nuttallii) Nuttall 啄木鳥

Nuttall's woodpecker is named after naturalist Thomas Nuttall in 1843. They are found in oak woodlands of California. Although Nuttall's Woodpeckers spend most of their time in oak woodlands, they do not eat acorns. They feed primarily on insect larvae such as those of wood borers, click beetles, and ants, found by tapping and probing into the crevices in oak trees. Adult males have a distinguishable red crown which females do not. However, this physical feature is present in the juvenile of both sexes.
Nuttall 啄木鳥在1843年以博物學家 Thomas Nuttall 的名字命名。在加州的橡樹林可見到它們。雖然Nuttall 啄木鳥大部分時間都在橡樹林中,但它們不吃橡子。 它們主要以昆蟲的幼蟲為食,例如蠹木蟲,叩頭蟲和螞蟻,藉挖掘和探測橡樹中的縫隙來找這些幼蟲。雄性成鳥有紅冠但雌鳥沒有。但未成年的雌雄兩性都有這種特徵。

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Photo Date: 2019.07.21 Location: Los Angeles County
Photo Date: 2020.01.08 Location: Whitewater Preserve, California
Photo Date: 2020.05.30 Location: Peck Road Park
Photo Date: 2020.05.29, 2023.01.27 Location: Los Angeles County

Notes 筆記

  • Nuttall's woodpecker is named after naturalist Thomas Nuttall in 1843. They are found in oak woodlands of California.
  • Nuttall's woodpecker has black wings and tail feathers with white barring. On the ventral surface, colour is white with black spots and barring. Adult males have a distinguishable red crown which females do not. However, this physical feature is present in the juvenile of both sexes. They have zygodactyl feet and stiff tail feathers which allows them to maintain a vertical position on trees; typical of woodpeckers.
  • Nuttall's woodpeckers are a non-migratory species with a geographic range confined to northern California extending south towards the northwest region of Baja California, Mexico.
  • Although Nuttall's Woodpeckers spend most of their time in oak woodlands, they do not eat acorns. They feed primarily on insect larvae such as those of wood borers, click beetles, and ants, found by tapping and probing into the crevices in oak trees.
  • Nuttall's woodpeckers are socially monogamous and show displays of bi-parental care. Clutch sizes range from three to six eggs with the male partner incubating the eggs at night and the female during the day.
  • Nuttall 啄木鳥在1843年以博物學家 Thomas Nuttall 的名字命名。在加州的橡樹林可見到它們。
  • Nuttall 啄木鳥有黑色的翅膀,尾羽帶有白條。在腹部表面為白色,有黑色斑點和條紋。雄性成鳥有紅冠但雌鳥沒有。但未成年的雌雄兩性都有這種特徵。它們像典型的啄木鳥一樣,有對趾的腳(前後各有一雙趾的腳)和堅硬的尾羽,使它們能夠在樹上保持垂直的位置。
  • Nuttall 啄木鳥是一種非遷移物種,它的地理範圍僅限於北加州,然後向南延伸到墨西哥的下加利福尼亞州(Baja California)西北地區。
  • 雖然Nuttall 啄木鳥大部分時間都在橡樹林中,但它們不吃橡子。 它們主要以昆蟲的幼蟲為食,例如蠹木蟲,叩頭蟲和螞蟻,藉挖掘和探測橡樹中的縫隙來找這些幼蟲。
  • Nuttall 啄木鳥是社交單配偶制 (一夫一妻制),並且是雌雄親鳥照顧的方式生活。 一窩有三到六個蛋不等,雄鳥在晚上孵蛋,白天則是由雌鳥孵蛋。

References 參考資料

Birds Posts 鳥的帖子