Travel/POI: Discovery Princess 7-Day Mexican Riviera Cruise - 2 Cabo San Lucas, Mexico 尋夢公主號墨西哥沿岸8天遊 - 墨西哥卡波聖盧卡斯

We arrived at Cabo San Lucas around 2 PM on January 29, 2024. We didn't join any excursions and wanted to walk around the port or town to get to know this place. Cabo San Lucas, a resort city on the southern tip of Mexico’s Baja California peninsula, is known for its beaches, water-based activities and nightlife. Discovery Princess recommends the following points of interest: El Arco (the Arch) and Lover's Beach, San Jose del Cabo, Medano Beach, Todos Santos, Dolphin Encounter, Outdoor adventure as well as recommended these excursion tours: Best of Cabo San Lucas, Luxury sunset sailing, and Pirate ship sail and snorkel.
我們於 2024 年 1 月 29 日下午 2 點左右抵達卡波聖盧卡斯。我們沒有參加任何的遊覽活動,只是想在港口或市鎮上逛逛來了解這個地方。卡波聖盧卡斯是墨西哥下加利福尼亞半島南端的度假城市,以海灘、水上活動和夜生活而聞名。尋夢公主號推薦以下景點:El Arco(聖盧卡斯角海拱)和情人海灘 (Lover's Beach)、市鎮首府聖何塞德爾卡波 (San Jose del Cabo)、梅達諾海灘 (Medano Beach)、托多斯桑托斯 (Todos Santos)、海豚奇遇觀光、戶外探險以及推薦以下旅遊:卡波聖盧卡斯最佳景點、豪華日落帆船體驗和海盜船航行和浮潛。

The distinctive landmark of Cabo San Lucas is the rugged El Arco (The Arch, also known as Land's End) rock formation that erupts from the sea at the tip of the Baja California Peninsula, where the Pacific Ocean meets the Sea of Cortez. It is a travel icon commonly seen on postcards and brochures for Cabo vacations. You can get there by taking a water taxi, a glass-bottom boat or a private yacht. You can even try to paddleboard or kayak ride over calm, turquoise waters. When we were eating a buffet on the 16th floor of the ship, we suddenly saw a bunch of rocks. My intuition told me that this was the famous landmark El Arco. I asked other cruise fellow passengers and it was confirmed. I took a few photos with distorted colors through the sunshade window in the Cafe. I thought about it and rushed outside to the deck to take photos. I'm glad I made the right decision. Another attraction, Lover's Beach known as Playa del Amor, is nearby. This tiny little spit of secluded sands is nestled between two prominent jagged granite rock formations. There are no restaurants, beach umbrellas, beach chairs or toilets on Lover's Beach, but the water is clear and you can see fish and marine life. This beach is one of the most sought-after attractions. Just a few minutes away is another beach, Divorce Beach, which faces the Pacific Ocean. This stretch of sand is more secluded than Lover's Beach because the waves and undercurrent are strong here and makes the water unapproachable. Although the view from a distance from the ship cannot be compared with experiencing the beautiful scenery up close by boat, to me it’s still good even if there are no fish but there are shrimps (sorry about the confusing Chinese slang).
卡波聖盧卡斯的獨特地標是凹凸不平的聖盧卡斯角海拱 (El Arco)(拱門,也稱為“天涯海角”)岩層,它從太平洋與科爾特斯海交匯處的下加利福尼亞半島頂端的海中噴發而出。它是卡波度假明信片和小冊子上常見的旅行圖示。您可以乘坐水上計程車、玻璃底船或私人遊艇到那裡。您甚至可以嘗試在平靜、碧綠的海水上劃槳或劃皮艇過去。當我們還在船上 16 樓餐廳吃飯時,突然看到一堆礁岩,直覺告訴我這就是有名的地標聖盧卡斯角海拱,問了其他遊輪乘客,果真是。在餐廳中隔著遮陽玻璃窗照了幾張顏色不對的照片,想想還是衝到外面甲板去照相,很高興做了一個正確的決定。另一個景點情人海灘就在附近,這個僻靜的小沙嘴坐落在兩個突出的鋸齒狀花崗岩岩層之間。情人海灘沒有餐廳、遮陽傘、沙灘椅及廁所,但海水清澈,可看到魚及海洋生物,這個海灘是最受歡迎的景點之一。幾分鐘路程外就是另一個海灘,離婚海灘,面向太平洋。這片沙灘比情人灘更僻靜,因為這裡的海浪和暗流很強,使得海水難以接近。雖然遠遠地從船上瞭望與坐船近身經歷美景是不能相提並論,但對我來說是沒魚,蝦也好的感覺。

