Plant: Chenille Plant (Acalypha hispida) 紅穗鐵莧菜

When I visited the Planting Fields Arboretum in New York, I saw some special plants. In one greenhouse, I saw several interesting plants with furry flowers, like several large caterpillars hanging on the branches. It makes me feel hairy and itchy. Because of its furry flowers, Acalypha hispida also gets several interesting common names such as Chenille plant, Philippine medusa, Red-hot Cat’s Tail, Foxtails and Monkey Tail.
當我參觀紐約的 Planting Fields 植物園時,我看到了一些特殊的植物。在一間溫室內,我看到幾株有趣的植物,有著毛茸茸的花朵,像數條大的毛蟲懸掛在枝上,讓人發毛,不自覺地覺得身體癢癢的。因而它也有幾個有趣的俗名。紅穗鐵莧菜 (狗尾紅)在英語中也被稱為菲律賓美杜莎, 紅熱貓尾巴, 狐尾和猴尾。

Photo Date: 2021.10.17 Location: Planting Fields Arboretum, New York

Notes 筆記

  • The Chenille Plant is also known as Philippine medusa, Red-hot Cat’s Tail, Foxtails and Monkey Tail. The plant originated in tropical Asia (specifically Malesia and Papuasia), and South Pacific (New Guinea and the Malay Archipelago). But it has become naturalized to multiple countries in North America, including the United States, Mexico, Nicaragua and Belize.
  • It is cultivated as a house plant because of its attractiveness and brilliantly colored, furry flowers. But it can also be kept as an outdoor plant.
  • The Latin specific epithet hispida means “bristly”, referring to the pendent flowers which vaguely resemble brushes.
  • The plant is dioecious, and therefore there are distinct male and female members of the species. The female plant bears pistillate flowers which are 0.7 millimeters long and range in color from purple to bright red, and grow in clusters along catkins. This feature is the primary reason the plant bears the nickname “red-hot cat tail”.
  • All parts of this plant are poisonous if ingested by animals. The clear latex is poisonous and can irritate the skin. Therefore, care should be taken in growing it.
  • Roots, leaves and flowers are used for medical purposes.
  • It has gained the Royal Horticultural Society’s Award of Garden Merit.
  • 紅穗鐵莧菜 (狗尾紅)在英語中也被稱為菲律賓美杜莎, 紅熱貓尾巴, 狐尾和猴尾。它起源於熱帶亞洲(特別是馬來西亞和巴布亞),以及南太平洋(新幾內亞和馬來群島)。但已移植到北美的多個國家,包括美國、墨西哥、尼加拉瓜和貝理斯。
  • 由於它的吸引力和色彩鮮豔的毛茸茸的花朵,它被栽培為室內植物。但它也可以作為室外植物。
  • 拉丁語特定加詞 hispida 的意思是“剛毛”,指的是隱約類似於刷子的懸垂花朵。
  • 這種植物是雌雄異株,因此雄性和雌性不同。雌性植物的雌蕊花長 0.7 公釐,顏色從紫色到鮮紅色不等,沿著柳絮成簇生長。這一特徵是它被稱為“炙手可熱的貓尾巴”的主要原因。
  • 這種植物的所有部分都是有毒的,如果被動物食入會中毒。透明乳膠有毒,會刺激人體皮膚。因此,在種植它時應格外小心。
  • 根、葉和花則可用於醫療上。
  • 它曾獲得過皇家園藝學會的花園優異獎。

References 參考資料

Plants Posts 植物的帖子