Taiwan Travel Journal 2024.05.22 台灣旅行日記 (中正紀念堂)

The Chiang Kai-shek Memorial Hall was built in memory of Chiang Kai-shek (Chiang Chung-cheng), the first president of the Republic of China, who passed away in 1975. Designed by Yang Zhuocheng, the architect behind the renowned Grand Hotel. The area covers an area of 250,000 square meters. The main hall of the memorial hall is 70 meters high, predominantly using the blue and white colors found on the national flag. The decorative elements atop the memorial hall resemble the 12 rays of the blue sky and white sun from the Republic of China’s emblem. The memorial hall’s layout is square, symbolizing Chiang Kai-shek’s commitment to “Zhongzheng” (meaning “righteousness”). Inspired by the architectural styles of Beijing’s Temple of Heaven and Guangzhou’s Sun Yat-Sen Memorial Hall, the Chiang Kai-shek Memorial Hall features glazed tiles and an octagonal spire. These elements represent the Eight Virtues, while a hidden human figure within symbolizes the unity of heaven and man. The grand staircase leading to the memorial hall consists of 84 granite steps at the front and an additional 5 steps inside, totaling 89 steps—corresponding to Chiang Kai-shek’s 89th birthday. At the center of these steps stands the Danbi, adorned with the national emblem of the Republic of China—an architectural feature typically reserved for palaces or temples. Inside Bronze Statue Hall, visitors encounter a commanding bronze statue of Chiang Kai-shek. The statue faces west, toward both the Presidential Office Building and mainland China, carrying special significance. The base of the bronze statue bears the full text of “The Will of Late President Chiang Kai-shek.” The words "Ethics, Democracy and Science" are hung on the wall behind the statue, as well as "The purpose of life is to enhance the life of all mankind", "The meaning of life is to create "The Successive Life of the Universe" and other quotes from Chiang Kai-shek during his lifetime.
中正紀念堂是為紀念1975年逝世的中華民國第一任總統蔣中正 (蔣介石) 而興建的建築,由設計圓山大飯店的楊卓成設計。全區 250,000 平方公尺,紀念堂主堂體高 70 公尺,以國旗上面的藍白兩色為主,紀念堂頂部的裝飾是如中華民國國徽的青天白日 12 道光芒。紀念堂平面為方形格局,象徵蔣中正的「中正」。仿效北京天壇和廣州中山紀念堂的琉璃瓦八角攢尖頂代表八德,而隱藏其中的人形象徵天人合一。紀念堂正面共有花崗石 84 階、大廳階梯 5 階,合計 89 階,代表蔣中正享壽 89 歲。臺階中間為中華民國國徽圖案的丹陛,在中國傳統建築上,只用於宮殿或廟堂。蔣中正銅像位於正堂後方,銅像朝西面對總統府和中國大陸,有特殊的意義。銅像基座刻有「先總統 蔣公遺囑」全文,銅像後方牆壁則懸掛有「倫理、民主、科學」字樣,以及「生活的目的在增進人類全體之生活」、「生命的意義在創造宇宙繼起之生命」等蔣中正生前語錄。

The following photos were taken on March 30, 2024. 以下照片攝於2024.03.30.

Flag lowering ceremony. 降旗典禮

The following photos were taken in 2016 and 2014. 以下照片攝於 2016.10.17 and 2014.10.16.

The honor corps of the three armed forces of the Republic of China are stationed on a regular basis, and the handover every hour is also an important attraction. 中華民國三軍儀隊定期進駐,每小時的交接也是重要景點。

There are displays and exhibitions on the lower floor of the main hall. 正堂下層有陳列與展覽。

The Chiang Kai-shek Memorial Hall archway is 30 meters high and 80 meters wide. Its appearance is mainly blue and white, symbolizing the blue sky and white sun. It is the largest archway in Taipei City. The inscription on the plaque above the archway was originally "Dazhong Zhizheng". The source was the lecture quotations of Wang Yangming , Chiang's most admired thinker. It means extremely fair, impartial, honest and selfless. Due to the change of political parties, it was changed to "Freedom Square" after December 8, 2007.
中正紀念堂牌樓,高30公尺、寬80公尺,外觀以象徵青天白日的藍白兩色為主,是台北市區內最大的牌樓。牌樓之上的牌匾題字原為「大中至正」,出處是蔣最崇拜的思想家王陽明講學語錄《傳習錄》:「粹然大中至正之歸矣。」由於政黨替換,2007 年 12 月 8 日之後,被更換為「自由廣場」。

The following photo was taken in 1992. "Dazhong Zhizheng" can be seen. 以下照片攝於1992,可見「大中至正」之字。

The Chiang Kai-shek Memorial Hall campus also includes the National Theater and the National Concert Hall on the north and south sides of the square, collectively known as the "National Two Halls", as well as Democracy Boulevard in front of the main building and Arts Plaza, NTCH (also known as Democracy Square). In addition to being a place for people to relax, it is also a venue for large-scale art and cultural activities, often hosting exhibitions and performances. The welcoming ceremony (military salute) for the heads of state that have diplomatic relations with Taiwan was also held here. The outer roofed corridor surrounding the park has a Chinese-style lantern window every 4.5 meters, with a total of 26 shapes, which is full of unique features. There are Chinese-style gardens in the park, Yun Han Pond and Guang Hua Pond, that evoke sentiments of national restoration. There are many koi carps in the pool. The main buildings, avenues, squares and archways of the park are designated as national monuments by the Ministry of Culture of the Executive Yuan in the name of "Taiwan Democracy Memorial Park". The East Gate, some sections of Zhongshan South Road and the park are registered as cultural landscapes by the Taipei City Government in the name of "Chiang Kai-shek Memorial Hall". From the naming of this national monument and cultural landscape, you can see the intricate tapestry of history and symbolism echo political and ideological struggles here.

The following photos were taken in 2008. The shocking scenes caused by the alternation of political parties are still vivid in my mind. 以下照片攝於2008,由於政黨交替而有的觸目驚心畫面,歷歷在目。

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