Echinopsis is a large genus of cacti native to South America. I saw several kinds of Echinopsis in the Huntington Library, all of them are very beautiful. In this post I’ll show you the photos of two species of Echinopsis that I am not sure of. Echinopsis is sometimes known as hedgehog cactus, sea-urchin cactus or Easter lily cactus. The 128 species range from large and treelike types to small globose cacti. They are remarkable for the great size, length of tube, and beauty of their flowers.
仙人球屬是南美原產的一大類仙人掌。我在亨廷頓圖書館看到好幾種仙人球屬,都非常漂亮。我在這篇放上兩種我不確定種類的仙人球屬。仙人球屬有時被稱為刺猬仙人掌,海膽仙人掌或復活節百合仙人掌。這屬有128 種從大樹型到小球狀仙人掌不等。它們以大尺寸,以管的長度和美麗的花朵而著稱。
Photo Date: 2021.05.06 Location: The Huntington Library
Photo Date: 2022.05.05 Location: The Huntington Library
Notes 筆記
- Echinopsis is sometimes known as hedgehog cactus, sea-urchin cactus or Easter lily cactus. One small species, E. chamaecereus, is known as the peanut cactus.
- The 128 species range from large and treelike types to small globose cacti. They are remarkable for the great size, length of tube, and beauty of their flowers, which, borne upon generally small and dumpy stems, appear much larger and more attractive than would be expected.
- Echinopsis species are native to South America (Argentina, Chile, Bolivia, Peru, Brazil, Ecuador, Paraguay and Uruguay). They grow only in situations where the soil is sandy or gravelly, or on the sides of hills in the crevices of rocks.
- 仙人球屬有時被稱為刺猬仙人掌,海膽仙人掌或復活節百合仙人掌。有一種小種仙人球屬被稱為小仙人掌。
- 這屬有128 種從大樹型到小球狀仙人掌不等。它們以大尺寸,以管的長度和美麗的花朵而著稱,它們的花朵通常長在矮胖的莖上,它們看上去比預期的要大得多,並且更具吸引力。
- 仙人球屬原產於南美(阿根廷,智利,玻利維亞,秘魯,巴西,厄瓜多爾,巴拉圭和烏拉圭)。 它們僅在土壤為沙質或礫石的情況下,或者在岩石縫隙中的山坡上生長。
References 參考資料
- Wikipedia: Echinopsis
Plants Posts 植物的帖子