Bird: Red-whiskered bulbul (Pycnonotus jocosus) 紅耳鵯

The first time I saw Red-whiskered Bulbul was in Phuket Island, Thailand. My husband and I wandered around that day and we saw a bunch of people hanging birdcages on the rack. The birds were chirping. I also heard someone blowing the whistle every couple of minutes. It was very noisy and excitingly. My husband and I watched for a while. But we can’t figure out what was going on. Later we learned that this is a very popular bird singing competition. I found a YouTube video introducing this competition. For those who are interested can refer to it. (Link is at the bottom of the page)
我第一次看到紅耳鵯是在泰國的普吉島。那一天信步亂逛,看到一堆人把鳥籠掛在架子上,鳥吱吱喳喳叫個不停,又聽到有人每隔一小段時間就吹哨子,非常吵雜及熱鬧。我跟我先生兩人在那裏看了一陣子,實在看不出所以然來,後來才得知這是這邊很熱門的鳥歌咏比賽。我找到一個YouTube 視頻介紹這個比賽,有興趣的可以參考看看。(鏈接在頁面底部)

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Photo Date: 2019.06.27 Location: Phuket Island, Thailand

I originally thought that red-whiskered bulbul can only be found in Thailand. Red-whiskered bulbul’s calls are very loud and lovely. Later I find that I often notice and see them in Southern California, USA.

Photo Date: Various Location: Los Angeles, California

When we went to the Los Angeles Arboretum on February 21, 2023, we heard the chirping of the red-eared bulbuls. For some reason, I felt that they were very loud and very busy today.

Photo Date: 2023.02.21 Location: LA Arboretum
Photo Date: 2021.04.20 Location: LA Arboretum
Photo Date: 2024.01.16 Location: LA Arboretum

Notes 筆記

  • The red-whiskered bulbul or crested bulbul, is a passerine bird. It is a resident frugivore found mainly in tropical Asia from Pakistan and India through to southeastern Asia and China. They typically roost in loose groups. It has been introduced in many tropical areas of the world where populations have established themselves.
  • The red-whiskered bulbul is about 20 centimeters (7.9 in) in length. It has a tall pointed black crest, red face patch and thin black mustache line. The tail is long and brown with white terminal feather tips, but the vent area is red.
  • It feeds on fruits and small insects.
  • Red-whiskered bulbuls’ loud and evocative call is a sharp kink-a-joo. They are more often heard than seen, but will often perch conspicuously especially in the mornings when they call from the tops of trees.
  • This is a bird of lightly wooded areas, more open country with bushes and shrubs, and farmland.
  • It has established itself in Australia and in Los Angeles, Hawaii, and Florida in the United States, as well as in Mauritius, on Assumption Island and Mascarene Islands.
  • 紅耳鵯是一隻雀形鳥。 它是一種主要生活在熱帶亞洲的常住食果動物。從巴基斯坦和印度一直到東南亞和中國。它們通常棲息在鬆散的群體中。它已引入在世界上許多熱帶地區。又名紅頰鵯,俗名高髻冠、高雞冠、高冠鳥、黑頭公、紅屎忽等。
  • 紅耳鵯長約20公分(7.9 英寸)。它有一個長的黑色直立羽冠,紅色塊斑和細長的黑色頰紋。棕色長尾,末端羽尖為白色,但尾下覆羽紅色。
  • 它以水果和小昆蟲為食。
  • 紅耳鵯的聲音響亮而令人回味。它們經常被人聽到而不是被看見,但是通常會棲息在顯眼的地方,尤其是在早晨從樹頂呼喚的時候。
  • 這是一種喜歡在有少量樹木的地區,有灌木的開闊鄉間,還有農田的鳥類。
  • 在澳大利亞,美國的洛杉磯,夏威夷和佛羅里達以及在毛里求斯 (Mauritius),阿桑普申島 (Assumption Island) 和馬斯卡林群島 (Mascarene Islands)上都可以看到這種鳥。

References 參考資料

Birds Posts 鳥的帖子