Travel/POI: Discovery Princess 7-Day Mexican Riviera Cruise - 4 Puerto Vallarta, Mexico 尋夢公主號墨西哥沿岸8天遊 - 墨西哥巴亞爾塔港

We arrived at Puerto Vallarta around 8 AM on January 31, 2024. Puerto Vallarta is a resort town on Mexico’s Pacific coast, in Jalisco state. It is known for its beaches, water sports and nightlife scene. Its cobblestone center is home to the ornate Nuestra Señora de Guadalupe church, boutique shops and a range of restaurants and bars. El Malecón is a beachside promenade with contemporary sculptures, as well as bars, lounges and nightclubs. Discovery Princess recommends the following points of interest: The Malecon, Las Caletas, Church of Our Lady of Guadalupe, Tequila Hacienda, Dolphin Encounter, Outdoor adventures as well as recommended these excursion tours: Best of Puerto Vallarta; Discovery family Las Caletas Private Beach Getaway and Lunch; Majahuitas Cove, Yelapa and Lunch.
我們於 2024 年 1 月 31 日上午 8 點左右抵達巴亞爾塔港。巴亞爾塔港是墨西哥太平洋沿岸哈利斯科州的一個度假小鎮。它以其海灘、水上運動和夜生活場所而聞名。鵝卵石中心有華麗的瓜達露佩聖母聖殿 (Nuestra Señora de Guadalupe)、精品店以及各種餐廳和酒吧。海濱大道 (El Malecón) 是一條海濱步道,有現代雕塑、酒吧、酒廊和夜總會。尋夢公主號推薦以下景點:海濱大道 (The Malecon)、拉斯卡萊塔斯 (Las Caletas)、瓜達露佩聖母聖殿 (Church of Our Lady of Guadalupe)、龍舌蘭酒莊園 (Tequila Hacienda)、海豚奇遇觀光 (Dolphin Encounter)、戶外探險以及推薦以下旅遊:巴亞爾塔港最佳景點、尋夢家庭拉斯卡萊塔斯私人海灘度假和午餐以及馬賈惠塔斯灣 (Majahuitas Cove)、耶拉帕(Yelapa)和午餐。

From my observation, Puerto Vallarta is a diverse city. There are many shopping places next to the port where we docked, such as shopping malls, Walmart, and Sam's Club. I saw many cars coming and going early in the morning and traffic was very busy. The places we went to later were completely different scenery. I watched such a large cruise ship slowly and steadily docking at the shore, and I sincerely admired the skills of the pilot. Because the cruise ship is directly docked at the pier, we can get off the ship directly. I also saw that many tents were set up and were getting ready for business early in the morning. We shared a taxi with others to Malecón and it cost $12 USD for the two of us.
據我的觀察,巴亞爾塔港是個多元化的城市。我們停船的港口旁邊有許多商場,例如購物中心、沃爾瑪、山姆會員店。一大早就看見許多車子來來去去,非常繁忙。之後我們去的地方又是全然不同的景致。我看著這麼大的遊輪,慢慢安穩地停靠岸邊,衷心佩服領航員的技術,因為遊輪直接靠著碼頭,我們可直接下船出去。我也看到許多擺攤的攤位帳篷都搭好了,也一大早凖備做生意。我們與其他人一起合搭出租車,兩人 $12 美金,我們直接坐到海濱大道。

The Malecón is a 12-block, mile-long esplanade in Puerto Vallarta's Centro and Zona Romántica. This city's popular boardwalk by the beach is lined with shops, restaurants and artists selling their wares. We began our stroll at the “Los Milenios” (The Millennia) sculpture by Mathis Lidice. This large bronze spiral sculpture is right beside one of the oldest hotels in town, Hotel Rosita, right by the edge of the sea. Then we headed southward. We saw many sculptures along the way.
海濱大道 (Malecón) 是位於巴亞爾塔港中心區和浪漫區的一條有 12 個區塊、一英里長的濱海大道。這是這座城市頗受歡迎的海灘木板路,兩旁遍布商店、餐廳和販售商品的藝術家。我們從馬蒂斯·利迪斯 (Mathis Lidice) 的千禧年 (Los Milenos, Millennia) 雕塑開始散步,這座大型青銅螺旋雕塑位於鎮上最古老的酒店之一 - 羅西塔酒店 (Hotel Rosita) 旁邊,就在海邊。之後我們就向南走。沿路看到許多雕塑品。

