Bird: Black Bulbul (Hypsipetes leucocephalus) 紅嘴黑鵯

The black bulbul is also known as the Himalayan black bulbul or Asian black bulbul. It is found primarily in the Himalayas, its range stretching from India eastward to Southeast Asia. Many subspecies have grey to black body plumage but some also occur in white-headed morphs. It is very loud like the Red-whiskered bulbul and Light-vented Bulbul that I have seen in the bulbul family. I saw Black bulbul at the North Coast Ginshan District Shihtou Mountain Park.


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Photo Date: 2023.04.12 Location: North Coast, Taiwan

Notes 筆記

  • The black bulbul (Hypsipetes leucocephalus), also known as the Himalayan black bulbul or Asian black bulbul, is a member of the bulbul family of passerine birds. The genus name combines the Ancient Greek hupsi meaning "high" with petēs meaning "-flyer". The specific epithet leucocephalus is from Ancient Greek leukokephalos meaning "white-headed" (from leukos "white" and -kephalos "-headed").
  • There are a number of subspecies, mostly varying in the shade of the body plumage which ranges from grey to black, and some also occur in white-headed morphs. The legs and bill are always rich orange-red and the head has a black fluffy crest.
  • The distribution range is mainly in the mainland area of the Eastern Ocean, from the western edge of the Himalayas in the west, through the vast areas of southern China, to Taiwan in the east, and to the southern Indochina Peninsula in the south. This bulbul is found in broad-leaved forests, cultivation and gardens mainly in hilly areas, but Himalayan populations are known to sometimes descend into the adjoining plains in winter.
  • Black bulbuls feed mainly on seeds and insects, and they are often seen in small groups, either roosting or flying about in search of food. They are particularly fond of berries.
  • They can be quite noisy, making various loud chirping, meowing and grating calls.
  • 紅嘴黑鵯也被稱為喜馬拉雅黑鵯或亞洲黑鵯,雀形目鵯科的一種鳥類。屬名結合了古希臘語中的 hupsi “高”和 petēs “飛”的意思。種小名leucocephalus 來自古希臘語 leukokephalos,意思是“白頭”(leukos “白色”和 -kephalos “頭”)。
  • 有許多亞種,大部分的身體羽色從灰色到黑色不等,但有些是白頭變種。嘴喙和腳為深橘紅色且頭部有黑色松冠羽。
  • 分佈範圍主要在東洋的大陸地區,西起喜馬拉雅山脈西緣,經中國南方,東迄台灣,南抵中南半島南部。這種鵯主要分佈在丘陵地區的闊葉林、耕地和花園中,但喜馬拉雅種群有時會在冬季降到毗鄰的平原上。
  • 紅嘴黑鵯主要以種子和昆蟲為食,它們經常成群活動,或棲息或飛來飛去尋找食物。它們特別喜歡漿果。
  • 它們相當喧鬧,發出各種響亮的唧唧聲、喵喵聲和刺耳的叫聲。

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