Plant: Clematis 鐵線蓮屬

I saw beautiful clematis in the rose garden in Taipei, Taiwan. I also first saw these beautiful Nelly Moser clematis near my sister’s home in Pennsylvania. The showy pink blooms with flashy dark pink ribbons on each petal looked unreal to me. They are so attractive and gorgeous. Over 80 varieties and cultivars have gained the Royal Horticultural Society’s Award of Garden Merit.
我在台北的玫瑰花園看到漂亮的鐵線蓮。我在賓州妹妹家附近也第一次看到了這些美麗的 Nelly Moser 鐵線蓮。艷麗的粉紅色花朵,每個花瓣上都帶有華麗的深粉紅色絲帶,對我來說看起來很不真實。他們是如此迷人和華麗。超過 80 個品種和栽培品種獲得了皇家園藝學會的花園優異獎。

Photo Date: 2024.05.26 Location: Rose Garden, Taipei, Taiwan
Photo Date: 2021.06.15 Location: Pennsylvania
Photo Date: 2022.10.16 Location: Pennsylvania

Notes 筆記

  • Clematis is a genus of about 300 species within the buttercup family. The genus is composed of mostly vigorous, woody, climbing vines / lianas. Some species are shrubby, while others are herbaceous perennial plants. The cool temperate species are deciduous, but many of the warmer climate species are evergreen.
  • They grow best in cool, moist, well-drained soil in full sun.
  • Different varieties and cultivars require varied pruning regimes from no pruning to heavy pruning annually.
  • Over 80 varieties and cultivars have gained the Royal Horticultural Society’s Award of Garden Merit.
  • Some species are known as traveller’s joy. C. terniflora, C. virginiana, and C. viticella are known as virgin’s bower; old man’s beard, applied to several with prominent seed heads; leather flower for those with fleshy petals; or vase vine for the North American Clematis viorna.
  • The entire genus contains essential oils and compounds which are extremely irritating to the skin and mucous membranes. Despite its toxicity, Native Americans used very small amounts of clematis as an effective treatment for migraine headaches and nervous disorders. It was also used as an effective treatment of skin infections.
  • Clematis species are susceptible to several pests and diseases such as clematis wilt, powdery mildew, viruses, slugs and snails, scale insects, aphids, earwigs, and green flower disease.
  • 鐵線蓮是毛茛科中約 300 種的屬。該屬主要由健壯、木質、攀援藤本植物/藤本植物組成。一些物種是灌木狀的,而其他物種是多年生草本植物。 涼爽的溫帶物種是落葉的,但許多溫暖氣候的物種是常綠植物。
  • 它們在陽光充足、涼爽、潮濕、排水良好的土壤中生長最好。
  • 不同的品種和栽培品種需要不同的修剪體系規則,從每年不修剪到重修剪。
  • 超過 80 個品種和栽培品種獲得了皇家園藝學會的花園優異獎。
  • 有些物種被稱為旅行者的喜悅。C. terniflora、C. virginiana 和 C. viticella 被稱為處女的涼亭;老人的鬍鬚,是指幾個有突出種子頭的花種;皮花則指那些有肉質花瓣的花種;北美鐵線蓮 viorna 則叫作花瓶藤蔓。
  • 整個屬都含有對皮膚和粘膜有極大刺激性的精油和化合物。儘管有毒性,但美洲原住民使用非常少量的鐵線蓮作為治療偏頭痛和神經障礙的有效方法。 它也被用作皮膚感染的有效治療方法。
  • 鐵線蓮屬易受多種害蟲和疾病的影響,例如鐵線蓮枯萎病、白粉病、病毒、蛞蝓和蝸牛、介殼蟲、蚜蟲、螟蟲和綠花病。

References 參考資料

Plants Posts 植物的帖子