Bird: Light-vented Bulbul (Pycnonotus sinensis) 白頭翁

After going back to Taiwan, I visited Little Liuqiu. I was attracted by the call of the light-vented bulbul. Although its call is not as bright and varied as the call of the red-whiskered bulbul, it is still clear and loud. Every morning from the balcony on the second floor of the villa, I enjoyed their calls which brought happy days for the vacation. Later, when I went hiking in Yangmingshan, I also saw light-vented bulbul. Only then did I know that light-vented bulbul is a very common bird in Taiwan. The light-vented bulbul is a songbird that eats insects, seeds and fruits, and is omnivorous. The particular characteristic of the light-vented bulbul is the large white patch covering the nape and the sides of its black head.

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Photo Date: 2022.06 Location: Taiwan
Photo Date: 2023.04.26 Location: Taiwan

Notes 筆記

  • The light-vented bulbul (scientific name: Pycnonotus sinensis), also called the Chinese bulbul, is a species of songbird in the bulbul family.
  • It is found in central and southern China, Hong Kong, Macao, northern Vietnam, southern Japan and Taiwan.
  • The particular characteristic of the light-vented bulbul is the large white patch covering the nape and the sides of its black head.
  • They are lively and active. They are not afraid of people. They eat insects, seeds and fruits. They are omnivorous.
  • They often appear in groups in bushes, hills and forests in plains, and on various tall wires and trees in campuses, parks, courtyards, and sidewalks.
  • Bird watchers in Taiwan often refer to the light-vented bulbul, sparrow and Japanese White-eye as the “Three Treasures of the City”. In Shanghai, the light-vented bulbul is also listed as the “Four Great Kings” along with the sparrow, Turdus mandarinus and the Streptopelia chinensis.
  • March to May is the breeding season of the light-vented bulbul every spring. During this period, if you see a the light-vented bulbul standing alone on a prominent branch or on the top of a tree, calling loudly, another the light-vented bulbul will fly over soon after. When the two birds sing together, they are probably singing love songs to each other.
  • 白頭翁(學名:Pycnonotus sinensis),又名中國鵯(白頭鵯、白頭鵠仔),是鵯科的一種鳴禽。
  • 分佈於中國中南部、香港、澳門、越南北部、日本南部和台灣。
  • 白頭翁的特殊特徵是覆蓋在頸背和黑色頭部兩側的大片白色斑塊。
  • 性活潑,不甚畏人。食昆蟲,種子和水果,屬雜食性。
  • 常成群出現在平原區灌木叢、丘陵樹林地帶,以及校園、公園、庭院、行道中的各種高高的電線與樹上。
  • 台灣的賞鳥人士常將白頭翁、麻雀、綠繡眼合稱為「城市三寶」,在上海白頭翁也與麻雀、中國黑鶇和珠頸斑鳩並列為「四大金剛」。
  • 每年春天三月到五月是白頭翁的繁殖期,這段期間,如果見到一隻白頭翁單獨站在突出的枝頭或是樹頂上高聲鳴叫,過不了多久,另一隻白頭翁飛過來,兩隻鳥一唱一和,那多半就是牠們在互唱情歌了。

References 參考資料

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