The piece was created to celebrate the new millennium and is full of symbolism and meaning. The sculpture’s spiral form symbolizes the passage of time. At the base waves, water, the sea, where the original life appeared, a little further up a strand of DNA and from there an explosion of life and evolution, both natural and human, the base ends with symbols that represent the presence of Christ in history, on the front sun and on the back various other symbols, including a pair of hands lifted in prayer. In the second part, you can see a warrior, Charlemagne (Charles the Great), king of the Franks from the VIII and IX century and founder of Europe, a model for this, the first millennium, encircled in flames, that emphasizes the violence and upheaval those 1000 years brought. The second millennium is represented as a symbol of universal wisdom by poet king Nezahualcóyotl from the XV century, holding a lithium atom (Bohr’s atomic model) in his right hand (the discovery of atomic power) and with his left pointing to a sphere with America on one face and the dark side of the moon on the other, symbolizing the great discoveries in those 1000 years (the discovery of America in 1492 and when men walked on the Moon in 1969), but his face in decay also symbolizes that technology and philosophies have, in fact, also been used to destroy and kill as never before in history. Quetzalcóatl, the feathered serpent, a symbol of wisdom unites the second millennium to the third. The third and last millennium is symbolized by a woman trying to catch a dove (a peace dove), a wish that maybe, finally, in this third millennium all countries will attain their rightful place, women will obtain corresponding rights and together will once and for all attain the idealized goal of humanity: peace.
這件作品是為了慶祝千禧年而創作的,充滿了象徵主義和意義。雕塑的螺旋形象徵著時間的流逝。在底部有波浪、水、海洋,是原始生命出現的地方,再往上一點,是一條 DNA 鏈,從那裡開始,自然和人類的生命和進化爆發,底部以代表基督存在在歷史上的標誌來結束,正面的太陽和背面有各種其他標誌,包括雙手舉起祈禱。在第二部分中,你可以看到一個戰士 - 查理曼 (Charlemagne)(查理大帝)(八九世紀的法蘭克 (Franks) 國王和歐洲的創始人),這是第一個千年的典範,被火焰包圍,強調暴力以及那一千年帶來的劇變。十五世紀的詩人國王內薩瓦爾科約特爾 (Nezahualcóyotl) 將第二個千年作為普世智慧的象徵,他右手拿著一個鋰原子(玻爾的原子模型)(原子能的發現),左手指向一個球體,一面是美國,另一面是月球的陰暗面,象徵著這 1000 年來被發現的偉大事物(1492 年發現美洲,1969 年人類登上月球),但他腐爛的臉也象徵著,事實上技術和哲學思想也被用來進行破壞和殺戮,這是歷史上前所未有的。羽蛇神 (Quetzalcóatl),(羽蛇,智慧的象徵),是將第二個千年與第三個千年結合在一起的標誌。第三個也是最後一個千年是被一位婦女試圖捕捉一隻鴿子(和平鴿)來作標誌,這是一個願望,也許最終在這第三個千年中,所有國家都將獲得應有的地位,婦女將獲得相應的權利,並一起讓所有人徹底地實現人類的理想目標:和平。

The beach here is very pleasant to look at and felt relaxing. I saw a bunch of brown pelicans in the trees and on the roof. Could it be that they were also admiring the sea view?

“Origin and Destination” by Pedro Tello. The sculptures represent the beginnings of humanity, music, time and knowledge. The boat represents mankind’s quest for new horizons. The second sculpture, a chimera, symbolizes humanity’s unity with reptiles, birds and marine animals, with musical notes that represent the harmony existing between them. The final sculpture is an obelisk, representing humanity’s spirituality. The obelisk contains an hourglass filled with sand, a symbol of the transience of the present.
佩德羅·特洛的《起點與終點》。這些雕塑代表了人類、音樂、時間和知識的起源。這艘船代表了人類對新視野的追求。第二個雕塑是凱美拉 (chimera),象徵人類與爬行動物、鳥類和海洋動物的和睦,其音符代表了它們之間的和諧。最後一個雕塑是一座方尖碑 (obelisk),代表了人類的靈性。方尖碑上有一個裝滿沙子的沙漏,象徵轉瞬即逝的當下。