From the cruise ship we had to take a water shuttle to get ashore to the port.

As soon as we landed, in addition to the businessmen trying to sell the tours or water taxi rides, we were greeted by a sea lion and several brown pelicans.

We walked along the marina toward the city and saw many bars, vendors selling handicrafts, and glass-bottomed boats. I remember that more than 20 years ago, because I couldn’t swim or snorkel, but I wanted to see colorful and beautiful tropical fish, so I went on a glass-bottom boat tour. I stared at the side and bottom of the boat that kept shaking and I tried to find the small fish swimming around. However, within a few minutes, I felt dizzy and seasick. I felt terrified when I saw the glass-bottomed boat till this day.
我們沿著碼頭朝城裏走去,一路上看到好多酒吧、賣手工藝的小販以及許多人推銷的玻璃底船。記得 20 多年前,因為不會游泳更不會浮潛,但是想看色彩繽紛漂亮的熱帶魚,就去參加了玻璃底船的遊船活動,眼睛直盯著晃動不停的船邊及船底,尋視著游來盪去的小魚,不到幾分鐘,我頭暈目眩,我暈得慘兮兮,直到現在一看到玻璃底船都怕怕的。

The person who made us stop and watch on the pier turned out to be an expert who filleted fish for customers who came back from the sea fishing tour. What’s even more interesting is that there were a sea lion and brown pelicans watching nearby. They waited patiently and neither stole nor grabbed. But in the end, all the remaining fish heads, bones and bodies were put into large plastic buckets, and they only waited to be driven away by spraying water from the water hose. Poor things.

Then we continued walking and arrived at a shopping mall with supermarket, regular stores, and high-end stores. Security personnel with guns and ammunition can often be seen next to high-end store. Sometimes I would see heavily armed military and police personnel with heavy machine guns on the road. I was afraid of causing trouble and did not dare to take pictures of them. I walked down the street in Cabo San Lucas and felt quite safe. We walked into the supermarket to see their daily necessities and find out the prices. As of February 8, 2024, 1 US dollar = 17.15 Mexican Peso. 1 kilogram = 2.2 pounds. After we finished the conversion, it gave us a headache. After counting a few things, we gave up. LOL!
然後我們繼續走下去,到了一家購物中心,有超級市場、普通大眾衣物用品店面,也有高級用品商店,高級品店旁常會看到身掛槍枝彈藥的保全人員。在路上有時也會看到全副武裝,重型機槍的軍警人員,我怕惹事,不敢拍照他們。我走在卡波聖盧卡斯街上,覺得頗安全的。我們走進了超級市場,想看看它們的民生用品,也想了解一下價錢。2024 年 2 月 8 日,1 美元 = 17.15 墨西哥比索。而墨西哥又是用公制,1 公斤= 2.2 磅。等我們換算完,一個頭兩個大,算了幾樣東西後,就放棄了。哈哈!

After coming out of the shopping mall, we walked towards the beach and passed through a huge slope. While walking, a stranger was asking for directions and we were answering questions. Out of nowhere, I turned my ankle and rolled to the ground. Both of my knees were scraped. The funniest thing is that because the slope was too steep, I couldn't get up even if I wanted to. Fortunately, my husband and a bystander came and helped me to stand up. The pain in my knees stopped me from having much fun, so we walked back to catch the water ferry back to the cruise ship.

It’s also nice to get back on the ship and enjoy watching the clouds and scenery.

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