The Huntington Desert Garden is one of the largest and oldest assemblages of cacti and other succulents in the world. The bright pink flowers in the pictures are Echinocereus cinerascens. It is native to Central Mexico. It produces large, broadly funnel-shaped pink or purple blooms up to 12 cm in diameter which finally produce edible and delicious fruits (tastes similar to strawberries).
亨廷頓沙漠花園是世界上最大、最古老的仙人掌和其他多肉植物收集地之一。 圖片中明亮的粉紅色花朵是銀仙人柱。它原產於墨西哥中部。它產生大而寬的漏斗狀粉紅色或紫色花朵,直徑可達 12 公分,最終產生可食用和美味的水果(味道類似於草莓)。
Photo Date: 2022.05.05 Location: The Huntington Library
Notes 筆記
- Echinocereus is a genus of ribbed, usually small to medium-sized, cylindrical cacti, comprising about 70 species native to the southern United States and Mexico in very sunny, rocky places. Usually the flowers are large and the fruit edible. The name comes from the Ancient Greek echinos, meaning “hedgehog”, and the Latin cereus meaning “candle”. They are sometimes known as hedgehog cacti, a term also used for the Pediocactus and Echinopsis.
- Echinocereus cinerascens is native to Central Mexico. It is an open, caespitose cactus that produce masses of bright, large, broadly funnel-shaped pink or purple blooms up to 12 cm in diameter which finally produce edible and delicious fruits (tastes similar to strawberries).
- 鹿角柱屬是一個有棱紋的屬,通常是小型到中型的圓柱形仙人掌,包括大約 70 種原產於美國南部和墨西哥在陽光充足、多岩石的地方的仙人掌。 通常花很大,果實可食用。 這個名字來自古希臘 echinos,意思是“刺猬”,拉丁語 cereus,意思是“蠟燭”。它們有時被稱為刺猬仙人掌,這個術語也用於月華玉屬和仙人球屬。
- 銀仙人柱原產於墨西哥中部。是一種開放的叢生仙人掌,可開出大量直徑達 12 公分的明亮、大、寬漏斗狀的粉紅色或紫色花朵,最終結出可食用和美味的果實(味道類似於草莓)。
References 參考資料
- Wikipedia: Echinocereus cinerascens
- Encyclopedia of Living Form: Echinocereus cinerascens (DC.) Lem.
Plants Posts 植物的帖子