“Nostalgia” by Mexican artist, Ramiz Barquet, who created this sculpture to symbolize his love for his wife, Nelly Barquet.《懷舊》,墨西哥藝術家創作了這座雕塑來象徵他對妻子的愛。

“El Sutil Comepiedras”, The Subtle Stone Eater by Guadalajara artist Jonás Gutiérrez from 2006.《微妙的食石者》

Nature as Mother (La Naturaleza Como Madre) by Adrián Reynoso.《大自然作為母親》。

“La Rotonda del Mar” (The Rotunda of the Sea) by Alejandro Colunga from 1996 海洋圓形大廳

Triton and Siren, by Carlos Espino 海神特里同和海妖塞壬

“In Search of Reason” (En Busca de la Razón) by Mexican artist Sergio Bustamante. Searching for an answer while striving farther and above the normal limits of humanity. 尋找答案,同時努力超越人類的正常極限。

Lluvia (Rain) 求雨

Shops, restaurants, bars and artists abound.

Church of Our Lady of Guadalupe, known as la Parroquia de Nuestra Señora de Guadalupe to locals, is a Catholic place of worship with a Renaissance-style tower. It is just a block from the Malecón boardwalk. It is open daily, with services in English available on Saturdays and mass in both Spanish and English on Sundays. Its chiming church bells, ringing 30 and 15 minutes before each Mass, are one of the most recognizable sounds. During the Feast of Guadalupe, held every year from Dec. 1 to Dec. 12, the church is a hub of activity. During the annual festival, there is plenty of music, dancing and street processionals.
瓜達露佩聖母教堂,當地人稱為 la Parroquia de Nuestra Señora de Guadalupe,是一座天主教禮拜場所,擁有文藝復興風格的塔樓。 距離 Malecón 木板路僅一個街區。教堂每天開放,週六提供英語服務,週日提供西班牙語和英語彌撒。教堂的鐘聲在每次彌撒前 30 分鐘和 15 分鐘響起,是最知名的聲音之一。每年 12 月 1 日至 12 日舉行的瓜達露佩節期間,教會是活動的中心。在一年一度的節慶期間,會有許多的音樂、舞蹈和街頭遊行。

Casa Kimberly is a hotel and former residence of Richard Burton and Elizabeth Taylor. Taylor sold the property during the 1990s. The boutique hotel was formed by the two houses, which Burton connected by a bridge known as Lovers' Bridge or Reconciliation Bridge. The hotel houses an Iguana Restaurant. Iguana is an open-air restaurant and tequila bar. The hotel has nine suites, a pool, and a spa.
金伯利之家 (Casa Kimberly) 是一家賓館,也是理查德伯頓 (Richard Burton) 和伊麗莎白泰勒 (Elizabeth Taylor) 的故居。泰勒在 1990 年代出售了這房產。這家精品旅館由兩棟房子組成,伯頓透過一座被稱為情人橋或和解橋的橋連接起來。賓館設有 Iguana 餐廳。Iguana 是露天餐廳和龍舌蘭酒酒吧。賓館擁有九間套房、一個游泳池和一個水療中心。

Walking on the old cobblestone road and climbing up the hill to reach Casa Kimberly.

Casa Kimberly doesn’t look very big or impressive from the outside. However, the Lovers' Bridge/Reconciliation Bridge stands out. We chatted with two strangers who had just had dinner here the night before and they said it was excellent.

The slopes in this area are very steep, the roads are very narrow, and the sea can be seen in the distance. It is a very romantic and interesting place.

When I came to the foot of the hill, I saw a lot of people in a line. I thought they lined up for some delicious food, but after looking at the store, I guessed they were waiting to receive social welfare benefits. We then took a taxi to the cruise port ($16 USD for two of us).
來到山腳下,看到好多人排隊,原本以為有什們好吃的,看了店面,我猜是等著領社會福利金。然後我們叫了計程車會遊輪港口 (兩人 $16 美金)。

Let’s sail! End of a fun day. Puerto Vallarta is my favorite port city of the 3.
開船囉!結束了一天好玩的時光。巴亞爾塔港是這 3 個靠港中我最喜歡的港市。

The day ended with a beautiful sunset.

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