Travel/POI: Discovery Princess 7-Day Mexican Riviera Cruise - 1 Introductions 尋夢公主號墨西哥沿岸8天遊簡介

The last time we took a cruise was in 2017 when we went to Alaska with college classmates. We haven’t taken a cruise in 7 years. At the end of 2023, we happened to see a trip from Los Angeles to Mexico. It was convenient and economical (cruise fare + taxes and fees = $1606.32 US) so we booked an outer cabin to have a relaxing vacation. We didn't do any homework/research this time but were lucky enough to choose a very new cruise ship. The inaugural cruise of the Discovery Princess is March 27, 2022. The ship houses 1,830 passenger cabins, 81% have a balcony, and 757 crew cabins. The ship has a maximum capacity of 5,800 passengers which include 3,660 guests and 1,346 crew. It measures 145,000 gross tonnage and has a length of 330 meters (1,083 ft) and a beam of 38 meters (126 ft). It has 19 decks. It sails smoothly, averaged 22 knots. I'm prone to seasickness, but I didn't feel uncomfortable even without taking any medication. Our itinerary is as follows:

Date Destination Arrive Time Depart Time
2024.01.27 Los Angeles, California   3 PM
2024.01.28 at Sea
2024.01.29 Cabo San Lucas, Mexico 2 PM 8 PM
2024.01.30 Mazatlán, Mexico 9 AM 5:30 PM
2024.01.31 Puerto Vallarta, Mexico 7:45 AM 4:30 PM
2024.02.01 at Sea
2024.02.02 at Sea
2024.02.03 Los Angeles, California 6:15 AM

我們上一次坐遊輪是在2017年,與大學同學一起去阿拉斯加,有7年沒坐郵輪了,2023年年底剛好看到從洛杉磯出發到墨西哥的旅程,方便又經濟實惠 (郵輪票價 + 稅金 = 1606.32 美元),就訂了外艙房,想坐船出去放鬆一下。我們這次沒有做什麼功課卻很幸運選了一艘很新的船,尋夢公主號 (Discovery Princess) 的首航日期是2022年3月27日,船上設有1,830 間客艙,其中 81% 設有陽台,還有 757 間船員艙。它可容納 5,800 名乘客,其中包括 3,660 名客人和 1,346 名船員。它的總噸位為 145,000 噸,長度為 330 公尺(1,083 英尺),橫梁長 38 公尺(126 英尺)。它有 19 層艙面。它航行平穩,平均航速 22 節,像我非常容易暈船的,不吃藥也沒有感覺不舒服。我們的行程如下:

日期 國家/城市 抵達 啟航
2024.01.27 美國 加州 洛杉磯   15:00
2024.01.28 海上巡航
2024.01.29 墨西哥 卡波聖盧卡斯 14:00 20:00
2024.01.30 墨西哥 馬薩特蘭 09:00 17:30
2024.01.31 墨西哥 巴亞爾塔港 07:45 16:30
2024.02.01 海上巡航
2024.02.02 海上巡航
2024.02.03 美國 加州 洛杉磯 06:15

I don't often cruise, so I can't provide an insider's opinion. But, here are some of my experiences and reflections about cruises for your reference.

* When choosing a cruise, there are several factors to consider: For example, seasons (like temperature, rainy season, typhoon/hurricane, etc.); who is going together (like age, hobbies, needs); length of days, budget, room type, cabin type, etc.
在選擇遊輪/郵輪時,可考慮幾個因素: 例如季節 (像溫度、雨季、颱風/颶風等等); 誰要一起去 (像年紀、嗜好、需求); 天數長短、預算、房型、艙位等等。

At the end of January and early February, the weather in Mexico is sunny and breezy. The temperature is about 70°-80° Fahrenheit (21°-27° Celsius), which is very comfortable. We also booked an outer cabin so we were very happy.
一月底、二月初,墨西哥的天氣,風和日麗,氣溫約是華氏 70-80 度 (攝氏 21-27 度),非常舒服。我們又訂到一間外艙房,非常滿意。

* There are several well-known American cruise vacation platforms (for example: Cruise Direct, Cruise Critic, Cruise Compete, and that allow you to compare cruise information and sometimes have good promotions or discounts. Cruise tickets are usually booked as early as possible, the price is cheaper, and there are more room types to choose from. However, if you are unable to book your tickets six months or more in advance, it is recommended that you choose 60-90 days before departure. Sometimes you will encounter discounts due to others refunds and re-issuances the ticket for canceling the trip. In addition, the Last Minute Deal is relatively cheap, but it is usually more likely to occur during the off-season. You can also pay attention to whether there are special drink and beverage packages. If you need the Internet, you can also look for the Wi-Fi package.
有幾個美國知名遊輪/郵輪假期購買平台 (例如: Cruise Direct, Cruise Critic, Cruise Compete, and,可讓你比較郵輪的資料,有時也有好的促銷或優惠價。遊輪/郵輪船票通常越早訂越好,價格比較便宜,而且可選擇的房型也比較多。不過如果無法提早半年以年以上確定時間訂票,建議可以挑選啟航前 60-90 天,有時也會碰上別人退票,重新發售而有的一些折扣。另外 Last Minute Deal 最後促銷也相對比較便宜,不過通常在淡季時比較可能發生。還可以留心喜歡喝酒,喝飲料的,有沒有特價的待遇包,需要網路的,也可留意 Wi-Fi package.

