Plant: Pig's ear (Cotyledon orbiculata) 福娘

The shape of the leaves of Cotyledon orbiculata was thought to have a resemblance to a pig’s ear, thus the common name, pig’s ear. It is also commonly known as round-leafed navel-wort. It is a South African succulent plant belonging to the genus Cotyledon. Cotyledon orbiculata has a number of medicinal uses. In South Africa, the fleshy part of the leaf is applied to warts and corns. Heated leaves are used as poultices for boils and other inflammations. Single leaves may be eaten as a vermifuge and the juice has been used to treat epilepsy.

Photo Date: 2021.01.19 Location: LA Arboretum

Notes 筆記

  • Cotyledon orbiculata, commonly known as pig’s ear or round-leafed navel-wort, is a South African succulent plant belonging to the genus Cotyledon.
  • Cotyledon orbiculata is an extremely variable species that grows to approximately 1.3 m (4.3 ft) in height. The shape of the leaves was thought to have a resemblance to a pig’s ear, thus the common name.
  • The bell-shaped flowers are small, usually less than 3 cm (1.2 in) in length, and droop from the top of a 60 cm (24 in) tall stalk. The flowers are usually orange-red but yellow varieties also exist.
  • It is native to South Africa and it is also popular in gardens in many countries. In the wild, it grows naturally in rocky outcrops in grassy shrubland and the Karoo region. In New Zealand, it is considered an invasive plant and is listed on the National Pest Plant Accord.
  • Cotyledon orbiculata has a number of medicinal uses. In South Africa, the fleshy part of the leaf is applied to warts and corns. Heated leaves are used as poultices for boils and other inflammations. Single leaves may be eaten as a vermifuge and the juice has been used to treat epilepsy.
  • However, the leaves contain a bufanolide called cotyledontoxin, which is toxic to sheep, goats, horses, cattle, poultry, and dogs, causing a condition known as cotyledonosis.
  • 福娘通常被稱為豬耳朵或圓葉琉璃草,是屬於銀波木屬的一種南非肉質植物。
  • 福娘是一種高度可變的物種,可生長到約 1.3 公尺(4.3 英尺)的高度。葉子的形狀被認為類似於豬的耳朵,因此有此俗稱。
  • 鐘形花朵很小,通常長度不到 3 公分(1.2英寸),從高 60 公分(24 英寸)的莖桿頂部下垂。花通常為橙紅色,但也有黃色品種。
  • 它原產於南非,在許多國家的花園中也很受歡迎。在野外它自然生長在草叢和卡魯地區的岩石露頭中。在紐西蘭,它被認為是一種入侵植物,並被列入《國家有害生物植物條約》中。
  • 福娘有許多藥用用途。在南非,葉子的肉質部分用於疣和雞眼上。加熱的葉子用作疔和其他發炎的藥膏。可以將葉子當作驅蟲藥,葉汁可用於治療癲癇病。
  • 然而,葉子中含有一種稱為子葉毒素的丁二酸,對綿羊,山羊,馬,牛,家禽和狗有毒,會導致子葉中毒病。

References 參考資料

Plants Posts 植物的帖子