Travel/POI: Taiwan North Coast - Jinshan District (臺灣北海岸金山區)

Taiwan's North Coast encompasses Sanzhi District, Shimen District, Jinshan District, Wanli District, Keelung District, and Mt. Guanyin, which are collectively known as the "North Coast and Guanyinshan National Scenic Area. On April 12, 2023, a friend invited us to join a community group for a day trip to the North Coast. The cost is 1,000 Taiwanese dollars (about 33 US dollars) per person, which includes transportation by tour bus and insurance, as well as the cost of three meals on that day. It's economical. We visited several attractions in the Jinshan District, Shimen District, and Sanzhi District. Let me share our travel information and photos by region.


Before heading to the first attraction, Shihtou Mountain Park, we first passed through the Shueiwei Guangwu Tunnel, a defensive fortification tunnel used by the Japanese military during the Japanese occupation era. We walked up the small alley on the right side of the Wailing Temple, and about 30 meters away, we saw the entrance to the Guangwu Tunnel. This narrow 360-meter-long tunnel is completely dark and has no lighting. The ground is full of bumps and hollows, and it is said to be a habitat for many bats, giving the tunnel a spooky feeling. The guide asked us to turn on our cell phone's flashlight, and it was like children going on an adventure in the cave, which was quite interesting. The tunnel was dug by the Japanese between 1943 and 1945 mainly to store military supplies, machine guns, and ammunition, which facilitated the support of troops in Shueiwei and Huanggang. In addition to the main tunnel, there are many branches leading to different machine gun ports and exits, as well as ammunition storage areas. Therefore, when entering the cave, you must bring a flashlight and pay attention to the signs on the walls to avoid getting lost. After walking for a while, we finally came out of the tunnel and continued to follow the signs of the Shihtou Mountain Park.

要去第一個景點獅頭山公園之前,我們先去體驗一下日據時代日軍的防禦工事坑道 - 水尾光武坑道。我們順著威靈宮右側的小巷往上走,約30公尺處即看見光武坑道洞口,這個360公尺長的狹窄坑道,完全沒有照明,烏漆墨黑伸手不見五指,地面高高低低坑坑窪窪,聽說裏面還是許多蝙蝠棲息出沒的地方,讓這個坑道有一種鬼異的感覺,幸好人多,領隊要我們打開手機照明功能,一個跟一個,感覺好像小孩一起進洞探險,還蠻有趣的。這個坑道是日本人在1943到1945年之間挖的,主要是用來堆放軍糧、機槍和彈藥,便於水尾和磺港兩地的兵力支援,除了主坑道外,還有許多分支各自通往不同的機槍口和出口,以及儲存彈藥的地方。所以進洞一定要帶手電筒,並留意牆上的指標,以免迷路。走了一陣子,總算出了坑道,我們接著跟著獅頭山公園的指標前進。

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Photo Date: 2023.04.12 Location: North Coast, Taiwan

The Shihtou Mountain has an excellent view, and it used to be a military-controlled area, which resulted in less human damage to the environment. As a result, it has preserved its natural and original ecological environment, as well as old barracks, bunkers, and fortresses. The Shihtou Mountain Park was formerly known as 'Jinshan Zhongzheng Park'. The name 'Shihtou Mountain' was given due to its mountainous shape resembling a lion lying down. It is located on the Jinshan Cape on the north coast, with an altitude of about 70 meters. Looking east, you can see the Yeliou Cape, while to the west are the mountain and sea views of the Huanggang Fishing Port and Jhongjiao. There are two trails in the park. The southern trail, known as Haoyun Trail, leads to the Jinshan Visitor Center. Near the entrance to the trail, you can see a statue of Little Maitreya Buddha, Afu. Since we didn't walk on this trail, we didn't see the Big Maitreya Buddha. The other trail called Shihtou Mountain trail leads north and offers a view of the Huanggang Fishing Port, Twin Candlesticks (Islets), and access to a Mystery Beach.


Twin Candlesticks (Islets) are composed of two tens-of-meters-high rocky reefs, with a solitary and towering appearance resembling a pair of candlesticks. Twin Candlesticks (Islets), also known as the Husband and Wife Rocks, has a love story behind it. According to the legend, a fisherman's wife would wait for her husband to return from fishing at the rocky shore every day. However, he did not return due to a stormy sea. Finally, she turned into a rock and stood by the sea. After several years, the fisherman returned and learned of his wife's fate. He cried at the rock of his wife, and eventually turned into a rock himself. The two rocks stood side by side ever since, which is why they are also known as Husband and Wife Rocks.


Next, we went down the stairs leading to the coast then we arrived at the Mystery Beach. Here you can see special marine abrasion landforms, chessboard rocks, honeycomb rocks, and intertidal tidal trenches. The rocks show different colored patterns as if they were amazing works of art from the hands of God. If I was not traveling with a group, I would stay here for a while to enjoy these beautiful rocks and pretty butterflies.


The fishing village near the Shuiwei Fish Harbor also has some unique scenes.


After getting on the tour bus, we went to the nearby Huanggang public bathhouse to soak our feet, rest and eat lunch. The hot springs in Jinshan District belong to the Datun Mountain geothermal zone. When the spring water gushes out, it is transparent and colorless. However, after the iron ions in the spring water come into contact with air and oxidize, they turn golden brown. Although it looks like dirty mud water, this is a natural phenomenon of “iron spring”, so there is nothing to worry about. It has also won the reputation of “Golden Soup”.


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