Aquilegia, commonly known as Columbine or Granny’s Bonnet, is a genus of about 60–70 species of perennial plants. Columbines are known for their spurred, five-petaled flowers. The genus name Aquilegia is derived from the Latin word for eagle (aquila), due to the shape of the flower petals, which are said to resemble an eagle’s claw. The common name “columbine” comes from the Latin word for “dove,” as the inverted flower is said to resemble five doves clustered together. The sepals and petals are brightly colored. The Colorado blue columbine (A. coerulea) is the official state flower of Colorado. The photos below were taken at the Los Angeles Arboretum between 2019 and 2022. As you can see from these photos, the flowers and their color combinations are varied. They are both elegant and beautiful.
耬斗菜屬通常被稱為耬斗菜或 Granny’s Bonnet (中文別名有:夢幻草、漏斗花、耬斗花、駱駝菜、獅子草、聖母的手套、血見愁、西洋耬斗菜、西洋小田卷(日本)),是大約有 60-70 種多年生植物的一個屬。 它以帶距的五瓣花而聞名。耬斗菜屬名來自於拉丁語中的鷹(aquila),因為花瓣的形狀類似於鷹爪。 俗名“columbine”來自拉丁語“鴿子”,因為倒花類似於五隻聚集在一起的鴿子。萼片和花瓣顏色鮮豔。科羅拉多耬斗菜 (A. coerulea) 是科羅拉多州的官方認可的州花。下面的照片是2019-2022年我在洛杉磯植物園照的,從這些照片中可看到它的花色組合變化多端,非常優雅美麗。

Notes 筆記
- Aquilegia, commonly known as Columbine or Granny’s Bonnet is a genus of about 60–70 species of perennial plants.
- Columbines are known for the spurred five-petaled of flowers. They have long, backward-extending spurs as pouchlike extensions of the petals, which contain nectar. Sepals and petals are brightly colored. The leaflets of the compound leaves are usually rounded and notched.
- The genus name Aquilegia is derived from the Latin word for eagle (aquila), because of the shape of the flower petals, which are said to resemble an eagle’s claw. The common name “columbine” comes from the Latin for “dove”, due to the resemblance of the inverted flower to five doves clustered together.
- Columbine is a hardy perennial, which propagates by seed. It will grow in full sun; however, it prefers growing in partial shade and well drained soil, and is able to tolerate average soils and dry soil conditions.
- The flowers of various species of columbine were consumed in moderation by Native Americans as a condiment with other fresh greens, and are reported to be very sweet, and safe if consumed in small quantities. The plant’s seeds and roots, however, are highly poisonous and contain cardiogenic toxins which cause both severe gastroenteritis and heart palpitations if consumed as food. Native Americans used very small amounts of Aquilegia root as a treatment for ulcers. However, the medical use of this plant is better avoided due to its high toxicity; columbine poisonings may be fatal.
- The Colorado blue columbine (A. coerulea) is the official state flower of Colorado.
- 耬斗菜屬通常被稱為耬斗菜 (Columbine) 或 Granny’s Bonnet,是大約有 60-70 種多年生植物的一個屬。
- 耬斗菜以帶刺的五瓣花而聞名。它們有長而向後延伸的距,如袋狀花瓣的延伸,其中有花蜜。萼片和花瓣顏色鮮豔。複葉的小葉通常是圓形和有缺口。
- 耬斗菜屬名來自於拉丁語中的鷹(aquila),因為花瓣的形狀類似於鷹爪。 俗名“columbine”來自拉丁語“鴿子”,因為倒花類似於五隻聚集在一起的鴿子。
- 耬斗菜屬是一種耐寒的多年生植物,藉由種子繁殖。 它可在充足的陽光下生長; 然而,它更喜歡在部分遮蔭和排水良好的土壤中生長,並且能夠在一般的土壤和乾燥的土壤中生長。
- 美洲原住民食用各種耬斗菜的花,作為其他新鮮蔬菜的調味品,據報導它們非常甜,如果少量食用也很安全。 然而,這種植物的種子和根部有毒,並且含有心源性毒素,如果作為食物食用,會導致嚴重的腸胃炎和心悸。 美洲原住民使用極少量的耬斗菜根治療潰瘍。 然而,由於這種植物的高毒性,最好避免將其用於醫療上; 它的毒性可能是致命的。
- 科羅拉多耬斗菜 (A. coerulea) 是科羅拉多州的官方認可的州花。
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