Cornus is commonly known as dogwoods. I saw Kousa Dogwood in New York and Pennsylvania when I visited my daughter and my sister this May/June in 2021. I saw Eddie’s White Wonder at the LA Arboretum in 2022. Eddie’s White Wonder also has 4 petals, but the petals are more rounded. I like both flowers.
山茱萸属又稱梾木屬。2021 年5月/6 月,我在紐約和賓州看我的女兒和妹妹時,看到了 Kousa Dogwood。2022 年,我在洛杉磯植物園看到了 Eddie’s White Wonder。Eddie’s White Wonder 雖然也是4瓣花,但是花瓣是偏向圓型的。兩種花我都喜歡。
Photo Date: 2022.04.19 Location: LA Arboretum

Notes 筆記
- Cornus ‘Eddies White Wonder’ is a hybrid cross between the PNW native Cornus nuttallii and the eastern U.S. dogwood C. florida. It has been cultivated by Henry M. Eddie since the 1950s.
- It received an Award of Merit in 1972 and a First Class Certificate in 1977.
- 山茱萸 ‘Eddies White Wonder’ 是太平洋西北地區本土太平洋四照花 和美國東部山茱萸大花四照花之間的雜交雜交種。 它自 1950 年代就開始種植。
- 1972年獲優秀獎,1977年獲一等證書。
References 參考資料
- Oregan State University: Cornus 'Eddies White Wonder'
- Trees and Shrubs Online: Cornus nuttallii Audubon
Plants Posts 植物的帖子