* When choosing a cabin, consider the view, the stability of the ship, and the direction of travel of the ship. Choose a cabin with a view of the sunrise, sunset, port shore, or ocean water for your desire. Of course, there are some factors that you don’t need to consider for interior cabins.

Whether it's the clouds in the sky or the scenery of the harbor, it's very enjoyable to have an open and unobstructed view.

* To save time on boarding the ship, two or three weeks before boarding the ship, there are some preparations: fill in the information in advance, upload a copy of your passport and the latest headshot. Since the Discovery Princess is a MedallionClass cruise ship, ordering and getting the Princess Medallion early will save you the trouble of waiting in long lines on the day of boarding. Medallion, a quarter-sized wearable device, provides the following personalized services: contactless boarding (OceanReady™), delivering whatever you need (OceanNow™), events on board (JourneyView™), find your way and friends (OceanCompass™), keyless stateroom entry, simplified safety training, dining reservations (Dine My Way℠), TruelyTouchless payment (MedallionPay™), family-friendly games (PlayOcean™). In addition, you can also check information about port and shore excursions. Some popular activities have limited spaces and can be booked in advance. Other miscellaneous items that can be prepared based on needs include: passport, visa, credit card and cash (keep these items on hand); electronic equipments' chargers and adapters; motion sickness medication and essential medicines for tour such as medicines for fever, diarrhea, etc.; sun hat, cap, sunglasses, sunscreen and other sun-protective clothing; jacket, windbreaker or warm clothes; clothing, shoes and stuff for swimming, sauna, sports or other fun activities; outfits for formal dinners etc.
為了節省登船的時間,在登船前的2、3個禮拜,有一些凖備事項: 預先填寫資料、上傳護照影本及最新的大頭照。由於尋夢公主號是勛章假期 (MedallionClass) 的皇家級遊輪,提早預訂拿到公主勛章,也可省去登船當天大排長龍的辛苦。一款硬幣大小可穿戴式的公主勛章,提供了以下個人化服務: 快速登船 (OceanReady™)、隨心點單(OceanNow™)、互動式航行時刻表 (JourneyView™)、親友定位 (OceanCompass™)、自動解鎖艙房、簡化演習、餐飲預訂 Dine My Way℠)、真實無接觸支付 (MedallionPay™)、互動遊戲 (PlayOcean™)。除此之外還可以查看港口與岸上觀光的資料,有些熱門的活動名額有限,可提早預訂。其它零零星星視需求可凖備的東西包括: 護照、簽證、信用卡與現金 (隨身攜帶這些物品);電子用品充電器、轉接頭;暈船或常備發燒、腹瀉等藥物;遮陽帽、太陽眼鏡、防曬霜等防曬衣物;夾克、風衣、保暖衣物;還有游泳、桑拿浴、運動或其它玩樂的行裝;正式晚宴的行頭等等。

* When you get on the ship, you should pay attention to the following things: the ship will broadcast messages from time to time, such as emergencies, weather forecast, special events, dolphins or whales nearby, and time zone change. Time zones might change in some places, so be careful to adjust the time accordingly to avoid missing boarding or activity time. Every day, you should also look through the activities of the day. There are many types of activities on board, including various classes, singing, music, and different types of entertainment programs. Plan the activities you want to participate in in advance. Some spaces are limited, so book early, so as not to miss the opportunity. Usually there is an almost anytime buffet on board, but if you want to dine in the main restaurant or enjoy gourmet specialties, book a time slot early so that you can enjoy the food when you want to eat.

Enjoying delicious food is a big part of taking a cruise.

What a lively celebration on the first day of sailing.

January 28th happens to be the AFC (Kansas City Chiefs vs. Baltimore Ravens) and NFC (Detroit Lions vs. San Francisco 49ers) championship games. Whoever wins will get to play in the American Football League (NFL) Super Bowl. It is a rare experience to watch the game on a super big screen on the ship and feel the tension and excitement of the game with a group of people. By the way, I was very happy that the Kansas City Chiefs won the Super Bowl on February 11, 2024.
1/28 剛好是 AFC (堪薩斯城酋長 vs 巴爾的摩烏鴉隊) 及 NFC (底特律雄獅 vs 舊金山 49 人隊) 的冠軍賽,誰贏了就可去打美式足球聯盟 (NFL) 的超級盃(Super Bowl)。在船上看超級大的螢幕,與一羣人感受比賽的緊張及興奮是難能可貴的經驗。順便說一句,我很高興堪薩斯城酋長隊在 2024 年 2 月 11 日贏得了超級盃冠軍。

Whether it's hitting the gym, walking on the upper deck, playing pickleball, or doing Zuma, there are plenty of exercise options on board to work off some of the calories from overeating. There are also lots of fun and learnable activities as well as entertainment options.
不管是去健身房、在頂樓健走、或打匹克球 (pickleball)、或跳尊巴 (Zuma) 船上有許多運動的選擇,可以消化一些過量享用美食的卡路里。也有許多有趣又可學習的活動以及娛樂節目。

I also love watching the pilot guide the cruise ship in and out of port. Such a large cruise ship can safely dock at the port with limited space. I am impressed by pilots' skills.

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