Bird: Cassin’s Kingbird (Tyrannus vociferans) 卡氏王霸鶲

Cassin’s kingbird is a large tyrant flycatcher native to western North America. The bird’s scientific name translates to “vociferous tyrant,” and it fits this loud, aggressive songbird well. Males may attack large hawks that pass too close to the nest or battle rival kingbirds that enter the nesting territory.
卡氏王霸鶲是原產於北美西部的大型霸鹟。它的學名翻譯成“喧嚷的暴君”,非常適合這種大聲又好鬥的鳴禽。 雄鳥可能會攻擊距離巢穴太近的大鷹,或者與其它競爭想要進入它的築巢地盤的霸鶲相鬥。

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Photo Date: 2021.01.08 Location: Los Angeles, California
Photo Date: 2021.01.21 Location: Peck Road Park

Notes 筆記

  • Cassin’s kingbird is a large tyrant flycatcher native to western North America. The name of this bird commemorates the American ornithologist John Cassin.
  • The bird’s scientific name translates to “vociferous tyrant,” and it fits this loud, aggressive songbird well. Males may attack large hawks that pass too close to the nest or battle rival kingbirds that enter the nesting territory.
  • Cassin’s kingbird and the western kingbird are similar in appearance. Cassin’s is a little larger than the western and the upper parts are a darker gray than the western.
  • In the summer, these birds can be found in California and from Montana to Utah, along the eastern Rocky Mountains. Their habitat includes rangelands and savannas.
  • These birds migrate to their winter quarters between Southern California and northern Central America. They are permanent residents in south-central Mexico, and their main wintering ranges are west of the Gulf of California on Baja California Sur, and east of the sea on the mainland of western Mexico.
  • The Cassin’s kingbird primarily feeds on insects it preys upon from high perches by hawking. It also eats berries and fruits in lesser quantities.
  • In early spring, presumably after having chosen (or shown up with) their mate, they launch into a peculiar dance. With excited high-pitched calls, they hover in unison, wings outstretched, over a favorite perch.
  • 卡氏王霸鶲是原產於北美西部的大型霸鹟。這種鳥的名字是為了紀念美國鳥類學家約翰·卡辛。
  • 它的學名翻譯成“喧嚷的暴君”,非常適合這種大聲又好鬥的鳴禽。 雄鳥可能會攻擊距離巢穴太近的大鷹,或者與其它競爭想要進入它的築巢地盤的霸鶲相鬥。
  • 卡氏王霸鶲和西王霸鶲 (western kingbird) 在外觀上相似。 卡氏王霸鶲比西王霸鶲要大一些,而且上部比西王霸鶲的顏色要深。
  • 在夏季可以在加州以及從落基山脈東部的蒙大拿州到猶他州看到這種鳥。它們的棲息地在牧場和熱帶稀樹草原。
  • 在冬季這種鳥遷徙到南加州和中美洲北部之間地區。它們是墨西哥中南部的留鳥,主要過冬範圍是在南下加利福尼亞州的加利福尼亞灣以西和西墨西哥大陸的海面以東。
  • 卡氏王霸鶲從高棲息地像鷹一樣捕食昆蟲。它也吃少量的漿果和水果。
  • 在初春,大概是在選擇伴侶之後(或與它們的伴侶一起),它們會開始一場奇特的舞蹈,伴隨著激昂的高音呼叫,它們一致地盤旋翱翔,翅膀張開,越過最喜歡的棲息地。

References 參考資料

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