Bird: Bewick’s Wren (Thryomanes bewickii) 比氏葦鷦鷯

I went for a walk on 2022.05.03 at Encanto Park, City of Duarte. I saw this Bewick’s wren. I was surprised that it allowed me to take a few pictures and did not fly away immediately. The Bewick’s wren (Thryomanes bewickii) is a wren native to North America. Its most distinctive feature is its long tail with black bars and white corners. Like many wrens, they are very vocal.
我2022.05.03去杜阿爾特市奇幻魔法屋公園(Encanto Park, City of Duarte) 散步,走著走著就看到這隻比氏葦鷦鷯,我好驚訝它居然讓我照了幾張相,沒有馬上飛走。比氏葦鷦鷯是一種原產於北美的鷦鷯。它最顯著的特徵是它的長尾巴,有黑條和白角。像許多鷦鷯一樣,它們聲音非常響亮。

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Photo Date: 2022.05.03 Location: Encanto Park, Duarte, California

Notes 筆記

  • The Bewick’s wren (Thryomanes bewickii) is a wren native to North America. At about 5.5 in long, it is grey-brown above, white below, with a long white eyebrow. Its most distinctive feature is its long tail with black bars and white corners.
  • Bewick’s wrens, like many wrens, are very vocal. The song is loud and melodious. Males also sing in order to attract mates and protect their territory.
  • Bewick’s wrens are insect eaters. They will also visit backyard feeders. They will eat suet, peanut hearts, hulled sunflower seeds, and mealworms.
  • Courtship begins with the male singing from its perch. It will occasionally pause its song in order to chase its competitors. Bewick’s wrens form monogamous pairs that will then forage together.
  • 比氏葦鷦鷯 (Thryomanes bewickii) 是一種原產於北美的鷦鷯。長約5.5英寸,上面灰褐色,下面白色,長白眉。它最顯著的特徵是它的長尾巴,有黑條和白角。
  • 像許多鷦鷯一樣,比氏葦鷦鷯的聲音非常響亮。歌聲響亮而悅耳。雄鳥也會唱歌來吸引配偶並保護自己的地盤。
  • 比氏葦鷦鷯吃昆蟲。 它們會去餵鳥器覓食。它們吃板油、花生心、去殼的葵花籽和粉蟲。
  • 雄鳥求愛是從它的棲息處鳴叫開始。它偶爾會暫停鳴叫以追逐競爭對手。比氏葦鷦鷯一夫一妻單配對後,會一起覓食。

References 參考資料

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