Plant: Citrus Limon ‘Sungold’

Walking on a path in the Huntington Library, I suddenly saw this fruit that was neither yellow nor green and one end was pointed and the other end was round. When I found the sign, I learned it was a Sungold lemon. It’s a variation of the Eureka lemon. If you want to grow Sungold Lemon, be sure to wear thick gloves because this kind of lemon has thorns.
走在亨廷頓圖書館裏的一個小徑上,突然看到這個不黃不綠,一頭尖一頭圓的果實,找到標示,才知道這是Sungold 檸檬。它是尤里卡檸檬的變種。如果你要種植 Sungolds的話,一定要戴上厚厚的手套:因為這種檸檬有刺。

Photo Date: 2022.09.01 Location: The Huntington Library

Notes 筆記

  • The lemon (Citrus limon) is a species of small evergreen trees in the flowering plant family Rutaceae, native to Asia, primarily Northeast India (Assam), Northern Myanmar or China.
  • The Sungold lemon is a variety of citrus that features bright green- and yellow-striped fruit and variegated, aromatic foliage. It’s a variation of the Eureka lemon, originally discovered in California and later patented. Unique from the Eureka lemon, the Sungold will show green streaks across its rind and leaves.
  • If growing Sungolds, make sure to have a thick pair of gloves: this variety of lemon has thorns!
  • 檸檬(Citrus limon)是芸香科中的一種小型常綠喬木開花植物,原產於亞洲,主要是在印度東北部(阿薩姆邦)、緬甸北部或中國。
  • Sungold 檸檬是一種柑橘類水果,有鮮綠及黃色條紋的果實以及雜色芳香的葉子。它是尤里卡檸檬的變種,最早是在加州發現的,後來獲得了專利。 不同於尤里卡檸檬之處在於 Sungold 的果皮和葉子上會出現綠色條紋。
  • 如果種植 Sungold,一定要戴上厚厚的手套:因為這種檸檬有刺!

References 參考資料

Plants Posts 植物的帖子