Plant: Avocado (Persea americana) 酪梨

The avocado is considered as a fruit and not a vegetable. The oldest discovery of an avocado pit comes from Coxcatlan Cave (in Mexico), dating from around 9,000 to 10,000 years ago. Avocado trees have a native growth range from Mexico to Costa Rica. Like the banana, the avocado is a climacteric fruit, which matures on the tree, but ripens off the tree. Mexico is by far the world’s largest avocado growing country. California, Florida, and Hawaii are the top producers of avocados in the United States
酪梨被認為是一種水果,而不是蔬菜。最早發現酪梨核是在 Coxcatlan 洞穴(位於墨西哥),距今大約9,000至10,000年前。酪梨樹的原產地從墨西哥到哥斯大黎加。像香蕉一樣,酪梨是一種後熟型水果,它在樹上長成,但不在樹上成熟。墨西哥是迄今為止世界上最大的酪梨種植國。加州、佛羅裡達州和夏威夷州是美國最大的酪梨產地。

Photo Date: 2019.11, 2021.01 Location: Los Angeles County

Notes 筆記

  • The fruit of the plant, also called an avocado (or avocado pear or alligator pear), is botanically a large berry containing a single large seed. The avocado is considered as a fruit.
  • The word “avocado” comes from the Spanish aguacate, which in turn comes from the Nahuatl word āhuacatl. Sometimes the Nahuatl word was used with the meaning “testicle”, probably due to the avocado’s perceived resemblance to a testicle.
  • The oldest discovery of an avocado pit comes from Coxcatlan Cave (in Mexico), dating from around 9,000 to 10,000 years ago.
  • Avocados are commercially valuable and are cultivated in tropical and Mediterranean climates throughout the world.
  • Commercial orchards produce an average of seven tones per hectare each year, with some orchards achieving 20 tones per hectare. Biennial bearing can be a problem, with heavy crops in one year being followed by poor yields the next.
  • Like the banana, the avocado is a climacteric fruit, which matures on the tree, but ripens off the tree. Avocados used in commerce are picked hard and green and kept in coolers at 3.3 to 5.6 °C (37.9 to 42.1 °F) until they reach their final destination.
  • The species is only partially able to self-pollinate because of dichogamy in its flowering. This limitation makes the species difficult to breed. Most cultivars are propagated by grafting. Modern breeding programs tend to use isolation plots where the chances of cross-pollination are reduced. Avocados can be propagated by seed, taking roughly four to six years to bear fruit.
  • Mexico is by far the world’s largest avocado growing country. In 2017, Mexico produced 34% of the world supply of avocados.
  • The avocado was introduced from Mexico to California in the 19th century. Fallbrook, California, claims, without official recognition, the title of “Avocado Capital of the World” (also claimed by the town of Uruapan in Mexico.) Avocado is the official fruit of the state of California.
  • ‘Hass’ avocado production in Peru encompasses thousands of hectares in central and western Peru. Peru has now become the largest supplier of avocados imported to the European Union and the second largest supplier to Asia and the United States.
  • Avocado cultivars include Choquette, Gwen, Hass, Lula, Maluma, Pinkerton, Reed, Bacon, Brogden, Cleopatra, Ettinger, Fuerte, Monroe, Sharwil, Zutano.
  • Avocados have many culinary uses by different countries. They can be used in salads, salsas , smoothies or smear avocados onto toast or mash them into guacamole.
  • The leaves of Mexican avocados are used in some cuisines as a spice, with a flavor somewhat reminiscent of anise. They are sold both dried and fresh, toasted before use, and either crumbled or used whole, commonly in bean dishes.
  • Avocado is moderate to rich in several B vitamins and vitamin K, with good content of vitamin C, vitamin E and potassium. It also contains phytosterols and carotenoids, such as lutein and zeaxanthin.
  • Some people have allergic reactions to avocado.
  • Avocado leaves, bark, skin, or pit are documented to be harmful to animals.
  • 酪梨在中國稱為鱷梨,香港稱為牛油果,台湾稱為酪梨又稱油梨或樟梨。從植物學上講,它是含有一個大種子的大漿果。酪梨被認為是一種水果。
  • “酪梨”一詞來自西班牙的 aguacate,反過來又來自納瓦特爾語單詞 āhuacatl,該單詞也指睾丸,可能是由於酪梨與睾丸型狀有相似之處。
  • 最早發現酪梨核是在 Coxcatlan 洞穴(位於墨西哥),距今大約9,000至10,000年前。
  • 酪梨具有商業價值,在全世界的熱帶和地中海氣候中種植。
  • 商業果園平均每年每公頃生產 7 噸,有些果園則達到每公頃 20 噸。每兩年進行一次育種可能是一個問題,一年收成豐收,第二年收成不好。
  • 像香蕉一樣,酪梨是一種後熟型水果,它在樹上長成,但不在樹上成熟。商業中使用的酪梨要經過嚴格挑选和綠化,然後放在3.3至5.6°C(37.9至42.1°F)的冷藏器中,直至到達最終目的地。
  • 該物種由於開花時的雄雌蕊異時成熟而只能部分自花授粉。這種限制使其難以繁殖。大多數品種乃通過嫁接繁殖。現代育種計劃傾向於使用隔離地塊,以減少異花授粉的機會。酪梨可以通過種子繁殖,大約需要四到六年才能結果實。
  • 墨西哥是迄今為止世界上最大的酪梨種植國。2017年,酪梨全球供應量的34%來自墨西哥。
  • 酪梨於19世紀從墨西哥引入加州。加州法爾布魯克(Fallbrook)未經官方認可就宣稱是“世界酪梨之都”(墨西哥烏魯阿潘鎮 Uruapan 也宣稱有這一稱號)。酪梨是加州的官方水果。
  • 秘魯的“Hass”酪梨生產涵蓋秘魯中部和西部的數千公頃土地。秘魯現已成為進口到歐盟的酪梨的最大供應商,也是亞洲和美國的第二大供應商。
  • 酪梨有許多不同的種類。
  • 酪梨在不同國家有許多烹飪用途。 它們可用於沙拉,莎莎醬,冰沙或將酪梨塗在烤麵包上,或將它們搗成酪梨調味醬。
  • 墨西哥酪梨的葉子在某些美食中可用作香料,其味道略帶茴香的味道。它們既可以乾燥也可以新鮮出售,使用前烤製,或者粉碎或整片使用,通常使用在豆類菜餚中。
  • 酪梨含中等量至多量的多種維生素B和維生素K,此外維生素C,維生素E和鉀的含量也很高。 它還包含植物甾醇和類胡蘿蔔素,例如葉黃素和玉米黃質。
  • 有些人對酪梨有過敏反應。
  • 酪梨的葉子,樹皮,皮膚或種子被證明對動物有害。

Plants Posts 植物的帖子

References 參考資料