Echinopsis is a large genus of cacti native to South America. The flowers of Echinopsis ‘Apricot Glow’ are multi-colored with delicate shadings of apricot, orange-red and yellow.
仙人球屬是原產於南美洲的大型仙人掌屬。其中 ‘Apricot Glow’ 的花朵是多色的,帶有杏紅色,橘紅色和黃色的細膩色差,非常美麗。
Photo Date: 2021.05.06 Location: The Huntington Library
Notes 筆記
- A Trichopsis hybrid by Dr. Mark Dimmitt of Tuscon, Arizona. This is one of the most spectacular among the notably beautiful Trichocereus hybrids. Munificent warm-season bloomers, the lowers open nocturnally, or early in the morning, closing by mid morning, and can endure for two days.
- The flowers of Echinopsis ‘Apricot Glow’ are multi-colored with delicate shadings of apricot, orange-red and yellow. Throat and filaments green. Anthers clear pastel, stigma white.
- 由亞利桑那州圖森的馬克·迪米特博士培育的 Trichopsis 雜交種。這是極其美麗的 Trichocereus 雜交品種中最引人注目的一種。溫暖季節大開花,花底部在夜間或清晨開放,上午 10 點左右閉合,並可持續兩天。
- Echinopsis ‘Apricot Glow’ 的花朵是多色的,帶有杏紅色,橘紅色和黃色的細膩色差。喉嚨和細絲呈綠色。花藥是淡而柔和的色調,柱頭白色。
References 參考資料
- Encyclopedia of Living Form: Echinopsis cv. Apricot Glow
Plants Posts 植物的帖子