Plant: Walking Iris (Neomarica gracilis) 巴西鳶尾

While traveling in Taiwan, I came across a Walking Iris on the roadside and was immediately captivated by its unique shape. I was especially drawn to the last photo, which resembled a cobra and looked interesting. This perennial plant is in the Iridaceae family. It has short lived ivory flowers. The flowers usually open in the morning and wither inwards at 3-4 pm. Although the flowering period of a single flower is short, the plant blooms profusely throughout the spring.


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Photo Date: 2023.04.12 Location: Taipei, Taiwan

Notes 筆記

  • Neomarica is a genus of South and Central American plants in the Iridaceae family that have a rhizomatous rootstock. Neomarica gracilis is from Mexico and Costa Rica south to Brazil. Common names include Apostle Plant, Apostle's Iris and Walking Iris. The common name, Walking Iris' is derived from the plants' natural traits. New plantlets are formed at the end of each flower stalk and once flowering is complete the stalk falls over. At that point, a new plant begins to grow. This leads to the reference that the plant walks. Other common names include the word 'apostle', which refers to the undocumented belief that the plant will not flower until 12 or more leaves are present, referring to the 12 apostles. The genus name Neomarica is created by the Greek word neo- (new) and the goddess Marica who lives in the mountains and forests in Greek mythology. The specific epithet gracilis means "slender".
  • This perennial has short lived ivory flowers with reddish-brown transverse bars on the claw. The inner segments are smaller with reflexed tips and blue. The flowers usually open in the morning and wither inwards at 3-4 pm. Although the flowering period of a single flower is short, the plant blooms profusely throughout the spring.
  • 馬蝶花屬是在鳶尾科下的南美洲和中美洲植物的一個屬,有根莖狀砧木。巴西鳶尾產自墨西哥和哥斯達黎加,南至巴西。俗名包括使徒植物、使徒鳶尾和會走路的鳶尾。會走路的鳶尾的俗名源自植物的自然特性,新的植株在每個花梗的末端形成,一旦開完花,花梗就會掉落,那時新植物就會開始生長,因而有植物行走之稱。其他俗名有“使徒”一詞,它指的是一種無事實證明的信念,即植物在未長出12片或更多葉子之前是不會開花,指的是12位使徒。(中文別名包括藍蝴蝶馬蝶花、鳶尾蘭、玉蝴蝶、藍蝴蝶)。拉丁文學名中,屬名Neomarica 是由希臘文字首neo-(新)及希臘神話中居住在山林水澤中的女神 Marica 締造而來。種小名 gracilis 則是「纖細的」的意思。
  • 這種多年生植物有花期短的的象牙色花朵,基部有紅褐色斑塊。 內部部分較小,尖端呈藍色,內捲。 花朵通常上午開放,至下午3-4點就內捲枯萎,單朵花花期雖短,但盛花期時花朵可是接力不間斷。

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