Wild grape, Tree Grape or Namibian Grape (Cyphostemma juttae) is a rare succulent ornamental tree from Namibia in southwest Africa. When I walked in the desert garden in the Huntington library, I was attracted by Its heavy swollen main stems and showy grape-like bunches of berries. Though these berries look like grapes, they should not be eaten as they contain toxic levels of tannic acids.
Photo Date: 2020.08.06 Location: The Huntington Library
Photo Date: 2022.09.01 Location: The Huntington Library
Notes 筆記
- Cyphostemma juttae is a slow-growing succulent species of Cyphostemma from southern Africa (Namibia), well known as an ornamental plant.
- The name for the genus comes from Greek words ‘kyphos’ meaning “hump” and stemma, meaning a “wreath” or “garland”. The specific epithet honors Jutta Dinter, wife of the German botanist Kurt Dinter. Common names include Wild grape, Tree Grape, Namibian Grape, Elephant’s Foot, Butter Bush, Droog-my-keel and Bastard Cobas (Basterkobas) in reference to its relationship to the Kobas Tree, an original native name for Cyphostemma currorii.
- The Cyphostemma juttae’s branches are thick, woody, yellow-green in color and have a white, peeling and papery bark. This bark type is hallmark of the genus. During the hotter summer months, the succulent’s bark assists in reflecting strong sun rays, a mechanism that helps to keep the plant cool.
- This species can reach 6 feet (1.8 metres) tall and has large shiny leaves. It is a deciduous plant. It grows in an arid region of summer-rainfall, and it loses its leaves in the dryer winter.
- Flowers bloom in early summer. Flowers are inconspicuous, are close to the same color as the plant’s foliage with a slightly more creamy-yellow color.
- Fruit takes on a grape-like appearance, hanging in bunches. Initially, the fruit is green. With time, they turn yellow and then to a beautiful wine-red. When mature, the fruit will turn to a dark purple (near black), color. The grape-like berries are very decorative but unlike the edible grape they are poisonous.
- Cyphostemma are very sought-after plants for the garden. They make superb container or open garden subjects in and around the garden, especially around swimming pools and courtyards. It is mostly used for greenhouse cultivation in China. Prefers a warm and sunny environment.
- Traditional uses include Bushmen in southern Africa use the juice of Cyphostemma to poison the tips of their arrows. The smooth papery bark comes off in fairly large strips and has been used locally to transport honeycomb retrieved from bee’s nests by hunter gatherers.
- 葡萄甕是一種生長緩慢的多肉植物,來自非洲南部(納米比亞),是眾所周知的觀賞植物。
- 它的屬名來自希臘語 “kyphos” 意思是“駝峰”,和 stemma 意思是“花圈”或“花環”。種小名是為了紀念德國植物學家庫爾特·丁特的妻子尤塔·丁特。俗名有野生葡萄、樹葡萄、納米比亞葡萄、象腳、牛油灌木、Droog-my-keel 和 Bastard Cobas (Basterkobas),因為它與科巴斯樹的關係也是柯氏葡萄翁的本名。
- 葡萄甕的枝條粗壯、木質、黃綠色,並有白色剝落的紙質樹皮。這種樹皮是該屬的標誌。在炎熱的夏季,多肉植物的樹皮有助於反射強烈的陽光,這是一種有助於保持植物涼爽的機制。
- 葡萄甕可以長達 6 英尺(1.8 公尺)高,並且有大而亮的葉子。它是一種落葉植物。它生長在夏季降雨的干旱地區,在乾燥的冬季會落葉。
- 花在初夏開花。花不顯眼,接近與植物葉子相同的顏色,略帶奶油黃色。
- 果實呈葡萄狀,成串垂掛。最初果實是綠色的。隨著時間的推移,它們會變黃,然後變成美麗的酒紅色。成熟時,果實會變成深紫色(接近黑色)。類似葡萄的漿果非常有裝飾性,但與可食用的葡萄不同,它們是有毒的。
- 葡萄甕属是花園裡非常受歡迎的植物。它們適用於組合盆栽或庭園裏,尤其是在游泳池和庭院周圍。中國多作温室栽培。喜温暖及陽光充足的環境。
- 傳統的用途包括南部非洲的布須曼人使用葡萄甕属的汁液毒化他們的箭尖。大條脫落光滑的紙質樹皮,在當地用於運輸從蜂巢中取回的蜂窩。
References 參考資料
- Wikipedia: Cyphostemma juttae
- Aloes in Wonderland: Cyphostemma juttae
- The Cactus King: Cyphostemma juttae
- San Macros Growers: Cyphostemma juttae - Wild grape
- 百度百科: 葡萄瓮
Plants Posts 植物的帖子