When I visited the Planting Fields Arboretum in New York, I saw Cigar Plants in the yard outside the greenhouse. Their tubular bright red flowers tipped with a thin white rim and two small purple-black petals drew me over to look at them. The abundant flowers make the yard feel vibrant. The common names for Cuphea ignea include the cigar plant, cigar flower, firecracker plant, or Mexican cigar. In the UK this plant has gained the Royal Horticultural Society’s Award of Garden Merit.
當我參觀紐約的Planting Fields植物園時,我在溫室外的院子裡看到了雪茄花。它們管狀鮮紅色花朵,頂端有薄薄的白色邊緣和兩片紫黑色的小花瓣,吸引我過去看它們。豐盛的花朵,使得院子感覺生氣勃勃。火红萼距花的俗名包括雪茄花, 紅丁香,或墨西哥雪茄花。在英國它曾獲得了皇家園藝學會的花園優異獎。
Photo Date: 2021.10.17 Location: Planting Fields Arboretum, New York
Notes 筆記
- The common names for Cuphea ignea include the cigar plant, cigar flower, firecracker plant, or Mexican cigar. The name ignea in Latin is for “fiery”. The genus name Cuphea comes from the Greek word kyphos which means curved or humped; this is thought to refer to the shape of the seeds.
- It produces small, tubular, bright red to orange flowers. Each flower is tipped with a thin white rim and two small purple-black petals.
- The flowers are attractive to hummingbirds and butterflies.
- In temperate climates Cuphea ignea requires a warm, sheltered spot, as it does not tolerate frost. Alternately it may be grown under glass or indoors as a houseplant. In the US, Cuphea ignea is winter hardy to USDA zones 10-12. It is somewhat drought tolerant, but prefers well-watered, well-drained soils.
- In the UK this plant has gained the Royal Horticultural Society’s Award of Garden Merit.
- 火红萼距花的俗名包括雪茄花, 紅丁香,或墨西哥雪茄花。拉丁語中的 igna 是“火熱”的意思。屬名 Cuphea 來自希臘語 kyphos,意思是彎曲或隆起; 這是指種子的形狀。
- 它有小的、管狀的、從鮮紅色到橙色的花朵。 每朵花的尖端都有薄薄的白色邊緣和兩個紫黑色的小花瓣。
- 它會吸引蜂鳥和蝴蝶。
- 在溫帶氣候下,雪茄花需要一個溫暖、避風的地方,因為它不能忍受霜凍。或者它可以在溫室內作為室內植物種植。在美國雪茄花適合美國農業部冬季耐寒10-12 區。它有點耐旱,但更喜歡水份充足、排水良好的土壤。
- 在英國它曾獲得了皇家園藝學會的花園優異獎。
References 參考資料
- Wikipedia: Cuphea ignea
Plants Posts 植物的帖子