In midsummer, all kinds of crape myrtle compete for their beauty. The colorful flowers are splendid.
Photo Date: June 2020 Location: LA County
At the end of autumn, I don’t know when the crape myrtle flowers have already withered but the reddish leaves are beautiful in a different way.
Photo Date: 2020.12.10 Location: LA County
Notes 筆記
- The genus is named after the Swedish merchant Magnus von Lagerström, a director of the Swedish East India Company who supplied Carl Linnaeus with plants he collected.
- The common crape myrtle (L. indica) from China and Korea was introduced circa 1790 to Charleston, South Carolina.
- Crepe myrtles are chiefly known for their colorful and long-lasting flowers which occur in summer. Colors vary from deep purple to red to white, with almost every shade in between. Because of its long flowering period, it is also known as "hundred-day red".
- It is native to the Indian subcontinent, southeast Asia, northern Australia, and other parts of Oceania.
- 它的屬名是由瑞典商人 Magnus von Lagerstrom 的名字而來的,因他給Carolus Linnaeus 供給了標本。
- 由中國及韓國來的普通紫薇是於 1790 年左右由一位法國植物學家 帶至南卡羅來納州的查理斯敦市 (Charleston)。
- 紫薇主要因其五顏六色的和持久的花朵而聞名。 顏色從深紫色到紅色到白色不等。花期長,所以又有「百日紅」之稱。
- 原產於印度次大陸、東南亞、澳洲北部及大洋洲其他地區。
References 參考資料
- Wikipedia: Lagerstroemia
- 維基百科: 紫薇
Plants Posts 植物的帖子